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House of Nexus [3.0]

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#21 johnlgalt



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Posted 13 January 2015 - 08:48 AM

OK, I thought that taking the OTA was causing my 'refresh' issue, where the phone will refresh right in the middle of an activity, such as replying here via TapaTalk. So, I HoNd my device to 5.0.1, keeping data, with TWRP and root.

Refresh issue is still there, although HoN process was fully successful.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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#22 livinginkaos


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 12:58 PM

OK, I moved all the non-HoN relevant stuff over to that "other" thread.  Gotta keep the  Samuri complacent or appeased 

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#23 s3inks


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 05:38 AM

Tried using HoN yesterday. Had issues with it recognizing my device. Followed the noob guide that suggested deleting the device including deleting the driver file. I then deleted everything google or android related from my hdd. Downloaded new SDK then reinstalled. Plugged in device while in fastboot and manually pointed windows to the google USB driver folder within the SDK and manually selected the bootloader driver. My computer sees shamu but HoN still does not. I tried this three times with the same results. Within the sdk folder i am able to use adb and fastboot commands so i got the device unlocked and rooted. I'm sure the issue is with my system or the operator, but if anyone has suggestions I should try, other than nuking my HDD, I would be greatly appreciative.

HoN did generate the flasme.bat script and seems like its going to be amazing for flashing images once I can get it setup correctly. Sam, thanks for all your hard work creating this tool!

#24 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 06:25 AM

You are putting it in fastboot mode, yes?  It doesn't work being booted up into the system.  It MUST be in fastboot mode.

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#25 johnlgalt



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 11:42 AM

Tried using HoN yesterday. Had issues with it recognizing my device. Followed the noob guide that suggested deleting the device including deleting the driver file. I then deleted everything google or android related from my hdd. Downloaded new SDK then reinstalled. Plugged in device while in fastboot and manually pointed windows to the google USB driver folder within the SDK and manually selected the bootloader driver. My computer sees shamu but HoN still does not. I tried this three times with the same results. Within the sdk folder i am able to use adb and fastboot commands so i got the device unlocked and rooted. I'm sure the issue is with my system or the operator, but if anyone has suggestions I should try, other than nuking my HDD, I would be greatly appreciative.

HoN did generate the flasme.bat script and seems like its going to be amazing for flashing images once I can get it setup correctly. Sam, thanks for all your hard work creating this tool!



You are putting it in fastboot mode, yes?  It doesn't work being booted up into the system.  It MUST be in fastboot mode.


Yeah, he said he was already in fastboot.  It's odd, though, that adb sees it but your script doesn't.  I'm wondering if it is a JAVA issue instead....


S3 - try uninstalling JAVA SDK and installing the latest version - either 7.72 or 8.x.  I used HoN perfectly fine with the Build 8 Update 20 SDKs installed (I install both x86 and x64 SDKs just to be safe because I'm alternating between using either for some basic JAVA stuff I am doing, but just the x86 SDK should be sufficient).

#26 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 12:09 PM

The java is only used during script generation.  The script uses fastboot for the factory image.  I don't use adb at all in the script.  I can check to see if the platform sdk has been updated since I released it.  My advice would be to copy the adb dll's and fastboot.exe from the platform sdk and overwrite the versions in HouseOfNexus/TOOLS.  But other than that, there should be no difference at all.

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#27 johnlgalt



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 12:23 PM

Ahhh.  So JAVA isn't the issue, as he said the scripts are being generated.

#28 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 12:25 PM

Yup, exactly.  Of course, what'd help me is if the generated script were posted so I could see if there was any crazy error type stuff going on.

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#29 s3inks


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 12:34 PM

You are putting it in fastboot mode, yes? It doesn't work being booted up into the system. It MUST be in fastboot mode.

Yes. I powered off, entered fastboot, connected USB to usb2 port on my motherboard, ran flashme.bat. Was only returned with 'waiting for device' message.

#30 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 12:35 PM

Yes. I powered off, entered fastboot, connected USB to usb2 port on my motherboard, ran flashme.bat. Was only returned with 'waiting for device' message.


So let me see the generated script.  I have a guess but I'd need to see it.

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#31 s3inks


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 12:45 PM

Yup, exactly. Of course, what'd help me is if the generated script were posted so I could see if there was any crazy error type stuff going on.

I'll gladly post the script or anything else that will help diagnose the issue. Do I just attach the file to the post? Thanks for taking the time to respond/help.

#32 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 12:47 PM

I'll gladly post the script or anything else that will help diagnose the issue. Do I just attach the file to the post? Thanks for taking the time to respond/help.


Just open it up with an editor, select all, copy, and then paste it into a post here.

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#33 s3inks


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 12:49 PM

@echo off

::Generated script from the House of Nexus 1.2.


fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-shamu-moto-apq8084-71.05.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
ping -n 5 >nul
fastboot flash radio radio-shamu-d4.0-9625-02.55.03a.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
ping -n 5 >nul
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash cache cache.img

    set choice=
    set /p choice=Flash custom recovery? [y/n]:
    if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_custom_recovery
    if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_custom_recovery
    if "%choice%"=="n" goto flash_stock_recovery
    if "%choice%"=="N" goto flash_stock_recovery
goto ask_recovery

    fastboot flash recovery C:\HouseOfNexus\RECOVERY\openrecovery-twrp-
goto end_recovery

    fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
goto end_recovery


fastboot flash system system.img

echo WARNING: Choosing yes to this option will WIPE YOUR DATA.
    set choice=
    set /p choice=Erase user data? [y/n]:
    if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_userdata
    if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_userdata
    if "%choice%"=="n" goto end_userdata
    if "%choice%"=="N" goto end_userdata
goto ask_erase

   fastboot flash userdata userdata.img

goto end_userdata


::SuperSU installation

    set choice=
    set /p choice=Install SuperSU? [y/n]:
    if "%choice%"=="y" goto flash_supersu
    if "%choice%"=="Y" goto flash_supersu
    if "%choice%"=="n" goto no_supersu
    if "%choice%"=="N" goto no_supersu
goto ask_supersu

   fastboot boot C:\HouseOfNexus\RECOVERY\openrecovery-twrp-
   ping -n 5 >nul
   echo o) Select Reboot
   echo o) Select System
   echo o) Swipe to install SuperSU
   echo After the system reboots, install SuperSU from the play store.
   goto end

    fastboot reboot
    echo Rebooting...
goto end

   echo Thanks for using the House of Nexus.

#34 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 01:08 PM

Fascinating.  So you followed directions on the path.  Usually people ignore the "don't have spaces in the path" warning and then end up with issues.  That all looks correct.  My guess would be that the version of fastboot I shipped may be older than the latest platform tools.  Other than that there should be no reason why it'd work manually but not in the script.

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#35 johnlgalt



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 04:05 PM

Hmmm.  Then that may be why mine worked OOB - I have the Android SDK in my path, as well as platform tools and tools subdirs, so it may have overridden ... no, windows looks in the current dir first, as you added to the PATH statement, and then hits the path.




The usual suspects - another cable, USB port in the back of the computer, disable AV software.....

#36 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 04:07 PM

Yea, I force my version ahead of the path for many, many reasons.  Usually that's the right thing to do given all the problems the wrong version can cause.  The NX6, however, can be a finicky little jerk sometimes where drivers are concerned.

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#37 johnlgalt



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 04:12 PM

So I learned.  I also learned that EagleGet downloads the.tgz files from the Nexus Factory Image site and untars the file, leaving only a gzip file.  It took me three tries of it (the HoN .jar file) not working for me to realize that the filename itself was not right, as the second and third times I made sure the SHA-1 hash matched.

#38 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 04:26 PM

The code for that stuff is not finalized.  It took a LOT of work to get it to decompress the tgz files.  I'll improve it at some point.

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#39 johnlgalt



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 04:34 PM

I still haven't looked at the actual code lol.  But it goes without saying that your code is looking for a .tgz, and giving it a gzip just ain't gonna cut it.

#40 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 04:43 PM

That's not....entirely fully accurate.  ;)  

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