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[Theme-Chooser]-Jayr's Theme Chooser Themes-Free And Paid

theme chooser cm9/10 root minimal

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#1 JayR_Themer



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Posted 10 November 2012 - 11:01 AM

Welcome to my theme chooser thread. More cool stuff will be added as I complete it. All free versions are the same as my paid versions on the play store. So if you would like to support me and get automatic updates, you know what to do. This is a support thread as well. Post bugs, concerns, requests, etc.. Both versions of the apps are signed with different private keys as to not conflict installing. Its not a bad idea to remove the free version before purchasing the one from the play store, should you decide to. These themes should work on hdpi and xhdpi devices. Let me know of any issues. These were built and tested on a galaxy nexus.

===Contact Information===


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for news, info, and possible early release testing
* Contact me directly via email: jay.r.fornicator@gmail.com

===Minimal Fornication===

===Whats Included:===

* Source Built/Optimized
* Dark minimal style theme with a lot of custom image edits
* Themed framework-res (thorough)
* Themed system ui (thorough)
* Themed keyboard (stock keyboard, new images for keys)
* Themed calculator
* Themed dialer
* Themed calendar
* Themed gallery/camera
* Themed email
* Themed mms
* Themed phone/incall
* Themed play store
* Themed google music (some)
* Themed gmail
* Themed deskclock, stopwatch, timer
* * Themed tapatalk (thorough) how to set theme >>>

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* Themed widgets, power control, music, google music, news/weather, tunein radio. more to come (will take suggestions)
* Battery percent text only option is white (works on most roms, cant remember if this is true on aokp they do things differently)
* White circle battery (does not replace cm circle battery, cm circle battery is not controlled by images its hard coded)
* A lot of xml editing for text color/drawables/backgrounds etc..
* Much more,and much more to come!

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===Fornicated Blue Bean===

===Whats Included:===

* Source Built/Optimized
* Dark UI style theme with a lot of custom image edits
* Themed framework-res (thorough)
* Themed system ui (thorough)
* Themed notification icons
* Themed keyboard (stock keyboard, new images for keys)
* Themed calculator
* Themed dialer
* Themed phone/incall
* Themed widgets, power control, music, google, news/weather, tune in radio, more to come (will take suggestions)
* Circle battery (does not replace cm circle battery, cm circle battery is not controlled by images its hard coded)
* A lot of xml editing for text color/drawables/backgrounds etc..
* Much more,and much more to come!

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===Credits-Thank You's===

* Purian23 - Motivating me to get the ball rolling on theme chooser development, and for testing/reporting.
* travp624 - Supplying the original source files for this project, and being awesome every time I need help.
* TheShamrock1976 - Testing and always rocking my work.
* DJDarkKnight96 - Testing, feedback, ideas, and helping me problem solve.
* Tmobile - Theme Chooser itself.
* Google - Open source of course!
* All the Great ROM Devs - Bringing the theme chooser to their ROMS which makes this project possible.
* You the End User - For deciding to support me through the purchase of this theme. Sincere thank yous go out.
* If you feel I have left you out of this section in some way, shape, or form by all means notify me and it will be corrected!

And of course Enjoy ! :lol:

#2 JayR_Themer



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Posted 10 November 2012 - 11:03 AM

UPDATES Uploaded to play store too, it will take a while for it to show up. That is normal.
2.9--Minimal Fornication
*added images to desk clock, stopwatch, timer + xml edits, text color
*themed tapatalk images + xml how to set theme >>>

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3.0--Minimal Fornication
*more xmls in tapatalk
*finally fixed blue list selector in tapatalk
*removed white border from windows/dialogs
*new wallpaper (apply theme twice for it to take)
*twitter images + xml edits
*random images added that were missed before
*bug fixes

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: theme, chooser, cm9/10 root, minimal

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