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[Bionic][Mod] Extended Power Menu Mod - for stock .246

bionic power menu mod stock

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#1 DLuke


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:08 PM

-= Extended Power Menu Mod for Bionic Stock .246 =-

Whats up peeps.. i know its been a while since ive posted any mods, i just dont have as much time to dedicate to it as i would like.. never the less, B.E.McAllister recently sent me a request, and i realized that there are still plenty of people out there that are like myself and enjoy modding the stock builds to their liking themselves, rather than flashing a rom (obviously nothing against the rom devs.. you guys do amazing work).. so anyways thats what brought me to my latest challenge of porting the extended power menu mod to the Bionic stock .246 system.

**First of all, this is for people that atleast somewhat know what they're doing.. so if you dont, please dont just go flashing things and then act surprised by the shiny new brick you created.

**Second, you must be running Stock system, and you MUST be deodexed. (if you dont know what this means please search the forum, or reference my battery mod thread.. if you're already running one of my battery mods you should be good to go to install this mod.)

So.. if your on a stock deodexed system, just flash the zip via Bionic Bootstrapp.. you should know the drill..
-wipe cache
-install zip from sd card
-choose zip from sd card
-select zip

Once you've installed the mod, when you hold down the power button, you will have have a "More Options" option where the "Power Off" option used to be. select "More Options" and the extended power menu will be displayed and you will have 4 options:
-Shutdown (normal shutdown)
-Reboot (normal reboot)
-Hot Reboot (this essentially simulates a battery pull, and then boots)
-Bootloader (this reboots directly into AP fastboot mode)

Heres the zip and some screenshots:

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Well thats all for now kids.. if you have any questions or a request of some kind shoot me a pm.. ENJOY!!
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**So ive always held out on adding a donate link because this is just something i do for enjoyment.. but i have received a few requests recently to add one.. so if you enjoy my work and would like to buy me a beer or put some gas in my car, that would be very much appreciated.. but please continue to freely enjoy my mods without any feeling of obligation what-so-ever.. the last thing i want by adding this is for people to stop using my mods because they fell obligated.. Thanks

#2 unchoney



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Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:42 PM

Awesome! Your the man!

#3 twinkyz1979


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Posted 08 February 2013 - 01:47 PM

Being that i am on 247 lol i am now testing this out and will let you know if it works.

It works great. Thanks for taking the time to create such a thing for us Bionic people. ;)

You may want to consider adding 247 to the OP. Also might want to create some kind of uninstaller for those who have whatever reason to no longer want the mod and can't figure out how to get rid of it on their own. - just a few thoughts to consider -

Before questions are asked i have to many things setup the way i want them on 247 to go on to 246 to be on the path again at this point in time.

#4 johnlgalt



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Posted 08 February 2013 - 02:32 PM

That's what TiBu is for Twink lol....

#5 twinkyz1979


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Posted 08 February 2013 - 04:37 PM

That's what TiBu is for Twink lol....

I use that but when i say to many things setup the way i want them i mean my home screens lmao to many things to do in order to get it to look the same. Maybe you could just call me lazy.

Long story short i have to do them anyway since i didn't use the golden rule of backup before modding i am now going to 246.

#6 johnlgalt



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Posted 08 February 2013 - 04:57 PM

Whoops - lol.

Ahhh, the joy of all those shenanigans....

#7 DLuke


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 11:29 AM

ya twink im still running .247 myself.. i figured theres no real reason for me to go to 246 right now and waste all my time resetting everything back up.. once some jb leaks start rollin out, then ill just go .246 to jb all at once.. i did use .246 files for the mod though, since that is what most are probably on.. but ya its fine for those of us still on .247 as well..

oh and as for an 'undo-the-mod' zip.. ya i can through one together very easily.. ill put it in the OP when i get a sec..

anyways.. take it easy guys.. glad you appreciate the mod!
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**So ive always held out on adding a donate link because this is just something i do for enjoyment.. but i have received a few requests recently to add one.. so if you enjoy my work and would like to buy me a beer or put some gas in my car, that would be very much appreciated.. but please continue to freely enjoy my mods without any feeling of obligation what-so-ever.. the last thing i want by adding this is for people to stop using my mods because they fell obligated.. Thanks

#8 mhous33


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:34 AM

awesome work man! i tried to do this myself following a tutorial on xda but it required editing smali files that don't exist in ics. can't wait to tear this apart and see how you did it :)

#9 DLuke


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 03:08 PM

awesome work man! i tried to do this myself following a tutorial on xda but it required editing smali files that don't exist in ics. can't wait to tear this apart and see how you did it :)

thanks man.. ya i hate smali editing.. no matter what i do, the language in smali files remains foreign to me.. although this ended up being one of those mods that was giving me hell for a while but then when i finally got it was like, "wow.. thats all I needed to do huh?" .. but in a nut shell, I needed to modify android.policy.jar.. and among the many many .smali files within android.policy.jar, there are about 10 different GlobalActionsXX.smali files, and i ended up needing to create a new one and edit a couple of the existing ones.. the nice part about it though was that i was able to get it done with just the android.policy.jar and without touching any of the framework (because all of the other systems and ROMs with the extended power menu that i was using for reference had edits to other files as well).. which i wanted to avoid, so that way it should be able to be flashed on top of any other mods people may have installed without affecting the previous mods, cause i doubt any other mods involved the android.policy.jar.. but most others do involve the framework or systemUI
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**So ive always held out on adding a donate link because this is just something i do for enjoyment.. but i have received a few requests recently to add one.. so if you enjoy my work and would like to buy me a beer or put some gas in my car, that would be very much appreciated.. but please continue to freely enjoy my mods without any feeling of obligation what-so-ever.. the last thing i want by adding this is for people to stop using my mods because they fell obligated.. Thanks

#10 mhous33


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 11:30 PM

i hear ya, i stay away from smali editing, hurts my head to look at it and try to make sense of it lol.

#11 twinkyz1979


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 10:33 AM

Any chance of getting this for JB?

#12 DLuke


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 10:46 AM

ya, MarkusMcNugen made one...


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**So ive always held out on adding a donate link because this is just something i do for enjoyment.. but i have received a few requests recently to add one.. so if you enjoy my work and would like to buy me a beer or put some gas in my car, that would be very much appreciated.. but please continue to freely enjoy my mods without any feeling of obligation what-so-ever.. the last thing i want by adding this is for people to stop using my mods because they fell obligated.. Thanks

#13 twinkyz1979


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 11:21 AM

ya, MarkusMcNugen made one...


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