Posted 09 December 2014 - 08:00 AM
Not sure if this is a 5.0.1 problem or CWM problem. Previously I would use CWM to backup to my external sd card and if I wanted to switch from stock to custom rom I would wipe cache, dalvik, and data and restore backup. I tried installing new 5.0.1 by wiping cache, dalvik, and factory data reset option in CWM but it would not install properly. I then wiped cache, dalvik, and data reset and restored backup of 5.0 no problem and dirty flashed 5.0.1 and everything worked. I then made backup to external sd. I then went back to stock because financial apps were not working on 5.0.1. I then backed up and tried to switch back to 5.0.1 and then I ran into a problem. Sd card android secure said not found and half my info was missing. So I restored a backup of 5.0 and then restored 5.01 without wiping data and it seemed to work. Does anyone know why 5.0.1 backups won't restore properly? Also my CWM internal sd card folder changed to sdcard0/0/clockworkmod when I tried clean installing 5.0.1 could this have anything to do with sd card data not restoring properly from backup?