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(Another) Motorola XT926 stuck at bootup

XT926 Boot stuck

Best Answer SamuriHL , 05 October 2014 - 06:29 PM

Has nothing to do with the bootloader being locked.  This corrupt partition table nonsense is starting to piss me off.  To be clear, I'm pissed off FOR you guys not AT.  I really truly don't know what's causing this issue but we're seeing it way, WAY too frequently. Brighter minds than mine have tried to solve it without avail.  I'll give it some more thought but I really have nothing for you guys right now.

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#1 ig88



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Posted 05 October 2014 - 05:35 PM

I'm afraid I may have put my phone in the same state as Goddamnit2014. 


To make a really long story just a long story, my Razr HD is stuck at the red circle, white M, Dual Core Technologies screen (Bootscreen?).


I can put the phone in AP Fastboot, Recovery or the bootscreen. My computer (Win7 x64) recognizes it when I plug it in with my official Motorola Data Cable that came with the phone. When in AP Fastboot, the phone is recognized in Device Manager under ADB Interface -> Mot Single ADB Interface.


On the phone, the usual AP Fastboot stuff is on the screen. I can put everything that is on the screen here, but the most interesting things is that USB Connected, Battery is OK, Device is LOCKED and Status Code is 0. (My suspicion is that Device is LOCKED is my issue, but I'm starting to get ahead of myself.)


When in AP Fastboot mode, Fastboot recognizes that the device is attached. (fastboot devices)


I've downloaded VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_1FF.xml.zip (along with everything else) from links provided on this site.


RSD Lite 6.1.6 fails the flashing process at 1/17 flash partition "gpt.bin" -> Phone returned FAIL


HouseOfMoto.bat (from HouseOfMoto_3.2) fails. I see a bunch of OK's and "writing ...", but I also see "Failed to program partition table", "Failed to erase partition" and "Failed to flash partition XXX", where XXX is whatever it is trying to flash at the time: sbl1, sbl2, sbl3, rpm, tz, aboot, fsg, logo, boot, or recovery. Flash.log is completely empty, so that isn't very encouraging or helpful. 


RSD Flasher 2.8 seems to work, but it is limited by what RSD Lite will do (or won't do). 


So, is there anything I should try? I'm suspicious that the Device being Locked is my issue. I've read a lot of many different threads, but it seems that to unlock the phone, I have to be able to get the OS booted in order to get an apk onto it so the apk can be run. One of the usual questions is what version or build the phone is/has. I don't know. I can't get it to a point where it will tell me.


I just want to get the phone back to a normal boot up. I don't care if its rooted or not, and, at this point, I don't care which old or new OS it runs, as long as I can get it back running. 


Any thoughts? Any additional information needed from me? Anything I should try? I can't say I'm too technical, but I guess I'm technical enough to screw up a really nice cell phone. 



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#2 SamuriHL


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 06:29 PM   Best Answer

Has nothing to do with the bootloader being locked.  This corrupt partition table nonsense is starting to piss me off.  To be clear, I'm pissed off FOR you guys not AT.  I really truly don't know what's causing this issue but we're seeing it way, WAY too frequently. Brighter minds than mine have tried to solve it without avail.  I'll give it some more thought but I really have nothing for you guys right now.

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#3 Mitchjp



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Posted 06 October 2014 - 05:30 AM

I'm in the same boat:

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I've got my finger on the PayPal donate button for this site if anyone can solve this!


I've run a forum (non-tech subject) for 13 years and I know all the work/upkeep to having a good community.


Thanks guys.

#4 ig88



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Posted 07 October 2014 - 04:44 PM

Well, thank you for reading and replying, even if it isn't the news I was hoping for. Hopefully, someone can figure out a way to re-partition these devices. Its a great forum here, you guys are really helpful and provide great info.

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