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#21 SamuriHL


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 07:23 AM

That was my point.  Flash the build you want, THEN flash the radio you need for your carrier.  Much better way to go.

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#22 matjmonk


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 07:26 AM

Havent flashed I yet, running D with the E radio since I am on VZW and alls been good enough that I didnt jump to I version...at least yet anyway. Since it brings back the older 95 radio, if you do that, you may want to flash back the 98 radio for VZW. I honestly didnt see much difference between the two, but I am in Los Angeles so it may depend on your locale.


Also, just as a point of reference, I think I am one of the few that didnt have a lick of trouble getting a SIM from VZW and getting it activated. Having said that, I do still show up on the site as a Non-VZW Device, but everything is working proper so far including LTE. But now that Kaos mentioned his issue on I, maybe I wont go there....

I'm running E at the moment and it looks like those radios have made a fair difference at least if I believe my speedtest results. I'm also showing that the LTE is active and I do keep LTE when I make a phone call but I don't see any of the options in the dialer that I thought were supposed to be there and for some reason I don't seem to be getting VM notifications.

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#23 cmh714


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 07:42 AM

like I said, for me, no real significant difference between 95 and 98. The only option for LTE is in Settings - Cellular Networks. Dont know of any options for the Dialer. I dont use Visual VM but regular VM for me is getting notifications.

#24 spainter


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 09:47 AM

like I said, for me, no real significant difference between 95 and 98. The only option for LTE is in Settings - Cellular Networks. Dont know of any options for the Dialer. I dont use Visual VM but regular VM for me is getting notifications.

Again with the Verizon Nexus 6 I had to go through a bit of account changing to get Visual VM working.  A trial subscription came with the phone and had to have an account change as well as being setup from the phone in a certain way on both of the 6's we got.  By the way the boxes they came in say color is black but both of the phones are blue..

#25 johnlgalt



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Posted 09 April 2015 - 09:09 AM

Trying to reply to a specific post, but... IE is being a PITA.

And It's because this I a fresh build of Win 10, so, like, nothing is installed.


Anyhoo, Sam - but installing one particular build then installing a particular radio, is that done manually?  Or is IE messing with me so I am not seeing all posts here?

#26 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 April 2015 - 12:55 PM

Yea you flash the build you want, then flash the radio manually.

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#27 jayrod


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 02:55 AM

But is it any better than either the D or E builds? And Mr. Kaos, I assume you have tried going into the test menu by dialing *#*#4636#*#* and then selecting the "Turn On VoLTE Flag"? I went into my VZW account and enabled the HD calling but the use LTE option never showed up until I did that.

I must be blind...don't see VoLTE in options there.




#28 livinginkaos


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:46 AM

You go into programming, click the provisioning tab, reboot. Wait on reboot for a minute then go into settings/more/cellular network and the option should be in there. It takes me three or for tries to get it to take.

sent from my N6


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