That was my point. Flash the build you want, THEN flash the radio you need for your carrier. Much better way to go.
LMY47I just dropped
Posted 02 April 2015 - 07:23 AM
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 02 April 2015 - 07:26 AM
Havent flashed I yet, running D with the E radio since I am on VZW and alls been good enough that I didnt jump to I least yet anyway. Since it brings back the older 95 radio, if you do that, you may want to flash back the 98 radio for VZW. I honestly didnt see much difference between the two, but I am in Los Angeles so it may depend on your locale.
Also, just as a point of reference, I think I am one of the few that didnt have a lick of trouble getting a SIM from VZW and getting it activated. Having said that, I do still show up on the site as a Non-VZW Device, but everything is working proper so far including LTE. But now that Kaos mentioned his issue on I, maybe I wont go there....
I'm running E at the moment and it looks like those radios have made a fair difference at least if I believe my speedtest results. I'm also showing that the LTE is active and I do keep LTE when I make a phone call but I don't see any of the options in the dialer that I thought were supposed to be there and for some reason I don't seem to be getting VM notifications.
Bubba, perfide lues Odocoileus virginianus felines et ubique!
Posted 02 April 2015 - 07:42 AM
like I said, for me, no real significant difference between 95 and 98. The only option for LTE is in Settings - Cellular Networks. Dont know of any options for the Dialer. I dont use Visual VM but regular VM for me is getting notifications.
Posted 02 April 2015 - 09:47 AM
like I said, for me, no real significant difference between 95 and 98. The only option for LTE is in Settings - Cellular Networks. Dont know of any options for the Dialer. I dont use Visual VM but regular VM for me is getting notifications.
Again with the Verizon Nexus 6 I had to go through a bit of account changing to get Visual VM working. A trial subscription came with the phone and had to have an account change as well as being setup from the phone in a certain way on both of the 6's we got. By the way the boxes they came in say color is black but both of the phones are blue..
Posted 09 April 2015 - 09:09 AM
Trying to reply to a specific post, but... IE is being a PITA.
And It's because this I a fresh build of Win 10, so, like, nothing is installed.
Anyhoo, Sam - but installing one particular build then installing a particular radio, is that done manually? Or is IE messing with me so I am not seeing all posts here?
Posted 09 April 2015 - 12:55 PM
Yea you flash the build you want, then flash the radio manually.
- johnlgalt likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 13 April 2015 - 02:55 AM
I must be blind...don't see VoLTE in options there.But is it any better than either the D or E builds? And Mr. Kaos, I assume you have tried going into the test menu by dialing *#*#4636#*#* and then selecting the "Turn On VoLTE Flag"? I went into my VZW account and enabled the HD calling but the use LTE option never showed up until I did that.
Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:46 AM
sent from my N6
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