Happy Thanksgiving btw for those that celebrate!
Problems and issues. Main problem is with Bluetooth and not sure if anyone has fixed that. Still have the ADW Launcher default problems...but then I also have this on Wizzed Bean so I suspect both builds are using the same interface below the surface.
Big problem with both builds Evolved and Wizzed Bean relate mostly to video.I've used both versions of your build (w/OC and w/out OC), but OC doesn't quite agree with my unit. I even tried and was slightly more successful using Wizzed Bean's latest w/OC, but ended up switching both builds to standard. I suspect until we get something JB native for the Bionic...my problems won't go away without some heavy build and driver creation to fix hardware that just doesn't quite work.
- YouTube works pretty well, but everything else fails constantly and no longer functions. Perfect example, I login to Fox News daily for my Slap Washington fix for the day and video that used to work just fine now...spins and then errors. Most of my apps that allow streaming from my NAS via WIFI also are no longer working. Apps like MX Player used to be reliable, but now they just get the process rolling and then fail when it tries to download.
- Bluetooth and WIFI are still both wonky. I've had better success disabling auto shutoff when asleep, but you already know about these problems.
- Graphics are still messed up in my Notification Pull-down interface for Brightness, but that seems to be just me and I've done a clean build reinstall - erasing my Slot 1 in SafeStrap and installing Evolved clean or nothing in place.
- Google Now is still temperamental, but I suspect this relates to Bionic Microphone and issues with this interface. It works, but just locks-up on occasion.
Either way, thanks and hope this helps! Sorli...
Bluetooth isnt an easy fix as its in the source, and i'm sure everybody will know when it is fixed. Youtube videos can only be watched in HD and will work fine.