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House of Moto [4.3]

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#121 ggoble



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Posted 21 February 2015 - 08:33 AM

Flash issue:


o) Provide the following information:


-Model of phone

Motorola Droid Bionic xt875

-Exact system version the phone was on before flashing (4.1.2 is NOT a version)

Unknown... All there is after flashing is a blank screen.

-Exact filename of the FXZ you are attempting to flash


-The text of the AP Fastboot mode

...AP Fastboot Flash Mod (S)




Battery OK

Ok to Program

Connect USB

Data Cable


-The contents of the flashme.bat/sh file from the HouseOfMoto/MOTO folder







fastboot flash mbm allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin

fastboot reboot-bootloader

sleep 5

fastboot reboot-bootloader

fastboot flash mbmloader mbmloader.bin

fastboot flash mbm mbm.bin

fastboot reboot-bootloader

sleep 5

fastboot reboot-bootloader

fastboot flash cdt.bin cdt.bin

fastboot reboot-bootloader

sleep 5

fastboot reboot-bootloader

fastboot erase cache


function flashUserData() {

fastboot erase userdata



echo "WARNING: Choosing yes to this option will WIPE YOUR DATA."

read -p "Erase user data? [y/n]: " yesorno

case "$yesorno" in

y*) flashUserData ;;

n*) echo "" ;;



fastboot erase userdata

fastboot flash lbl lbl

fastboot flash logo.bin logo.bin

fastboot flash ebr ebr

fastboot flash mbr mbr

fastboot flash devtree device_tree.bin

fastboot flash system system.img

fastboot flash boot boot.img

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

fastboot flash cdrom cdrom

fastboot flash preinstall preinstall.img

fastboot flash webtop vendor.img

fastboot flash radio radio.img

fastboot reboot

echo "Rebooting..."


echo "Thanks for using the House of Moto."

echo "Press Enter To Continue"


-The text copied from the flashme.bat/sh run (select all the text, copy it, and paste it into your post)

dlw@dlw-HP:~/MOTO-0/MOTO$ sudo ./flashme.sh

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'mbm' (256 KB)...

OKAY [ 0.022s]

writing 'mbm'...

OKAY [ 0.442s]

finished. total time: 0.464s

rebooting into bootloader...

OKAY [ 0.112s]

finished. total time: 0.112s

rebooting into bootloader...

OKAY [ 0.006s]

finished. total time: 0.006s

< waiting for device >

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'mbmloader' (41 KB)...

OKAY [ 0.010s]

writing 'mbmloader'...

OKAY [ 0.289s]

finished. total time: 0.299s

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'mbm' (256 KB)...

OKAY [ 0.020s]

writing 'mbm'...

OKAY [ 0.457s]

finished. total time: 0.477s

rebooting into bootloader...

OKAY [ 0.110s]

finished. total time: 0.110s

rebooting into bootloader...

OKAY [ 0.006s]

finished. total time: 0.006s

< waiting for device >

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'cdt.bin' (16 KB)...

OKAY [ 0.008s]

writing 'cdt.bin'...

OKAY [ 0.565s]

finished. total time: 0.573s

rebooting into bootloader...

OKAY [ 0.285s]

finished. total time: 0.285s

rebooting into bootloader...

OKAY [ 0.007s]

finished. total time: 0.007s

< waiting for device >

erasing 'cache'...

OKAY [ 0.012s]

finished. total time: 0.012s

WARNING: Choosing yes to this option will WIPE YOUR DATA.

Erase user data? [y/n]: n


erasing 'userdata'...

OKAY [ 0.012s]

finished. total time: 0.012s

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

error: cannot load 'lbl': No such file or directory


target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'logo.bin' (854 KB)...

OKAY [ 0.055s]

writing 'logo.bin'...

OKAY [ 0.264s]

finished. total time: 0.319s

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

error: cannot load 'ebr': No such file or directory


target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

error: cannot load 'mbr': No such file or directory


target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'devtree' (512 KB)...

OKAY [ 0.035s]

writing 'devtree'...

OKAY [ 0.450s]

finished. total time: 0.485s

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'system' (491264 KB)...

OKAY [ 26.749s]

writing 'system'...

OKAY [ 44.335s]

finished. total time: 71.084s

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'boot' (8192 KB)...

OKAY [ 0.450s]

writing 'boot'...

OKAY [ 1.326s]

finished. total time: 1.776s

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'recovery' (9216 KB)...

OKAY [ 0.517s]

writing 'recovery'...

OKAY [ 1.372s]

finished. total time: 1.889s

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

error: cannot load 'cdrom': No such file or directory


target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'preinstall' (311296 KB)...

OKAY [ 16.797s]

writing 'preinstall'...

OKAY [ 27.025s]

finished. total time: 43.822s

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

Invalid sparse file format at header magi

sending sparse 'webtop' (142189 KB)...

OKAY [ 7.830s]

writing 'webtop'...

OKAY [ 13.473s]

finished. total time: 21.303s

target reported max download size of 1056964608 bytes

sending 'radio' (21932 KB)...

OKAY [ 1.202s]

writing 'radio'...

OKAY [ 1.780s]

finished. total time: 2.982s



finished. total time: 0.111s


Thanks for using the House of Moto.

Press Enter To Continue



-The text copied from the HouseOfMoto/Generate.log file

Custom recovery not found.

Using factory image: cdma_targa_9.8.2O-72_VZW-22_cfc.xml.zip

Extracting: allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin

...CRC32 checksum: 1868083520

Extracting: boot.img

...CRC32 checksum: 1829314453

Extracting: cdma_targa_9.8.2O-72_VZW-22_cfc.xml

...CRC32 checksum: 1558335926

Extracting: cdt.bin

...CRC32 checksum: 1185432538

Extracting: device_tree.bin

...CRC32 checksum: 3074092374

Extracting: emstorage.img

...CRC32 checksum: 3509342191

Extracting: logo.bin

...CRC32 checksum: 804432808

Extracting: mbm.bin

...CRC32 checksum: 3926104945

Extracting: mbmloader.bin

...CRC32 checksum: 3352828096

Extracting: preinstall.img

...CRC32 checksum: 914053696

Extracting: radio.img


-Details of everything you've "tried"

Tried the above 3 times in Ubuntu.

Tried with RSD Lite twice in W7.

-Any other pertinent information that will help us diagnose and fix your problem.

The problem now it there is no screen after boot. 'M' comes up, then goes off. Nothing after that except sound.

#122 SamuriHL


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Posted 22 February 2015 - 09:59 AM

Your FXZ is corrupt.  Download it again and check the MD5 hash.

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#123 dbrewer0064



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Posted 22 February 2015 - 02:21 PM

Thanks you so much, I messed the phone up while trying to unlock it with Radio Comm and the sound stopped working. This fixed it! Thanks!

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#124 o0RaWKeR0o



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Posted 23 February 2015 - 03:42 PM

Wow, this was almost too easy! My phone has been griping at me to update for the longest time, and I have been unable to. I've been searching for many months for a way to bring my Razr M back to its "minty factory fresh state" and not only did this solve all my issues and allow my to update, but it FINALLY shut up my Navi-like update reminder :D


Huge thanks for this!

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#125 poohbears



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Posted 02 March 2015 - 10:19 AM

i get the phone fails to switch to fastboot mode what to do now

#126 SamuriHL


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 10:48 AM

Post usable information.

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#127 poohbears



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Posted 02 March 2015 - 11:08 AM

I got one side that has n/a which the other one says all the info and I hit start flashing on rsd and it fails

#128 SamuriHL


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 11:35 AM

That sounds like you're using RSD which has nothing at all to do with the House of Moto.  You're going to need to open a new thread and detail EXACTLY what you're doing, exactly what you're seeing, and exactly the error you're getting.  Otherwise, no one's going to be able to help you.  The equivalent of the information you've given us so far is "my car's making a noise, tell me how to fix it".  

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#129 GroundSloth



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 03:09 PM



FIRSTLY, Thank you for all of the support in the past. House of Moto is the best!!!!!! I've used it to to unlock/root my previous XT926 and it has always fixed my issues. HoM gets cleaner, simpler and faster with time. 



I recently received an XT926 replacement device from Motorola. I have been wanting to unlock the bootloader/root BUT when I'm using the phone the screen seems to blackout (like a stutter of memory, the screen just flashes black then returns to normal). I was concerned about a hardware issue thus have kept it stock. I have done multiple factory resets from the recovery and the problem persists.


It appears I could use HoM and the KDA20.62-10-1 from (

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) to flash a fresh OTA to the phone to test the software. 


System - 183.46.10.XT926.Verizon.en.US

Model - Razr Maxx HD

Android - 4.4.2

Baseband - vanquish_bp_100741.020.64.21p

Kernel - 3.4.42-g4ee9163

Build - KDA20.62-10.1



1.  Is my logic correct...Should I try a fresh flash for this problem using HoM and the file mentioned OR can you provide an insight to my issue?

2.  Do you think this is a hardware issue? (I really want to unlock the BL but was waiting for fear of warranty issues.)


Thank you in advance

#130 SamuriHL


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 03:41 PM

You could try.  I have no idea if it's a hardware problem or not but it can't hurt to fresh flash it.

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#131 maneddi



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Posted 08 March 2015 - 11:12 PM

Model of phone  xt926
-Exact system version the phone was on before flashing (4.1.2 is NOT a version) it was .15 i don't remember it all and i'm stuck in fastboot
-Exact filename of the FXZ you are attempting to flash  VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_CFC_1FF.xml
-The text of the AP Fastboot mode
device is locked
status code 0
battery ok
transfer mode
usb connected
no valid PIV block in SP for system
piv validation failed(system)
fast boot reason boot failure
usb connected
-The contents of the flashme.bat/sh file from the HouseOfMoto/MOTO folder
i'm not sure what you want here. isn't this the same as the next one?
-The text copied from the flashme.bat/sh run (select all the text, copy it, and paste it into your post)
@echo off
::Generated script from the House of Moto 4.1.
::Generated from: VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_CFC_1FF.xml.zip
set choice=
set /p choice=Flash GPT partition? [y/n]: 
if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_gpt
if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_gpt
if "%choice%"=="n" goto end_gpt
if "%choice%"=="N" goto end_gpt
goto ask_gpt
   fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
goto end_gpt
fastboot flash sbl1 sbl1.mbn
fastboot flash sbl2 sbl2.mbn
fastboot flash sbl3 sbl3.mbn
fastboot flash rpm rpm.mbn
set choice=
set /p choice=Flash TZ partition? [y/n]: 
if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_tz
if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_tz
if "%choice%"=="n" goto end_tz
if "%choice%"=="N" goto end_tz
goto ask_tz
   fastboot flash tz tz.mbn
goto end_tz
fastboot flash aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot erase tombstones
fastboot erase cache
echo WARNING: Choosing yes to this option will WIPE YOUR DATA.
set choice=
set /p choice=Erase userdata partition? [y/n]: 
if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_userdata
if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_userdata
if "%choice%"=="n" goto end_userdata
if "%choice%"=="N" goto end_userdata
goto ask_userdata
   fastboot erase userdata
goto end_userdata
fastboot reboot
echo Rebooting...
goto end
   echo Thanks for using the House of Moto.
-The text copied from the HouseOfMoto/Generate.log file
Custom recovery not found.
Using factory image: VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_CFC_1FF.xml.zip
Extracting: gpt.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 1905572778
Extracting: sbl3.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 3659908926
Extracting: logo.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 321084888
Extracting: sbl2.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 3090468626
Extracting: emmc_appsboot.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 90899438
Extracting: fsg.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 1133177070
Extracting: sbl1.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 192526102
Extracting: system.img
...CRC32 checksum: 1766757038
Extracting: rpm.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 2091525295
Extracting: NON-HLOS.bin
...CRC32 checksum: 3098529230
Extracting: tz.mbn
...CRC32 checksum: 622631404
Extracting: recovery.img
...CRC32 checksum: 1159195623
Extracting: boot.img
...CRC32 checksum: 1780741306
Extracting: VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_CFC_1FF.xml
...CRC32 checksum: 282385145
Found VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_CFC_1FF.xml
Writing script: C:\HouseOfMoto\MOTO\flashme.bat
-Details of everything you've "tried"
tried flashing this twice. it looks like the script did not complete since it did not prompt me to click finish but i've never used this before and it's been years since i messed with a phone. 
-Any other pertinent information that will help us diagnose and fix your problem.
when flashing, it gets to writing system and then the error 
infoprotocol error (multiflash unexpected)
failed ( remote failure)

#132 bataglia



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Posted 22 March 2015 - 05:21 PM

Model of phone xt925

-Exact system version the phone was on before flashing - CyanogenMod cm-12-20150319 that never worked, 4.4.2 Kit Kat before it

-Exact filename of the FXZ you are attempting to flash - 9.8.2Q-50-XT925_VQLM-20_Vivo_BR_VANQJBVIVBRLA_S1FF_v2_fb.xml.zip

-The text of the AP Fastboot mode
device is UNLOCKED
status code 3
battery ok
transfer mode
usb connected

My problem:

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'partition_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'sbl1_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'sbl2_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'sbl3_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'rpm_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'tz_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'aboot_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'modem_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'fsg_signed': No error

erasing 'modemst1'...
OKAY [ 0.643s]
finished. total time: 0.646s
erasing 'modemst2'...
OKAY [ 0.642s]
finished. total time: 0.645s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'logo': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'devtree_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'boot_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'recovery_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'system_signed': No error

(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target max-download-size: 30MB
error: cannot load 'cdrom_signed': No error

erasing 'tombstones'...
OKAY [ 0.785s]
finished. total time: 0.787s
erasing 'cache'...
OKAY [ 1.056s]
finished. total time: 1.060s
WARNING: Choosing yes to this option will WIPE YOUR DATA.
Erase userdata partition? [y/n]: n

finished. total time: 0.008s
Thanks for using the House of Moto.
Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .

Custom recovery not found.
Using factory image: 9.8.2Q-50-XT925_VQLM-20_Vivo_BR_VANQJBVIVBRLA_S1FF_v2_fb.xml.zip
Extracting: 9.8.2Q-50-XT925_VQLM-20_Vivo_BR_VANQJBVIVBRLA_S1FF_v2_fb.xml
...CRC32 checksum: 3612564727
Found 9.8.2Q-50-XT925_VQLM-20_Vivo_BR_VANQJBVIVBRLA_S1FF_v2_fb.xml
Writing script: C:\HouseOfMoto\MOTO\flashme.bat

There was no lines containing , so I have no idea whats going on

#133 timlupardus



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 09:25 AM

Powered on my (locked/unrooted) Verizon XT926 the other morning and it would not get passed the red eye animation (waited 12 hours).  

Tried to wipe cache, no change.  Tried factory reset, no change.


Used your tools listed in this thread to flash VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_CFC_1FF.xml.zip to the phone.


I now have a working phone again.




-- Tim.

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#134 dinger4u



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Posted 02 April 2015 - 09:22 AM

I have taken all the OTA's on my xt926 but I have unlocked BL. Been looking & thought it was possible to flash TWRP or CWM & supersu on phone & not have to hook up to a PC? Yes no

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

#135 SamuriHL


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 09:28 AM

Not really a question for this thread at all, but, anyway, if you're rooted use flashify.

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#136 cmh714


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 09:45 AM

yup Flashify or TWRP Manager

#137 dinger4u



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Posted 02 April 2015 - 10:00 AM

No root.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

#138 dinger4u



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Posted 02 April 2015 - 10:01 AM

Sorry for posting in wrong thread.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

#139 js1



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Posted 04 April 2015 - 04:42 PM

I get the following trying to update x926 to VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_1FF.xml.zip (182 to 183):



# ./flashme.sh
Flash GPT partition? [y/n]: y
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [  0.012s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) This may take a few seconds, if a
(bootloader) different partition table is being
(bootloader) flashed since we need to backup
(bootloader) and restore a few partitions
OKAY [  0.366s]
finished. total time: 0.378s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [  0.014s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) This may take a few seconds, if a
(bootloader) different partition table is being
(bootloader) flashed since we need to backup
(bootloader) and restore a few partitions
OKAY [  0.366s]
finished. total time: 0.379s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'sbl1' (101 KB)...
OKAY [  0.019s]
writing 'sbl1'...
OKAY [  0.487s]
finished. total time: 0.506s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'sbl2' (127 KB)...
OKAY [  0.020s]
writing 'sbl2'...
OKAY [  0.901s]
finished. total time: 0.920s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'sbl3' (512 KB)...
OKAY [  0.054s]
writing 'sbl3'...
OKAY [  1.094s]
finished. total time: 1.148s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'rpm' (140 KB)...
OKAY [  0.030s]
writing 'rpm'...
OKAY [  0.462s]
finished. total time: 0.491s
Flash TZ partition? [y/n]: y
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'tz' (210 KB)...
OKAY [  0.027s]
writing 'tz'...
OKAY [  0.509s]
finished. total time: 0.536s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'tz' (210 KB)...
OKAY [  0.027s]
writing 'tz'...
OKAY [  0.516s]
finished. total time: 0.543s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'aboot' (256 KB)...
OKAY [  0.030s]
writing 'aboot'...
OKAY [  0.765s]
finished. total time: 0.796s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
Invalid sparse file format at header magi
sending sparse 'modem' (28132 KB)...
OKAY [  2.520s]
writing 'modem'...
(bootloader) Unknown chunk type
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 3.683s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'fsg' (165 KB)...
OKAY [  0.023s]
writing 'fsg'...
OKAY [  0.872s]
finished. total time: 0.895s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
erasing 'modemst1'...
OKAY [  0.760s]
finished. total time: 0.760s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
erasing 'modemst2'...
OKAY [  0.766s]
finished. total time: 0.766s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'logo' (854 KB)...
OKAY [  0.076s]
writing 'logo'...
OKAY [  1.278s]
finished. total time: 1.354s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'boot' (10240 KB)...
OKAY [  0.836s]
writing 'boot'...
OKAY [  4.251s]
finished. total time: 5.087s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'recovery' (10240 KB)...
OKAY [  0.839s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [  3.241s]
finished. total time: 4.079s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
Invalid sparse file format at header magi
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 1097312864 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 1065859680 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 1034406496 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 1002953312 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 971471456 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 940014176 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 908552800 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 876706400 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 848497248 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 817044064 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 785844832 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 755759712 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 724302432 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 692779616 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 661322336 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 630585952 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 599100000 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 567589472 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 538651232 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 507165280 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 475695712 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 444242528 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 412719712 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 381262432 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 349809248 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 319117920 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 287664736 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 256182880 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 224729696 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 196082272 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 164596320 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 133143136 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 101689952 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 70236768 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 38754912 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 7301728 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
fastboot: ../libsparse/sparse.c:143: write_all_blocks: Assertion `pad >= 0' failed.
./flashme.sh: line 42:  7161 Aborted                 (core dumped) fastboot flash system system.img
(bootloader) Variable not supported!

erasing 'tombstones'...
OKAY [  0.939s]
finished. total time: 0.939s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
erasing 'cache'...
OKAY [  1.225s]
finished. total time: 1.225s
WARNING: Choosing yes to this option will WIPE YOUR DATA.
Erase user data? [y/n]: y
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
erasing 'userdata'...
OKAY [  7.747s]
finished. total time: 7.747s
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
erasing 'userdata'...
OKAY [  7.290s]
finished. total time: 7.290s

finished. total time: 0.006s
Thanks for using the House of Moto.
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#140 SamuriHL


    Android Warrior

  • Smod
  • 44,423 posts
  • Current Device(s):S21 Ultra, Pixel 6

Posted 04 April 2015 - 06:11 PM

Looks like you have either a wrong fastboot issue (use the support file I provide) or you have USB connection problems with your device.

Non potest esse nisi unus

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