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Bricked - Blank Screen, No Boot Options, Just Black Screen (no text or graphics)

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#161 nobe1976


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Posted 27 May 2015 - 04:46 PM

Yes it is Bridging Pin 1 to Pin 4 to supply power to the device without even a Battery.. I made one up myself since I prefer the DIY projects. To give a visual I have attached the Pics of what the out come should be. I used a Old Samsung charger since some of them actually have the pins labeled and easier to work with.


Not My greatest work, but it works...




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#162 Rebelllious



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Posted 29 May 2015 - 02:45 AM

Mine is also stuck the same way after downgrade to 4.1.2 and OTA update. Just blinking green light.

I have read that even factory cable is not helpful in this situation. Please let me know if the situation has changed... Hope for the better.

#163 jw0914


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Posted 29 May 2015 - 03:40 AM

Mine is also stuck the same way after downgrade to 4.1.2 and OTA update. Just blinking green light.
I have read that even factory cable is not helpful in this situation. Please let me know if the situation has changed... Hope for the better.

Short answer... You're permanently hard bricked.

Long answer... While a better understanding on how to possibly fix this is now had, it can't be done without someone extremely fluent with Linux coding, who's willing to devout a decent amount of time... Which at this point is unlikely to occur since this device is 3 years old.

Essentially, phones in this situation, have had their BIOS or UEFI corrupted and thus cannot load the boot loader. Its the equivalent of flashing the wrong BIOS or UEFI to your PC motherboard, which would prevent the PC from POSTing. Basically, the phone has no instructions on how to boot the bootloader... Instructions that come in the form of hex, not coding commands.

#164 jw0914


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Posted 29 May 2015 - 03:46 AM

Something I would be curious to find out is if Android devices have a failsafe option like routers do, that would allow you, through a sequence, to pull a backup image of the firmware. Obviously, Android firmware is too large for a backup to be kept, but the smartphone equivalent of the BIOS or UEFI would only be a few MB in size. Something else I'd be interested to find out is if the device motherboard has a serial connection that would allow you to access it via a serial interface. If it does, that would allow you to telnet or ssh in... Unfortunately, a lot isn't widely known about modding smartphone hardware or how to gain access to the MB directly, as I'd assume OEMs don't use the micro USB port for initial programing since it requires drivers that wouldn't be on the device.

#165 Rebelllious



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Posted 29 May 2015 - 04:13 AM

OK, I understand I am hard bricked. The only thing I was hoping for is JTAG, but it seems not a single person has ever managed to unbrick it that way.

I am a bit familiar with Linux and with coding, but it has nothing to do with Linux coding ;) From what I see there are not many motherboards for this phone sold out there...

#166 Rebelllious



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Posted 29 May 2015 - 04:17 AM

Something I would be curious to find out is if Android devices have a failsafe option like routers do, that would allow you, through a sequence, to pull a backup image of the firmware. Obviously, Android firmware is too large for a backup to be kept, but the smartphone equivalent of the BIOS or UEFI would only be a few MB in size. Something else I'd be interested to find out is if the device motherboard has a serial connection that would allow you to access it via a serial interface. If it does, that would allow you to telnet or ssh in... Unfortunately, a lot isn't widely known about modding smartphone hardware or how to gain access to the MB directly, as I'd assume OEMs don't use the micro USB port for initial programing since it requires drivers that wouldn't be on the device.

I did find the JTAG pin scheme, but there seems to be no real progress with it. They say initial programming is done via factory cable, but in ,my understanding eMMC should have had initial setup before this stage. Which is allegedly done via some sort of interface, maybe even directly to memory chip before putting it onto the PBC.

#167 claps1775


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Posted 14 October 2015 - 11:38 PM

I have a xt926 phone and it bricked when I was updating from JB to KK. Phone will not turn on at all. I get the green led light. I have the factory cable and all it does is make the sound it is connected then disconnects for some reason. I have drivers updated. This was a great phone when it was working. I would like to have it as a back up. Any luck on unbricking a hard brick? 

To powerful to fall into my hands. Click......Rooted. ICS rommed!!!!! Muhahahahah!!!!

#168 spainter


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 04:15 AM

I have a xt926 phone and it bricked when I was updating from JB to KK. Phone will not turn on at all. I get the green led light. I have the factory cable and all it does is make the sound it is connected then disconnects for some reason. I have drivers updated. This was a great phone when it was working. I would like to have it as a back up. Any luck on unbricking a hard brick? 

answered you in your other post.

#169 Frogniziz



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Posted 18 December 2015 - 05:44 PM

I do not know if the topic stopped, but I wanted some guidelines should I search to get create a singleimage.bin my device.

#170 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 December 2015 - 08:05 PM

There isn't one.

Non potest esse nisi unus

#171 jw0914


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Posted 13 January 2016 - 07:19 AM

While the following is not probable, due to the obsolete hardware, should a competent individual choose to pursue this:


I utilize OpenWRT for my WRT1900ac and one of the OpenWRT devs was able to work with one of the makers of U-Boot to repair a corrupted bootloader on the WRT1900ac. This would seem to offer at least a minute, albeit slim, chance one could reach out to whomever [individual or company] wrote the bootloader for this device in order to garnish the required files and commands to rebuild the bootloader.


For an example on how simple the process is once the files and commands have been garnished, please take a look at

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for the WRT1900ac


One of the hurdles one would also have to overcome is discovering if commands can be pushed via the device's USB port, or whether there is a serial port on the device's board itself, as the commands for the WRT1900ac must be given via the serial port.

#172 vaNs



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Posted 27 January 2016 - 09:41 PM

I had the same problem 

is there any good news?
why not as easy as other devices with the same damage as Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, which can still be fixed on other devices?

series droid razr whether the device is wasted? :sad :(

#173 jw0914


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Posted 28 January 2016 - 04:53 AM

I had the same problem 

is there any good news?
why not as easy as other devices with the same damage as Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, which can still be fixed on other devices?

series droid razr whether the device is wasted? :sad :(


Your question has been asked and answered several times in this thread... please read.  Regardless of what forum/thread one reads, it's generally best to read the last page of a thread prior to posting (at least the last 10 posts), as more often than not, basic questions one might have will be answered.


"Why not as easy as other devices with the same damage as Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008"

  • Each device is different, first and foremost.  No two Android devices are the same.
  • Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 is not a form of damage, it is a recognition by a PC of what mode the phone is in.  In this case, the mode refers to the device being in an OEM state prior to a bootloader being loaded onto the device.  In other words, the bootloader is corrupted or has been entirely erased.
    • This is why I posted my last reply 2 posts back (

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      )... However, It's unlikely any competent individual would choose to pursue what I replied with, as the Razr HD is obsolete and devs/programmers generally only work on current devices.  The other hinderance is Motorola's exclusive contract with Verizon for Droid branded devices, as the files (code) required to rebuild and reflash the bootloader would more than likely be wholly owned by Motorola.  While Moto "accidentally" pushed code that was known to be exploitable to the HD 4 years ago, allowing the bootloader to be unlocked, the devices this has occurred on where not dev devices that were "allowed" by Moto to have their bootloaders unlocked [Moto did not release an HD dev edition].  Due to the aforementioned contract, this almost for sure guarantees Moto would be unable to legally provide the files and commands needed, even if they were so inclined to do so.
      • This whole situation, among other things, is why I will never buy a device that doesn't allow it's bootloader to be unlocked without strings attached (thus far, only Nexus branded devices, of which also offer the ability to switch between cdma and gsm carriers without issue [NX6]).

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#174 M-taheri



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Posted 07 March 2016 - 04:20 AM

I can read full partition from emmc

I already have this file readed from xt926 cmmc :

EMMC_ROM1 512mb



SEM16G_ 115429554_20160307_1431.extcsd





I also can read each partition seperately

Can these files be usefull to revive dead razr hd phones?



this is full emmc info of xt926 :

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#175 jw0914


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Posted 07 March 2016 - 04:45 AM

That's a good question and one someone more knowledgeable than me will have to answer.

#176 Rebelllious



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Posted 07 March 2016 - 11:42 AM

My next step would be completion of a full byte code dump of these partitions from a fully functional device and trying to resurrect the "patient" device. What you basically need to achieve is to reload the bootloader byte code into its proper memory section, the map of which, among other partitions, I see you now have after using that EasyJTAG stuff.

At this point I would say you cannot hurt your device more than what you have already done to it, if it is hard-bricked. So, keep up the investigation pace, as many of us would be very grateful to you for this. That might be a real breakthrough.

#177 M-taheri



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 07:46 AM

is it possible to read full EMMC dump from working phone with adb?

I need:

EMMC ROM1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 15028 MB
(Boot Partition 1) Capacity: 4096 kB
(Boot Partition 2) Capacity: 4096 kB


#178 Rebelllious



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 07:53 AM

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might be useful, as there are several ways to dump partitions listed there.

#179 M-taheri



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 01:24 PM

Seems it will dump rom1
What about rom2,3 and extcsd?
mmcblk0boot0 = boot partition 1
mmcblk0boot1 = boot partition 2
How to dump thesr two partitions?

#180 M-taheri



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Posted 18 March 2016 - 08:32 AM

I have backup of all partitions from working

if some ome need it request here I will share it

cid partition is unique in each phone

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