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[Rom] [Razr Cdma] Revolution v1.1 | ICS 4.0.4 | Blur Version | [Updated] [12/10/12]

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#21 AscensionX


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 04:56 PM

duntt - your comment about keeping on the topic of solutions is more appropriately directed at halo…

NO MALICE MEANT to him or you…

he simply said (paraphrase) 'since I haven't seen probs w/that b4, it must be a license issue' - considering the absence of any attempt to qualify what might have caused this prob, it is tantamount to "pointing fingers"; tech oriented users are always disappointed when they get finger pointing right off the bat…

especially considering what I wrote about how the very same Apex Pro license file worked under many other roms, esp on ss3 Slot1 w/Eclipse when I tried to get Apex Pro license to work on Revolution on Slot2…

I mentioned that I tried a couple of strategies, which halo also seemingly ignored. At least say something like
'good try, but I don't know what else to suggest'.

It's not what you say, but how you say it

I respect devs, & donate when I can. I have also done beta testing for apps on numerous platforms including Android, so I know a thing or two about troubleshooting.

I mentioned my having taught the official Netware Service & Support class to furter show that I have troubleshooting chops & furthermore,

the idea of not pointing fingers right off the bat is fairly universally respected in tech discussions

The fact that others chimed in that Apex works for them is immaterial. I have probs w/the Pro features & Revolution, & no such probs w/Apex Pro on Eclipse, ArcticHD, Simplex & others.

There is always a first case of something that otherwise works doesn't & that's where t-shooting begins.

If I were in halo's shoes, I would have at least asked me if the instructions in the OP were carefully followed.

BTW, I did follow very them very carefully.

Anybody have constructive, solution oriented comments?


Sent fm my Eclipse XT912 using Xparent Tapatalk Blue 2

I would like to help you but I only got one post from you today and it reads as follows "Halo, I can't get the version / implementation of Apex to recognize my Pro license. I've tried a #of times to restore the pro license file & even tried to make Apex into a User App w/Titanium -no help.

I really need the pro functionality, so for now, it's back to the other rom I have on SS3's slot1…

Please help"
I didn't see anything one what strategies you tried or I would have responded. As far as other users responding to these posts, they are only trying to help you. Did you uninstall Apex and reinstall?
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#22 jamminjon82


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 05:03 PM

so you didn't read what I wrote....

I documented what I attempted & that clearly shows I DIDN'T JUST GO NEGATIVE W/OUT BOTHERING TO TRY THE OBVIOUS,

see what I wrote & apologize, YOU are being negative & guilty of a false condemnation.

Sent fm my Eclipse XT912 using Xparent Tapatalk Blue 2

dude recognize that YOU are the sole person with this issue and that something went wrong with your installation. Quit trolling when the obvious suggestions to your crisis (lol) are the same for most issues. You were vague so don't get prissy when no one wants to help you. Wipe re flash, stop restoring Data, but you're "tech saavy" so you knew that right? Btw people who know Wtf they are doing don't call themselves that

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#23 BytecodeMe


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 05:03 PM

so you didn't read what I wrote....

I documented what I attempted & that clearly shows I DIDN'T JUST GO NEGATIVE W/OUT BOTHERING TO TRY THE OBVIOUS,

see what I wrote & apologize, YOU are being negative & guilty of a false condemnation.

Sent fm my Eclipse XT912 using Xparent Tapatalk Blue 2

Woah woah... you have a problem about his free software and he tells you what he thinks the problem is and you say you're disappointing because he doesn't blame his ROM? The only difference in this version from Eevolution is the theme, that is a few images, no code, no tweaks. That means if it works on Evolution, which it does, it works here.

What makes many devs get angry is that some users see a problem, spend 2 minutes trying to fix it and blame it on their ROM or mod because the person doesn't understand anything technical behind it yet they blame it.

If you had communicated that you had done more than just convert it to a user app I'm sure the reply would have been more helpful.

Now that is cleared up; did you try uninstalling and re installing Apex Pro? Wiping caches on Apex Launcher?

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#24 SpyderMan



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Posted 09 December 2012 - 05:21 PM

Keep it civil here please. Nobody wants or needs this to blow up.

Bytecode, let the others start being civil; what wit sarcastic comments that intimated that I just went negative right off the bat; when in reality I made a cogent case & showed how I took numerous steps b4 even thinking of bothering halo w/questions.

I had sarcasm leveled at me for daring to point out that a dev just pointed fingers rather than taking my supplied evidence into account- the license works on Eclipse 1.5 on my ss3 Slot1…

I pointed out how I tried to solve it by using TiBu to turn the base apk into a user app fm the system app it was & yes, I deleted & redownloaded a number of times:

I fail to understand why a user who worked on the prob himself b4 bothering the dev w/questions gets grief b/c he pointed out that he got finger pointing instead of an answer, or even an attempt at an answer - devs work hard, benefit all of us, & for the most part don't get paid- but for comparatively paltry donations; but that doesn't mean that they are infallible & above reproach.

I got finger pointing & didn't just accept it, in lieu of an attempt at a solution &

_I'm_ the bad guy b/c I made the observation that in troubleshooting you should ask questions first & not go straight to finger pointing right off the bat…?!?!

If halo doesn't have time to responsibly answer my responsible & documented question -which I was considerate enough to ask only after kours wor¨h of troubleshooting- then I can only say he is understandably overworked what with Evolution 5 AND Revolution…

but that doesn't mean I should get raked over the coals of sarcasm b/c I stand up for asking first & not pointing fingers in blame of a license file when I made it incontrovertably clear that I said license works under other recent roms…

I'm outta here…

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#25 weaponx


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 05:51 PM

Guys, after reading everything that spider man said and the replies he received..I must say that I honestly don't think he deserved to be spoken to like that. I'm not trying to pick a fight..at all. But anyone can express a concern with total respect, which I feel he did, unlike some of the responses he got in return. Just because someone expresses a concern doesn't mean he doesn't respect the dev for his hard work and dedication. That was uncool..that's all I got to say about that. the end...
  • gohalos58 likes this
Hey bub, I'm not finished with you yet..... SKNIT!!

#26 snarfamthewizard2113



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Posted 09 December 2012 - 06:08 PM

Halo, just want to state I am really in love with this ROM. it seriously has everything and it runs beautifully. thanks so much for everything you and the other devs do. :D

#27 SpyderMan



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Posted 09 December 2012 - 06:34 PM

Bytecode, just reading the OP, one sees that halo probably worked his butt off w/Evolution 5 & Revolution, gr8 tweaks etc. etc. etc.

That he makes it available for free doesn't give him the right to be unjustifably sarcastic with me - I thought personal attacks were frowned upon in open Droidrzr forums…

especially when I clearly mentioned that I tried to reinstall several times & tried 3d party utils to solve it myself b4 bothering him w/my question

only when things already blew up did he say ' I'd like to help, what else did you try?'.

It's TL² - too little too late. You don't lead w/personal sarcasm attacks & then say " I'd like to help - what else did you try?".

He must be sleep deprived fm all of his rom writing - which admittedly, I'll probably never be able to do;

in a more recent post I just openly said that if I were in his shoes, instead of pointing fingers first, I would ask if the instructions in the OP were carefully followed. I said that I followed them very carefully.

I respect what he accomplished in terms of writing roms, but I cannot & will not tolerate his jump-to-(false)-conclusions sarcasm.

This 'Johnny-come-lately' display of a desire to help "what else did you try?" is one of those cases where we say actions speak louder than words.

He can offer help until the national budget is balanced; but I can't hear him, b/c his actions from the get go drown out those words.

Why didn't he ask "what else did you try right off???

I know it will make me unpopular, to point out the fact that he acted this way, but I don't want to win any popularity contest here.

I got the dirty end of the stick & I'm the bad guy.

He is trying to cover up his personal sarcastic attack by all of a sudden being Mr. Nice Guy. Thankfully, my short term memory is working fine.

Thanks, but no thanks. TL²

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#28 weaponx


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 06:40 PM

Ok spyder..i felt you took the high road before but there is no need to take this any further..i can tell your pissed..go chill no need for this. You made your point loud and clear before
  • bradenfontaine, AscensionX and edge317 like this
Hey bub, I'm not finished with you yet..... SKNIT!!

#29 BytecodeMe


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 06:48 PM

Bytecode, just reading the OP, one sees that halo probably worked his butt off w/Evolution 5 & Revolution, gr8 tweaks etc. etc. etc.

That he makes it available for free doesn't give him the right to be unjustifably sarcastic with me - I thought personal attacks were frowned upon in open Droidrzr forums…

especially when I clearly mentioned that I tried to reinstall several times & tried 3d party utils to solve it myself b4 bothering him w/my question

only when things already blew up did he say ' I'd like to help, what else did you try?'.

It's TL² - too little too late. You don't lead w/personal sarcasm attacks & then say " I'd like to help - what else did you try?".

He must be sleep deprived fm all of his rom writing - which admittedly, I'll probably never be able to do;

in a more recent post I just openly said that if I were in his shoes, instead of pointing fingers first, I would ask if the instructions in the OP were carefully followed. I said that I followed them very carefully.

I respect what he accomplished in terms of writing roms, but I cannot & will not tolerate his jump-to-(false)-conclusions sarcasm.

This 'Johnny-come-lately' display of a desire to help "what else did you try?" is one of those cases where we say actions speak louder than words.

He can offer help until the national budget is balanced; but I can't hear him, b/c his actions from the get go drown out those words.

Why didn't he ask "what else did you try right off???

I know it will make me unpopular, to point out the fact that he acted this way, but I don't want to win any popularity contest here.

I got the dirty end of the stick & I'm the bad guy.

He is trying to cover up his personal sarcastic attack by all of a sudden being Mr. Nice Guy. Thankfully, my short term memory is working fine.

Thanks, but no thanks. TL²

Sent fm my Eclipse'd XT912 using Xparent Tapatalk Blue 2

I would just like to say making and ROM and releasing it feels amazing.

Than come questions by the fore mentioned people who don't understand the technicals about what they did to their phone. Some of these questions just don't feel worth your time, the amount of accused bugs and questions are very large compared to when there is a real problem.

This gives many of us a shorter fuse in situations like this, I can tell you that an Apex Pro license key not functioning correctly is not the ROM. Halo13 knew this. He got a little defensive.

Did you deserve your treatment. No.

Did he deserve yours considering the situation. No.

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#30 SpyderMan



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Posted 09 December 2012 - 07:20 PM

bytecode, geez, doesn't anybody here know how to read & remember?

I only said that the license worked on other roms & asked for help, politely.

giving historical bkgd is not blaming Revoliution, but mentioning that the license is not likely at fault, 'cause it worked on other roms… & Hpex was locked into memory w/this rbm… R'm not making it up, see the op…
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#31 tucstwo



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Posted 09 December 2012 - 07:27 PM

bytecode, geez, doesn't anybody here know how to read & remember?

I only said that the license worked on other roms & asked for help, politely.

giving historical bkgd is not blaming Revoliution, but mentioning that the license is not likely at fault, 'cause it worked on other roms… & Hpex was locked into memory w/this rbm… R'm not making it up, see the op…

Just a question but how do you explain that the Apex License has worked for other people...on THIS rom?

Here's my suggestion since its a System App. First, get a hold of a back up launcher so you don't end up launcher-less. Go into Google play and download Nova or Holo or Go or ANY other launcher so you have SOMETHING installed other than Apex. Then, download a file manager such as Es File explorer or Root Explorer. Browse to /system/app and Delete the ApexLauncher.apk. Then, open up the play store and Install Apex DIRECTLY from Google Play. Then you can see if that helps your problem with the license. Try this and report back

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#32 BytecodeMe


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 07:31 PM

bytecode, geez, doesn't anybody here know how to read & remember?

I only said that the license worked on other roms & asked for help, politely.

giving historical bkgd is not blaming Revoliution, but mentioning that the license is not likely at fault, 'cause it worked on other roms… & Hpex was locked into memory w/this rbm… R'm not making it up, see the op…

When I wrote that post I knew quite well what the situation was.

Spyder I'm not here to argue the meaning of any of these posts or to put you down.

I'm here to tell everybody why Halo acted this way. That's my job, be the mouthpiece of developers to members and staff.


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#33 dunttt



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Posted 09 December 2012 - 09:48 PM

Just purchased the pro version key for apex to see if I can help and first I deleted it out of system ( apex launcher, rebooted and reinstalled apex from Google play and I can confirm its working for me. Just wanted to let you guys know that. Great rom and this will be my new daily driver
Hope all this is settled now :-)

#34 BittenHand19



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Posted 10 December 2012 - 07:21 AM

So I like the rom so far but I have run into a little issue. It seems I can't open YouTube links from the Facebook app. It will open Chrome like it supposed to but then Chrome gets stuck and doesn't open to YouTube. Anyone else know what's happening or is it just a bug?

#35 AscensionX


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Posted 10 December 2012 - 07:37 AM

So I like the rom so far but I have run into a little issue. It seems I can't open YouTube links from the Facebook app. It will open Chrome like it supposed to but then Chrome gets stuck and doesn't open to YouTube. Anyone else know what's happening or is it just a bug?

Hmm.. not sure what is causing this. When you flashed the rom did you perform all of the necessary wipes? I have also had some issues with Chrome sticking since its last update and not just with this rom. I think there may be a bug in Chrome, i'll look into this and get back to you when I can.

#36 BittenHand19



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Posted 10 December 2012 - 07:48 AM

Hmm.. not sure what is causing this. When you flashed the rom did you perform all of the necessary wipes? I have also had some issues with Chrome sticking since its last update and not just with this rom. I think there may be a bug in Chrome, i'll look into this and get back to you when I can.

Thanks, yes I did do all the wipes, Chrome does seem to run okay on it on its own. Its only been about a day with the rom for me so I will definitely post if something else out of the ordinary happens.

#37 BittenHand19



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Posted 10 December 2012 - 08:21 AM

Hmm.. not sure what is causing this. When you flashed the rom did you perform all of the necessary wipes? I have also had some issues with Chrome sticking since its last update and not just with this rom. I think there may be a bug in Chrome, i'll look into this and get back to you when I can.

NEVER MIND!!! I fixed it by uninstalling chrome and getting a fresh install from the play store. It must have been something with using the backed up version from my old rom. So far so good keep up the good work!!! :D

#38 fastfoodfred



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Posted 10 December 2012 - 06:02 PM

I quit using any backups. They screw things up every time.
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#39 AscensionX


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Posted 10 December 2012 - 06:04 PM

I quit using any backups. They screw things up every time.


#40 Haloman800



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Posted 11 December 2012 - 12:25 AM

Wiped everything as indicated (data, cache, dalvik, format/system), booted up, stuck at red eye for more than 10 minutes. Manually turned off (vol keys + power button for 10 secs), wiped data again, same problem.

Any idea?

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