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[Recovery]TWRP (03-14-15)

recovery twrp KK bootloader xt926 JB Bootloader

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#221 Pow_2k



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Posted 24 May 2015 - 09:04 AM

Since I'm doing a lot of playing around with my device today and it involves making frequent nandroid backups, figured I'd put this tip out there.  I can't seem to get the date/time right in TWRP.  From

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that is just the way it is, although I'm going to play around with manual time setting in the OS (no cellular/WiFi enabled, disable automatic time set) followed by swapping in/out recoveries to see if I can get it to read from the hardware clock and have the correct values.  But until then...


This is really only a concern after you've created your first backup.  The date/time of the target folder always does seem to increment but I've found this helps me out.


Before making any new backups first go to Advanced, File Manager, then browse to your backup location.  For me this is /external_sd/TWRP/BACKUPS/somedevicestring. (your string will be different, guess it's a serial number of sorts)  Take a screenshot (Vol down + Power buttons) of the list of timestamped folders.  The screenshot will be placed (I believe) in your selected storage device's Pictures/Screenshots folder.  For me this is /external_sd/Pictures/Screenshots.  You now have a point of reference that the next nandroid you make in TWRP will have a similar timestamp to the screenshot, and from the screenshot you can confirm all the older nandroids that existed at time of backup.  In the event the way TWRP determines the time gets really goofy this will give you a good idea of where each backup falls in sequence.


Of course, all moot if you go through the steps of naming your backups manually.  But I like to keep the timestamp naming.  Just wish I could make it be accurate by default...

#222 Pow_2k



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 12:35 PM

Anyone using this ( would be what I'm looking at) that is still having a date issue?  Been in IRC with the TeamWin guys today and we figured out why my date isn't calculating correctly.  The first way the date is calculated, the offset since 01/01/1970 done in seconds via the value of /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/since_epoch, puts my device in the range of 03/2015.  This then gets evaluated against code at

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and since my date is greater than an arbitrary value the later code to get the proper time for my device is not executed.  It seems for the XT926 (and other devices with the same processor I would think) the offset should be since_epoch (this is seconds) + an ats_ file that in my case /data/time/ats_2 (additional offset in milliseconds) to establish the true time.


I'd be interested to know what others have for the contents of /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/since_epoch (this would be in decimal format, like "1425235129") and /data/time/ats_2 (this would need to be in hex format, like f63916c501000000).  The ats_ file is in little endian format and I can handle the conversion if needed.  Be especially interested in this for the person that was seeing the 2017 date...


If TeamWin simply removed the return at line 859 or otherwise revised the code to (loosely) be "if ats_ found set time offset as since_epoch + ats_, else set time offset as since_epoch" it should work properly for all of us.  The risk is that it is unknown if any devices exist out there with the ats_ files that don't need them in order to have proper time in TWRP.  Apparently somewhere along the lines some of us have had something on our phones that was able to adjust the clock at the base (since_epoch) level as opposed to just the software offset (ats_) level.  The command hwclock would be the way to set this but from what I've read it seems to either be blocked at a kernel or selinux permission level... possibly for good reason.

#223 droidrazrxt926



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Posted 04 August 2015 - 05:35 PM

Thank you!

#224 Pow_2k



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Posted 21 August 2015 - 09:10 AM

So, I'm considering trying to compile the latest version of TWRP for the XT926. ( as of this writing)  Not something I've ever attempted before.  For those here that have done so, any tips/recommendations/warnings to share?  I've done a first read-over of the "how to build TWRP"

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.  Have you guys built TWRP using a CM or Omni source? Willing to share the init.rc, BoardConfig.mk, or recovery.fstab that was used, or at least indicate if any particular changes needed to be made to them? 


Please note, this is completely new territory for me.  I've got no idea if I'll even get something compiled.  Please don't bother posting to ask if I've got something ready yet.  So far as I've seen the current TWRP is working fine on our devices aside from the clock issue I seem to face.  I'm just looking to learn something new when I have time to work on it.  If I get something built that I feel is without bugs (introduced by my steps) then it will be shared.  But the addition of resize2fs that is now in would be nice...

#225 pudding



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Posted 18 September 2015 - 11:59 AM



hey nobe1976 can we get a new mirror for that one has no real downloads anymore

#226 Pow_2k



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Posted 18 September 2015 - 04:19 PM

hey nobe1976 can we get a new mirror for that one has no real downloads anymore

Hah... this prompted me to go back a page and look at the link for which in following it 404'd.  My first thought was "crap! better make sure I have good archives of the download I already made!" but then my second thought was "why don't I just do a

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"  What luck, the first link was a dev-host page for downloading that exact recovery, but the SECOND link was a page at blissroms (where the version was previously linked to anyway) that includes multiple versions that I would assume they (blissroms team) built, plus a version that was built back in July.


Guess what I'll be installing momentarily...


FYI, the MD5 of the TWRP I downloaded form the Blissroms site is ed210fdb8b027d644c6347456d180557.  Flashed from within the latest DU ROM using the Flashify app.  Rebooted to recovery, loaded no problem.  Got the new info message about being able to keep the system partition read only and the option to do so.  Pfft, heck with that... writeable!  Date/time in TWRP is still wrong in my device (see previous posts) but otherwise found no problems.  Made a backup to external SD but haven't verified it.  Browsed around in the file manager and deleted a few files from external SD without issue.  Rebooted back into the DU ROM and no problems.  So it looks like it should be just fine for us but not sure if there is a reason to use it over or even  I'm not going to be happy until I get the date/time fixed so my backups have meaningful names to them. :p

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#227 claps1775


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Posted 27 September 2015 - 05:42 AM

Hah... this prompted me to go back a page and look at the link for which in following it 404'd.  My first thought was "crap! better make sure I have good archives of the download I already made!" but then my second thought was "why don't I just do a

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"  What luck, the first link was a dev-host page for downloading that exact recovery, but the SECOND link was a page at blissroms (where the version was previously linked to anyway) that includes multiple versions that I would assume they (blissroms team) built, plus a version that was built back in July.


Guess what I'll be installing momentarily...


FYI, the MD5 of the TWRP I downloaded form the Blissroms site is ed210fdb8b027d644c6347456d180557.  Flashed from within the latest DU ROM using the Flashify app.  Rebooted to recovery, loaded no problem.  Got the new info message about being able to keep the system partition read only and the option to do so.  Pfft, heck with that... writeable!  Date/time in TWRP is still wrong in my device (see previous posts) but otherwise found no problems.  Made a backup to external SD but haven't verified it.  Browsed around in the file manager and deleted a few files from external SD without issue.  Rebooted back into the DU ROM and no problems.  So it looks like it should be just fine for us but not sure if there is a reason to use it over or even  I'm not going to be happy until I get the date/time fixed so my backups have meaningful names to them. :p

I just rsd lite my phone for jb to kk. Trying it again. Thank you for the write up. I will go with the twrp for now. Only reason I could see using anything above is some devs might use the newer twrp for there roms. I do not know anything about dev a rom. So I am not sure if the 5.0 + roms for our phones (that do not get anything above kk) is 5.0 + and made to work or if its kk and over layed with 5.0+ ect. 

To powerful to fall into my hands. Click......Rooted. ICS rommed!!!!! Muhahahahah!!!!

#228 claps1775


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Posted 27 September 2015 - 05:57 AM

Never mind. I went and flash the img. Will see what happens.

To powerful to fall into my hands. Click......Rooted. ICS rommed!!!!! Muhahahahah!!!!

#229 claps1775


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Posted 27 September 2015 - 06:16 AM

After rebooting into twrp. I am having no problems. I did not leave twrp in read only as my xt926 will go no further then kk. My time is off by (ahead) 9 hours. Been like that for??? Twrp did install super su and just finished too. Phone rebooted fine after words as well. I used SQlite to change my usb entitlement check and entitlement check. So far all is well and is working. So twrp has installed super su fine. I will admit, JB shows the unlock bootloader screen and KK does not. Fast reboot. I plan on flashing some roms in the new few days. I will get back to you how this runs and works when flashing ect.

To powerful to fall into my hands. Click......Rooted. ICS rommed!!!!! Muhahahahah!!!!

#230 claps1775


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Posted 29 September 2015 - 05:33 AM

I am having trouble now with the twrp. I go to wipe my phone Ect to install DU ROM and during the wipe. My phone reboots and nothing is wiped. So, I am going to go back to and see if that works.

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To powerful to fall into my hands. Click......Rooted. ICS rommed!!!!! Muhahahahah!!!!

#231 claps1775


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Posted 29 September 2015 - 06:03 AM

Flashed twrp and does the same thing. Reboots and nothing is wiped. I bet I will have to rsd back and then flash twrp. Going to try one more thing. Delete twrp files then flash

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

To powerful to fall into my hands. Click......Rooted. ICS rommed!!!!! Muhahahahah!!!!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: recovery, twrp, KK bootloader,,, xt926, JB Bootloader,,,

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