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[REF] Tips and tricks for G3

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#1 ibolski


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Posted 19 December 2014 - 11:51 AM

This post has 40 cool tips and tricks for the G3.




I especially like the fist gesture for taking a selfie. There are some other really good tips. Not sure why LG didn't document all of these.

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VZW Samsung Galaxy S7 Stock and unrooted running Marshmallow 46A, 32gb Nexus 7 unlocked

#2 ibolski


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 08:37 AM

Here's another one if you don't know how to do it.


Immersive mode is something that came with KitKat. On the G3, it's not enabled by default AND, surprise, surprise, it's not called that in the settings on the G3. So, how do you set immersive mode on the G3? You do it on an app by app basis and this is how you do it:


  1. Go to settings
  2. Go to the "Home touch buttons" section
  3. Select "Hide Home touch buttons"
  4. You will have a list of apps. Put a check mark next to each app you want to hide the buttons when launched.
  5. Exit out of the settings.

Now, when you launch the apps, they will take the entire screen (if written correctly) and you use the normal swipe down pattern to show the notification and nav bar when inside the app in immersive mode.


VZW Samsung Galaxy S7 Stock and unrooted running Marshmallow 46A, 32gb Nexus 7 unlocked

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