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Went swimming...

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#1 kfa670



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Posted 10 April 2015 - 03:07 PM

With my 926 in my pocket.  OOps.  I pulled the phone out and it was soaked with the red LED on.  I took it home and took it apart, dried everything out really well and looked for any noticeable damaged components.  Didn't see anything so I put it back together and it booted up.  I then decided that I thought I would just turn it back off and let it air out on its own for the rest of the night. 


Now she doesn't even turn on anymore.  If I plug it into the charger the best I get is a constant green LED that turns off the minute I pull the plug.


I'm just curious if anyone has any suggestions.  Maybe battery is shot?  Or should I just get a damn new one...

#2 johnthehillbilly


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Posted 10 April 2015 - 03:10 PM

I would say it's toasted..... :(

Feeding my android addiction......... one phone at a time.....


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#3 kfa670



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Posted 10 April 2015 - 03:36 PM

Kinda what I'm thinking :p

#4 LDubs


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Posted 17 April 2015 - 11:54 AM

water and tiny electrical components do not play well together.  Something got shorted out.  Time for a new one.

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#5 johnthehillbilly


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Posted 17 April 2015 - 01:55 PM

Some parts MAY not be damaged (headphone jack, USB port, HDMI port, sim slot, etc) if you're adept with solder/de-solder you can remove those parts ... And keep them for spares

Feeding my android addiction......... one phone at a time.....


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