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Flash RAZR HD XT926 Back to Stock


Best Answer spainter , 11 May 2015 - 10:17 AM

Start here and follow the instructions exactly. http://www.droidrzr....use-of-moto-41/

Here is where you can get the fxz file. http://www.drdevs.co...Droid RAZR HD)/

I know you said you have had problems with root. I have had my razr maxx hd rooted and unlocked since I got it new and haven't had problems with it at all.  With a nuke and repave to KitKat you shouldn't have problems.  If your bootloader is unlocked or if you want to remain stock you can flash the .15.1 version.  If you want to unlock you have to flash the .10 version and unlock before you upgrade to the .15.1.  If I were you i would read the thread clear through and look at the thread about unlocking before you make your choice.

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#1 whatdothlief



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Posted 11 May 2015 - 09:34 AM

I have had a very frustrating experience with my phone as it is, and all online resources so far have sent me to a dead end. I found a thread on here that could help with my situation; but all of the links are dead. I'll start off simple.


These are the specs on my phone:

System Version: 9.30.1.XT926.Verizon.en.US 
Model Number: Droid Razr HD 
Android Version: 4.1.2 
Baseband Version: VANQUISH_BP_100730.151.64.17P 
Kernel Version: 3.0.31-gef7deb8 
hudsoncm@il93lnxdroid86 #1 
smp preempt thu sep 25 12:05:37 CDT 2013 
Build Number: 9.8.10-94-1


The problem being, that everything on my phone works in it's own way. I have it half way rooted (SuperSU won't download binary after update).


My objective is simple. I want my phone to be able to update to the newest version of android, and I have ZERO INTEREST IN RE-ROOTING MY DEVICE. It has caused me more trouble than any rooted device ever has. My device has been stuck like this for over a year.


Anyone that has any advice on where to start would be greatly appreciated. 

#2 spainter


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 10:17 AM   Best Answer

Start here and follow the instructions exactly.

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Here is where you can get the fxz file.

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I know you said you have had problems with root. I have had my razr maxx hd rooted and unlocked since I got it new and haven't had problems with it at all.  With a nuke and repave to KitKat you shouldn't have problems.  If your bootloader is unlocked or if you want to remain stock you can flash the .15.1 version.  If you want to unlock you have to flash the .10 version and unlock before you upgrade to the .15.1.  If I were you i would read the thread clear through and look at the thread about unlocking before you make your choice.

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#3 whatdothlief



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Posted 11 May 2015 - 10:34 AM

Spainter, thank you for the reply. How do I know which FXZ file is right for my phone?

Attached Files

#4 spainter


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 11:10 AM

The two bottom files on the list are the KitKat versions I mentioned in my post.  KitKat changes the way you used external storage (SD card) and have to be modified with root permissions to regain full access. That is the way it is going forward.  You really need to spend some time reading and decide which is going to be best for you.  If you are bootloader unlocked it gives you more flexibility in what you can do.  If your bootloader is locked you have to flash the same or newer version of android.

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#5 jl90



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Posted 11 May 2015 - 08:29 PM

Just wanted to say a few words of acknowledgement to spainter. I keep seeing him all over this place helping people out with various problems and that is VERY VERY cool. Thank you. Keep on keeping on dude! :D
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#6 whatdothlief



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Posted 11 May 2015 - 08:58 PM

Thanks to both of you for the input.


Spainter, I used the program you posted a link to. It hasn't gotten me as far as I had wanted to.

It got unplugged in the middle of updating to the 4.4.2 (It is still running 4.1.2). At first it had seemed that the phone was bricked (Later determined to be soft bricked, stuck in fastboot, etc). I tried using both versions of the software, and both send me into a loading/writing 'system' loop. I will keep trying and post the results.

#7 spainter


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 09:31 PM

This will help you with the stuck in fastboot.

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Getting unpluged while flashing isn't a good thing.  Glad it didn't brick you.  Good luck. I will keep watching the thread.

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#8 whatdothlief



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Posted 11 May 2015 - 09:39 PM

I'm so close to getting it right. I got past AP Fastboot, and the phone booted up. Now I'm stuck on the setup wizard. It loops at "This might take a few minutes..". It will only let me shut down or lock. I read something about it might be a kernel problem? Thanks for being so patient with me. I've been out of the rooting scene for a few years.

#9 RikRong


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 03:03 AM

I'm so close to getting it right. I got past AP Fastboot, and the phone booted up. Now I'm stuck on the setup wizard. It loops at "This might take a few minutes..". It will only let me shut down or lock. I read something about it might be a kernel problem? Thanks for being so patient with me. I've been out of the rooting scene for a few years.

Did you factory data reset after flashing? Sometimes, you need to wipe after flashing a FXZ.
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R. Long: Pixel 5


#10 whatdothlief



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Posted 12 May 2015 - 07:25 AM

Did you factory data reset after flashing? Sometimes, you need to wipe after flashing a FXZ.

How would I go about doing that? My only menu options are fastboot.

#11 spainter


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 07:49 AM

How would I go about doing that? My only menu options are fastboot.

Using the volume up and the power button at the same time with the phone powered off you should get a menu that will let you go into recovery.

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#12 whatdothlief



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Posted 12 May 2015 - 07:55 AM

Using the volume up and the power button at the same time with the phone powered off you should get a menu that will let you go into recovery.

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I just sent you a private message on accident. I tried doing a factory reset via Recovery and it didn't change much.

#13 spainter


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 08:13 AM

I just sent you a private message on accident. I tried doing a factory reset via Recovery and it didn't change much.

When you flashed the fxz file, do you remember the options you used? IE wiping user data or not, you may have to reflash again with the same setup. Look again at the directions in House Of Moto for the directions on grabbing the log file it creates and cut and paste it to your post so we can make sure all the files necessary is being sucessfully flashed. Don't give up. We are getting there.

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#14 whatdothlief



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Posted 12 May 2015 - 09:58 AM

I tried relfashing the same software again,and now I am on fastboot with the error "boot failed". I am not at home but will be shortly. A copy of the logs will follow.

#15 whatdothlief



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Posted 12 May 2015 - 11:25 AM

Flash me log:

@echo off
::Generated script from the House of Moto 4.1.
::Generated from: VZW_XT926_4.1.2_9.8.1Q_62_VQW_MR-4_VQW_CFC.xml.zip
fastboot flash sbl1 sbl1.mbn
fastboot flash sbl2 sbl2.mbn
fastboot flash sbl3 sbl3.mbn
fastboot flash rpm rpm.mbn
set choice=
set /p choice=Flash TZ partition? [y/n]: 
if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_tz
if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_tz
if "%choice%"=="n" goto end_tz
if "%choice%"=="N" goto end_tz
goto ask_tz
   fastboot flash tz tz.mbn
goto end_tz
fastboot flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn
fastboot reboot-bootloader
ping -n 5 >nul
fastboot flash partition gpt_main0.bin
fastboot flash sbl1 sbl1.mbn
fastboot flash sbl2 sbl2.mbn
fastboot flash sbl3 sbl3.mbn
fastboot flash rpm rpm.mbn
set choice=
set /p choice=Flash TZ partition? [y/n]: 
if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_tz
if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_tz
if "%choice%"=="n" goto end_tz
if "%choice%"=="N" goto end_tz
goto ask_tz
   fastboot flash tz tz.mbn
goto end_tz
fastboot flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash devtree device_tree.bin
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash cdrom cdrom
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
fastboot erase cache
echo WARNING: Choosing yes to this option will WIPE YOUR DATA.
set choice=
set /p choice=Erase userdata partition? [y/n]: 
if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_userdata
if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_userdata
if "%choice%"=="n" goto end_userdata
if "%choice%"=="N" goto end_userdata
goto ask_userdata
   fastboot erase userdata
goto end_userdata
fastboot erase tombstones
fastboot reboot
echo Rebooting...
goto end
   echo Thanks for using the House of Moto.
and the Generate log:
Custom recovery not found.
Using factory image: VZW_XT926_4.1.2_9.8.1Q_62_VQW_MR-4_VQW_CFC.xml.zip
Extracting: boot.img
...CRC32 checksum: 2322297920
Extracting: device_tree.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 568770427
Extracting: emmc_appsboot.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 2147065313
Extracting: fsg.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 2956684387
Extracting: gpt_main0.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 2706245498
Extracting: logo.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 1380720591
Extracting: NON-HLOS.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 2394823672
Extracting: recovery.img
...CRC32 checksum: 3832249032
Extracting: rpm.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 531582925
Extracting: sbl1.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 4252760601
Extracting: sbl2.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 1663033444
Extracting: sbl3.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 1458439832
Extracting: system.img
...CRC32 checksum: 4205492228
Extracting: tz.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 656452337
Extracting: VZW_XT926_4.1.2_9.8.1Q_62_VQW_MR-4_VQW_CFC.xml
...CRC32 checksum: 4145679018
Found VZW_XT926_4.1.2_9.8.1Q_62_VQW_MR-4_VQW_CFC.xml
Writing script: C:\HouseOfMoto\MOTO\flashme.bat

#16 whatdothlief



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Posted 12 May 2015 - 11:29 AM


Flash me log:

@echo off
::Generated script from the House of Moto 4.1.
::Generated from: VZW_XT926_4.1.2_9.8.1Q_62_VQW_MR-4_VQW_CFC.xml.zip
fastboot flash sbl1 sbl1.mbn
fastboot flash sbl2 sbl2.mbn
fastboot flash sbl3 sbl3.mbn
fastboot flash rpm rpm.mbn
set choice=
set /p choice=Flash TZ partition? [y/n]: 
if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_tz
if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_tz
if "%choice%"=="n" goto end_tz
if "%choice%"=="N" goto end_tz
goto ask_tz
   fastboot flash tz tz.mbn
goto end_tz
fastboot flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn
fastboot reboot-bootloader
ping -n 5 >nul
fastboot flash partition gpt_main0.bin
fastboot flash sbl1 sbl1.mbn
fastboot flash sbl2 sbl2.mbn
fastboot flash sbl3 sbl3.mbn
fastboot flash rpm rpm.mbn
set choice=
set /p choice=Flash TZ partition? [y/n]: 
if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_tz
if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_tz
if "%choice%"=="n" goto end_tz
if "%choice%"=="N" goto end_tz
goto ask_tz
   fastboot flash tz tz.mbn
goto end_tz
fastboot flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash devtree device_tree.bin
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash cdrom cdrom
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
fastboot erase cache
echo WARNING: Choosing yes to this option will WIPE YOUR DATA.
set choice=
set /p choice=Erase userdata partition? [y/n]: 
if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_userdata
if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_userdata
if "%choice%"=="n" goto end_userdata
if "%choice%"=="N" goto end_userdata
goto ask_userdata
   fastboot erase userdata
goto end_userdata
fastboot erase tombstones
fastboot reboot
echo Rebooting...
goto end
   echo Thanks for using the House of Moto.
and the Generate log:
Custom recovery not found.
Using factory image: VZW_XT926_4.1.2_9.8.1Q_62_VQW_MR-4_VQW_CFC.xml.zip
Extracting: boot.img
...CRC32 checksum: 2322297920
Extracting: device_tree.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 568770427
Extracting: emmc_appsboot.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 2147065313
Extracting: fsg.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 2956684387
Extracting: gpt_main0.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 2706245498
Extracting: logo.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 1380720591
Extracting: NON-HLOS.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 2394823672
Extracting: recovery.img
...CRC32 checksum: 3832249032
Extracting: rpm.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 531582925
Extracting: sbl1.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 4252760601
Extracting: sbl2.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 1663033444
Extracting: sbl3.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 1458439832
Extracting: system.img
...CRC32 checksum: 4205492228
Extracting: tz.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 656452337
Extracting: VZW_XT926_4.1.2_9.8.1Q_62_VQW_MR-4_VQW_CFC.xml
...CRC32 checksum: 4145679018
Found VZW_XT926_4.1.2_9.8.1Q_62_VQW_MR-4_VQW_CFC.xml
Writing script: C:\HouseOfMoto\MOTO\flashme.bat


Also the AP fastboot menu:

Device is LOCKED. Status code: 0

Battery OK

Transfer Mode: USB Connected


No valid PIV block is SP for system

piv validation failed (system)

Fastboot reason: boot failure

USB connected

#17 spainter


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 12:11 PM

ok you decided to flash Jelly bean back?

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#18 spainter


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 12:13 PM

You may end up having to flash this

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#19 spainter


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 12:15 PM

To do that you will have to clear out the folders under the house of moto and then copy that zip file in as you did before with the jelly bean xml.zip file


It should unzip and regenerate the script for kitkat.

This is the version also that can be unlocked if you want to go that way. I would recomend that you do.

So after it flashes do not take the ota it will offer you.  We will get you unlocked and flash you to the latest version for your phone.  After you are unlocked you will have a lot more flexibility in things you can do to fix problems like this.

#20 whatdothlief



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Posted 12 May 2015 - 12:23 PM

To do that you will have to clear out the folders under the house of moto and then copy that zip file in as you did before with the jelly bean xml.zip file


Anything higher than 4.1.2 sends the Flashme prompt in a "writing/sending system" loop. Only have been successful in flashing Jellybean.

I have actually set myself a step back, now it keeps telling me flash failure.

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