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Cm12.1 comparable kernel for the xt907

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#1 sarm1084



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Posted 11 September 2015 - 11:43 AM


Not entirely sure if this is the proper place for this question but, I couldn't find what I was looking for else where.

I'm running the latest cm12.1 nightly on my Droid RAZR M XT907 and I was just wondering if anyone knows of a good stable compatible custom kernel that will work on this device ROM combo? Thanks

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#2 jl90



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Posted 12 September 2015 - 05:21 AM

Custom kernel development is pretty much dead for the moto msm8960 phones AFAIK...I added some govs, i/o schedulers and a few tweaks to the kernel for my Dirty Unicorns builds but I don't do stand alone kernels. Tbh, I would say stick with the kernel included in cm12.1

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