I'd like to discuss which System Apps can be safely frozen with the new RAZR/RAZR MAXX Jelly Bean 98.72.8 release that many of us have manually switched to. I've taken a full inventory of System Apps and listed them below including which ones I've safely frozen (not removed) as of 12/28/12. This list is generated from a RAZR MAXX that was updated to 98.72.8 and factory data wiped.
Your comments and opinions are welcomed so that we can create a reliable list that I'll gladly maintain here.
Updated 01/04/13
Accounts (com.keramidas.virtual.ACCOUNTS)
SAFE TO FREEZE - AcousticWarning 1.0 (com.motorola.acousticwarning)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Amazon Kindle (com.amazon.kindle)
Android keyboard (AOSP) 4.1.2-26 (com.android.inputmethod.latin)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Android Live Wallpapers 4.1.2-26 (com.android.wallpaper)
Aplogd Settings 2.0 (com.motorola.android.settings.aplogd)
Application Widgets (com.keramidas.virtual.APP_WIDGETS)
AtCMD Launcher 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.atcmdlauncher)
AtCommandService 1.1 (com.motorola.atcmd)
Audio Effects 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.audioeffects)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Backup Assistant Plus 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.android.buacontactadapter)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Backup Assistant+ Contacts Client 1.0 (com.motorola.BackupAssistanceClient)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Backup Assistant+ Media 1.0 (com.motorola.vzw.vmm)
Bluetooth Pairings (com.keramidas.virtual.BLUETOOTH_PAIRINGS)
Bluetooth Share 4.1.2-26 (com.android.bluetooth)
BluetoothDun 1.0 (com.motorola.bluetooth)
BluetoothLe 1.0 (com.motorola.bluetoothle)
Bookmarks (stock browser) (com.keramidas.virtual.XML_BOOKMARKS)
Browser 4.1.2-26 (com.android.browser)
BrowserMessage 2.0 (com.motorola.wappushsi)
Bubbles 1.0 (com.android.noisefield)
Calculator 4.1.2-26 (com.android.calculator2)
Calendar 4.1.2-26 (com.android.calendar)
Calendar Storage 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.calendar)
Call log (com.keramidas.virtual.XML_CALL_LOG)
Camera 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.camera)
Certificate Installer 4.1.2-26 (com.android.certinstaller)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Chrome 18.0.1025469 (com.android.chrome)
Clock 2.0.3 (com.android.deskclock)
com.android.backupconfirm 4.1.2-26 (com.android.backupconfirm)
com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks)
com.android.sharedstoragebackup 4.1.2-26 (com.android.sharedstoragebackup)
com.android.smspush 4.1.2-26 (com.android.smspush)
com.android.wallpaper.holospiral 4.1.2-26 (com.android.wallpaper.holospiral)
com.google.android.voicesearch 4.0.0 (com.google.android.voicesearch)
com.motorola.android.extdispservice 1.0.0 (com.motorola.android.extdispservice)
com.motorola.android.omadrm 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.android.omadrm)
com.motorola.atcmd.plugin 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.atcmd.plugin)
com.motorola.atcmd.plugin.qc 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.atcmd.plugin.qc)
com.motorola.atcmd.plugin.vzw 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.atcmd.plugin.vzw)
com.motorola.dataroaming 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.dataroaming)
com.motorola.devicemanagement 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.devicemanagement)
com.motorola.hiddenmenu 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.hiddenmenu)
com.motorola.huxvmm.backup 1.0 (com.motorola.huxvmm.backup)
com.motorola.huxvmm.setting 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.huxvmm.setting)
com.motorola.phoneaddons 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.phoneaddons)
SAFE TO FREEZE - com.motorola.setupwizard.controller 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.setupwizard.controller)
SAFE TO FREEZE - com.motorola.setupwizard.phoneservice 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.setupwizard.phoneservice)
com.motorola.usbcamera 1.0.0 (com.motorola.usbcamera)
com.motorola.vmm.filemanager 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.vmm.filemanager)
com.motorola.vzw.phone.extensions 1.0 (com.motorola.vzw.phone.extensions)
com.motorola.vzw.settings.extensions 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.vzw.settings.extensions)
com.verizon.permissions.appdirectedsms 1.0 (com.verizon.permissions.appdirectedsms)
com.verizon.permissions.vzwappapn 1.0 (com.verizon.permissions.vzwappapn)
ConnMO 1.0 (com.motorola.android.sdm.plugins.connmo)
Contacts 4.1.2-26 (com.android.contacts)
Contacts Storage 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.contacts)
Cool Down Mode 1.0.0 (com.android.batteryreport)
Country, Language, Time zone (com.keramidas.virtual.COUNTRY_LANG_TZ)
CQATest 2.4.9 (com.motorola.motocit)
Data usage (Policy & Stats) (com.keramidas.virtual.DATA_USAGE)
DataOffload 1.0 (com.motorola.dataoffloading)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Demo mode 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.demomode)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Desk Dock (com.motorola.smartmode)
Dictionary Provider 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.inputmethod.latin.dictionarypack)
SAFE TO FREEZE - DlnaSystemService 1.0 (com.motorola.android.dlnasystemservice)
DMService 1.0.0 (com.motorola.android.dm.service)
DockComm 1.0 (com.motorola.dockcomm)
Download Manager 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.downloads)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Downloads 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.downloads.ui)
DRM Protected Content Storage 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.drm)
Email 4.7 (com.motorola.motoemail)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Emergency Alerts 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.cmas)
entitlement 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.service.vzw.entitlement)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Face Unlock 4.1.2-509230 (com.android.facelock)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Facebook 2.0 (com.facebook.katana)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Files 6.0.8 (com.motorola.filemanager)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Forest Wallpaper 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.wallpaper.forest)
Gallery 1.1.40000 (com.motorola.MotGallery2)
Global Unplug 1.0 (com.motorola.globalunplug)
Gmail 4.2.1 (com.google.android.gm)
Google Account Manager 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.gsf.login)
Google Backup Transport 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.backup)
Google Bookmarks Sync 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.syncadapters.bookmarks)
Google Calendar Sync 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar)
Google Contacts Sync 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts)
Google One Time Init 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.onetimeinitializer)
Google Partner Setup 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.partnersetup)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Google Play Books 2.7.25 (com.google.android.apps.books)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Google Play Magazines 1.2.0 (com.google.android.apps.magazines)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Google Play Movies & TV 2.3.7 (com.google.android.videos)
Google Play Music 4.4.811H.526848 (com.google.android.music)
Google Play services 2.0.12 (543433-10) (com.google.android.gms)
Google Play Store 3.10.10 (com.android.vending)
Google Search (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox)
Google Services Framework 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.gsf)
Google Text-to-speech Engine 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.tts)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Google+ (com.google.android.apps.plus)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Help Center 1.0 (com.motorola.blur.helpcenter)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Home screen tips 1.0 (com.android.protips)
Homescreen 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.blur.home)
Homescreen VZW Config (com.motorola.homescreen.config)
HostDeviceAgent 1.0 (com.motorola.android.hostdeviceagent)
SAFE TO FREEZE - How-to Videos 1.0 (com.motorola.guidedtours)
SAFE TO FREEZE - HTML Viewer 4.1.2-26 (com.android.htmlviewer)
Ils 4.1.2-26 (com.aloqa.me.client_modules.android.ils_vzw)
IMSCServer 1.0 (com.motorola.android.server.ims)
In case of emergency 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.contacts.ice)
Input Devices 4.1.2-26 (com.android.inputdevices)
JavaTcmdHelper 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.android.jvtcmd)
Key Chain 4.1.2-26 (com.android.keychain)
Lawmo 1.0 (com.motorola.android.sdm.plugin.lawmo)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Live Wallpaper Picker 4.1.2-26 (com.android.wallpaper.livepicker)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Magic Smoke Wallpapers 4.1.2-26 (com.android.magicsmoke)
Manage SIM card 1.0 (com.motorola.simmanager)
Maps 6.14.2 (com.google.android.apps.maps)
Market Feedback Agent 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.feedback)
MdmMoveNotice 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.mdmmovenotice)
Media Storage 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.media)
Messages (SMS & MMS) (com.keramidas.virtual.XML_MESSAGES)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Mobile Hotspot 1.0 (com.motorola.hotspotlauncher)
ModemStatsService 1.0 (com.motorola.bach.modemstats)
Moto Chinese Input (com.motorola.inputmethod.entry)
Moto English 1.3.0 (com.motorola.inputmethod.latin)
Moto Smart Handwriting 2.2.0 (com.motorola.inputmethod.motosmarthandwriting)
Moto Stroke 1.0.3 (com.motorola.inputmethod.stroke)
Moto 拼音 1.3.7 (com.motorola.inputmethod.gpinyin)
MotoCare 1.1 (com.motorola.motocare)
MotoCareInt 1.0 (com.motorola.motocare.internal)
SAFE TO FREEZE - MotoCast 2.0.78 (com.motorola.motocast.app)
MotoEmailConfig 4.0 (com.motorola.emailconfig)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Motorola Dock Helper Service 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.dockhelperservice)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Motorola Dock Service 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.dockservice)
Motorola Services 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.blur.service.blur)
MotoSignatureApp 1.0 (com.motorola.motosignature.app)
Movement detection 2.1 (com.motorola.contextual.Motion)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Movie Studio 1.1 (com.google.android.videoeditor)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Music 1.0 (com.motorola.motmusic)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Music Visualization Wallpapers 4.1.2-26 (com.android.musicvis)
My Accounts 1.0 (com.motorola.setup.outofbox)
SAFE TO FREEZE - My Verizon Mobile 10.0.332 (com.vzw.hss.myverizon)
Netflix 2.1.1 build 751 (com.netflix.mediaclient)
Network Location 1.1.10 (com.google.android.location)
NewBayService 1.3.52 (com.vcast.service)
NfcUi 1.0 (com.motorola.nfcui)
SAFE TO FREEZE - NFL Mobile (com.mobitv.client.nfl2010)
OMA Client Provisioning 1.0.0 (com.motorola.android.provisioning)
On Device Provisioning 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.service.selfprovisioning)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Online Album 1.0 (com.motorola.onlinealbum)
Package Access Helper 4.1.2-26 (com.android.defcontainer)
Package installer 4.1.2-26 (com.android.packageinstaller)
PGM System 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.pgmsystem)
Phase Beam 1.0 (com.android.phasebeam)
Phone 4.1.2-26 (com.android.phone)
Phone/Messaging Storage 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.telephony)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Picasa Uploader 1.1.40000 (com.google.android.apps.uploader)
Preset 1.0 (com.motorola.contacts.preloadcontacts)
Programming Menu 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.programmenu)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Quickoffice® 5.7.107 (com.qo.android.moto)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Rescue Security 7.0.463 (com.lmi.motorola.rescuesecurity)
Search Applications Provider 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.applications)
Settings 4.1.2-26 (com.android.settings)
Settings Storage 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.settings)
Settings Storage 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.android.providers.settings)
Setup 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.blur.setup)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Setup Wizard 1.0 (com.motorola.setupwizard.locationconsent)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Setup Wizard 1.3 (com.google.android.setupwizard)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Setup Wizard 1.0 (com.motorola.setupwizard.devicesetup)
SetupSettings 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.blur.setupsettings)
SIM Toolkit 4.1.2-26 (com.android.stk)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Slacker Radio 3.2.2096 (com.slacker.radio)
SmartActions (com.motorola.contextual.smartrules)
SmartActions Android Framework 1.0.24 (com.motorola.contextual.fw)
SmartActions Proprietary Framework 1.0.1 (com.motorola.contextual.mfw)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Sound Recorder 4.1.2-26 (com.android.soundrecorder)
Street View (com.google.android.street)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Swype (com.swype.android.inputmethod)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Sync Service (com.fusionone.android.sync.service)
System UI 4.1.2-26 (com.android.systemui)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Tags 1.1 (com.google.android.tag)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Talk 4.1.2-509230 (com.google.android.talk)
TalkBack 3.1.1_r68 (com.google.android.marvin.talkback)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Tasks 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.tasks)
Text Messaging 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.messaging)
Updater 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.blur.updater)
User Dictionary 4.1.2-26 (com.android.providers.userdictionary)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Vehicle Mode (com.motorola.smartcardock)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Verizon Login 3.1.8 (com.motricity.verizon.ssodownloadable)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Verizon Remote Diagnostics (com.Aetherpal.Device)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Verizon Tones 5.1.1 (com.vzw.hs.android.modlite)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Video Calling 1.3 (com.verizon.android.videocallingportal)
Voice Commands JBREL1-1.2.11 (com.nuance.android.vsuite.vsuiteapp)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Voicemail 2.0 (com.motorola.vvm)
VpnDialogs 4.1.2-26 (com.android.vpndialogs)
SAFE TO FREEZE - VZ Navigator (com.vznavigator.DROIDRAZR)
VZWAPNService 8.0 (com.vzw.apnservice)
VzwSecureSettingsApp 1.0 (com.verizon.settings.secure)
Wallpaper (com.keramidas.virtual.WALLPAPER)
SAFE TO FREEZE - Webtop 1.0 (com.android.portal)
SAFE TO FREEZE - WelcomeWebtop 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.welcome)
Wi-Fi Access Points (com.keramidas.virtual.WIFI_AP_LIST)
Wi-Fi Access Points (com.keramidas.virtual.XML_WIFI_AP_LIST)
SAFE TO FREEZE - YouTube 4.2.16 (com.google.android.youtube)
Safely Frozen Apps - Jelly Bean 98.72.8
Started by
, Dec 28 2012 07:01 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 03 January 2013 - 03:17 PM
Here is my addition, ones in red should only be frozen, the ones in bold can be removed only if you have a replacement app in place, and the rest can be uninstalled. With the exception of AcousticWarning (a new one) I have done this safely for previous ICS and this JB OTA.
RescueSecurity and Help Center should ALWAYS be frozen or removed unless you want Verizon to have easy access to your phone. Besides the 2 BugtoGo files in BIN I am sure they have more ways to spy on us but we really make it too easy with the afore-mentioned apps
AcousticWarning 1.0 (com.motorola.acousticwarning)
com.motorola.setupwizard.controller 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.setupwizard.controller)
com.motorola.setupwizard.phoneservice 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.setupwizard.phoneservice)
com.motorola.vmm.filemanager 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.vmm.filemanager)
DlnaSystemService 1.0 (com.motorola.android.dlnasystemservice)
Facebook 2.0 (com.
Google+ (com.google.android.apps.plus)
Maps 6.14.2 (com.google.android.apps.maps)
My 10.0.332 (com.vzw.hss.myverizon)
Quickoffice® 5.7.107 (com.qo.android.moto)
Rescue Security 7.0.463 (com.lmi.motorola.rescuesecurity)
Homescreen 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.blur.home)
Homescreen VZW Config (com.motorola.homescreen.config)
Sync Service (com.fusionone.android.sync.service)
Verizon Login 3.1.8 (com.motricity.verizon.ssodownloadable)
Verizon Remote Diagnostics (com.Aetherpal.Device)
YouTube 4.2.16 (com.google.android.youtube)
RescueSecurity and Help Center should ALWAYS be frozen or removed unless you want Verizon to have easy access to your phone. Besides the 2 BugtoGo files in BIN I am sure they have more ways to spy on us but we really make it too easy with the afore-mentioned apps
AcousticWarning 1.0 (com.motorola.acousticwarning)
com.motorola.setupwizard.controller 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.setupwizard.controller)
com.motorola.setupwizard.phoneservice 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.setupwizard.phoneservice)
com.motorola.vmm.filemanager 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.vmm.filemanager)
DlnaSystemService 1.0 (com.motorola.android.dlnasystemservice)
Facebook 2.0 (com.
Google+ (com.google.android.apps.plus)
Maps 6.14.2 (com.google.android.apps.maps)
My 10.0.332 (com.vzw.hss.myverizon)
Quickoffice® 5.7.107 (com.qo.android.moto)
Rescue Security 7.0.463 (com.lmi.motorola.rescuesecurity)
Homescreen 4.1.2-26 (com.motorola.blur.home)
Homescreen VZW Config (com.motorola.homescreen.config)
Sync Service (com.fusionone.android.sync.service)
Verizon Login 3.1.8 (com.motricity.verizon.ssodownloadable)
Verizon Remote Diagnostics (com.Aetherpal.Device)
YouTube 4.2.16 (com.google.android.youtube)
- Thach, stealthmouse, fa3sr011 and 2 others like this
#3 Guest_24v_*
Posted 05 January 2013 - 06:35 AM
I pinned this one. Good post, thanks for the info guys.
- fa3sr011 likes this
Posted 08 January 2013 - 02:40 AM
Hey can anyone kinda give an explanation of what this stuff does....some of it may affect things we use....thanks in advance from us slower generation people.
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