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SamuriHL's House of Bionic

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#1 SamuriHL


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Posted 21 August 2012 - 07:35 PM


House Of Bionic - Discontinued... Please upgrade to House of Moto.


As the developer of the House of Bionic, I do not have time or patience to become "Bionic support central." Nor do I have time or patience to help with issues caused by people not reading this post and the FAQ fully. I took the time to put all this together. The least you can do is take the time to read before doing. Your failure to do so will also be your failure to get ANY support from me whatsoever. If you have a legitimate problem that's not caused by user error (i.e. not reading and making assumptions that you know more than you really do) then I will be happy to help. Just post a message in the appropriate thread with as much detail as possible. "It doesn't work" posts will be ignored. Do not PM me. It's not a way to get your problem solved faster. It IS, however, a way to get yourself ignored by me. In using this product you should have NO expectation of support. What issues I choose to help with....or ignore...is entirely up to me. You have been warned...

Things you REALLY need to be aware of before you begin:

o) It works for me, but, if you use this, it is 100% AT YOUR OWN RISK. I can't take responsibility for what this does to your phone!!!


o) You *MUST* have an sdcard-ext installed or you can NOT flash updates!!!

o) If you have apps that are moved to the sdcard via APP2SD, you may lose them during the upgrade process. Reinstall from the market.

o) *ONLY ONE, UNO, 1, EIN* FXZ can be installed at a time.  If you have more than one FXZ installed and things don't work....STBY.
o) You may use the FXZ Keep Data to update an older (or non-OTA) build to the latest without losing data.
WARNING to those looking to use this to install/repair 98.72.22 JB:

If you use the 98.72.22 FXZ to flash your phone (Keep Data, FULL, stand alone) you will lose root.  There is a new JB root exploit but it does NOT work on Windows.  Please see this thread for details:


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NOTE: The root built into the House of Bionic *ONLY* works on ICS!
SamuriHL's House Of Bionic FAQ:

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SamuriHL's House of Bionic Release Notes:

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Installing the House Of Bionic:

o) Install the Moto Device Manager (driver):

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o) Install the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_(9.x).exe
o) Install the FXZ by following the directions below for "Installing FXZ (...)"
o) Install the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_RSD_(x.xx).exe

NOTE: These are not "optional". If you don't install them and "it doesn't work" too bad.

Installing FXZ (Windows):

o) Create a xxx_FXZ directory in your HouseOfBionic directory (where xxx = the version number of the FXZ.  e.g. 98.72.22_FXZ)
o) Copy the FXZ zip file to the xxx_FXZ directory created above
o) Run the HoB

NOTE: If you disable webtop when asked, do NOT ask me about webtop issues if you run into them later. READ THE FAQ!

Installing FXZ (Linux):

o) Create a xxx_FXZ directory in your HouseOfBionic directory (where xxx = the version number of the FXZ.  e.g. 98.72.22_FXZ)
o) Extract the FXZ zip file to the ROOT xxx_FXZ directory created above
o) IF you do not need to have webtop flashed, rename the vendor.img file in the 246_FXZ directory, otherwise webtop will be flashed.
Stuff that applies to both Windows and Linux (cause apparently I have to point this out...):
NOTE: There should NOT be a sub-directory...all files should be in the root of the xxx_FXZ directory. If you see a VRZ_XT875_6.7.246.XT875.Verizon.en.US_CFC_01 folder (or other folder) under the xxx_FXZ directory, YOU DID NOT DO IT CORRECTLY!

ONLY ONE FXZ should be in the HouseOfBionic directory...others should be removed.


o) Ensure you have a charged battery and/or a factory cable
o) Plug in your USB cable
o) Enable USB debugging
o) Set USB to Charge Only (Gingerbread) or MTP (ICS)
o) Start, Programs, House Of Bionic, House Of Bionic link
o) Follow on screen directions. Failure to do so will garner NO sympathy or support. You've been warned.

Install Option:

o) From the main menu, pick the version you want to install
o) Select the INSTALLoption on the next menu
o) Follow the prompts in the House of Bionic. READ EVERYTHING AND PAY ATTENTION!

o) PLEASE leave the update for the version you're installing on your sdcard-ext. It's required by the REINSTALL option in case you can't boot your phone.
o) After the prepare phone for the update flashing, the phone will remain in AP Fastboot mode. You will then manually shut it off and boot into recovery to apply the update. Follow the instructions.

Reinstall Option:

o) From the main menu, pick the version you want to reinstall
o) Select the REINSTALLoption on the next menu
o) Follow the prompts in the House of Bionic. READ EVERYTHING AND PAY ATTENTION!

o) The update MUST be on your sdcard-ext BEFORE running the REINSTALL option.
o) After the prepare phone for the update flashing, the phone will remain in AP Fastboot mode. You will then manually shut it off and boot into recovery to apply the update. Follow the instructions.

FXZ Option:

o) From the main menu pick the xxx_FXZ option
o) Select Keep Data or Factory Reset depending on whether you want to keep your data or start clean
o) Follow the prompts in the House of Bionic. READ EVERYTHING AND PAY ATTENTION!

Utility Menu:

o) Many options to help users fix issues, root, etc are on the utility menu

How to add support for a new update:

o) Create a new ### folder where ### is the minor version of the update (e.g. 246)
o) Copy the Blur_Version*.zip to the ### folder
o) Add ### to the end of the Blur_Version*.zip....(e.g. Blur_Version.5.9.905.XT875.Verizon.en.US(67246).zip)
o) Connect your phone to USB, enable USB debugging, and set to Charge Only or MTP mode
o) Run the HouseOfBionic.bat

How to ask for help:

o) Don't. READ EVERYTHING and fix your own problem.
o) After you try to fix it yourself if you're truly stuck, post a DETAILED message with where you started, what steps you've taken, and where you're trying to get to. All error messages should be included. "It didn't work" posts will be ignored.
o) DO NOT PM ME asking for help. I will delete the PM.


Thanks to timmy10shoes for the assistance with creating this script!
Thanks to John L Galt for help with the script
Thanks to sargentmajord for help with the RSD scripting changes
Thanks to all my hosting friends!

Special thanks to mattigroff for the 235+ method!!!
Special thanks to Dan Rosenberg for the root method!!!
Special thanks to Skrilax_CZ for the CDT Parser!!!

Special thanks to obeygiant and johnthehillbilly for the linux help and allowing me to use the adb/fastboot code!!!

A very special thanks to P3Droid, DHacker, CellZealot and all the other leaders who've taught us all!

This utility would not exist without the efforts of all those listed and more!

Enjoy! smile.png

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#2 SamuriHL


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:16 AM

Discontinued... Please upgrade to House of Moto and add the XT875 support file.
  • johnlgalt, T3T3droid, hadeshorn9 and 10 others like this

Non potest esse nisi unus

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