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vzw unauthorized software message

gs3 galaxy s3

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#1 pdumont1



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Posted 19 November 2012 - 07:26 AM

I am new to the vzw gs3. i have rooted and unlocked the bootloader. wanted to overclock but like the stock rom. flashed kernel that was for the build i had. all went great untill it rebooted with the "unauthorized software detected go to vzw tore immediately"
of course i did not go to the store and fixed this using odin. rerooted and unlocked. what went wrong? has anyone else seen this message? if so how can you get around. it is a pain to do a full odin restore every time something goes worng. anyone have anything?
gs3 with "unauthorized software"

#2 tucstwo



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Posted 19 November 2012 - 09:16 AM

That happens when you get a borked install. So if something you installed lately like a rom or a kernel and it didn't flash properly, thats what Samsung and VZW decided they'd do to tell you you have a bad flash. Its kind of shitty way to do it since it can be scary if you don't know what causes. But yeah, odin restore is the way to fix that.
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#3 droidian1441


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Posted 23 November 2012 - 04:20 PM

It happened to me when I first got my SGS3.. I didn't know what to do and went almost a whole day without a phone LOL. It usually happens with the EZ Unlock app that we use to unlock the bootloader. Versions 1.3 and up have major issues and it doesn't unlock the bootloader. But version 1.2 works perfectly fine.

It could also have been the root program you used. This was my issue.. the Root Debug FS for Superuser (not SuperSU) didn't root all the way and that's why the bootloader didn't unlock. This is likely what happened to you as its very easy to miss.. Once I found the SuperSU version of the Root Debug one-click program, it worked perfectly fine. It really sucked that Odin restore was the only option, it took me like 6 hours to download the files the day it happened.. :(

But nevertheless I am glad you got the phone working again!


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