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[FXZ] 4.4.4 21.11.21

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#1 SamuriHL


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Posted 13 July 2014 - 03:50 AM

WARNING: You REALLY need to UNDERSTAND and read EVERYTHING or you MAY brick your phone!


Purpose of this thread:


To get you, the locked or unlocked Droid Ultra/Maxx owner, from any version to 4.4.4 (SU4.21).


Things you will need:


FXZ SU4.21 Ultra or FXZ SU4.21 Maxx


Use the RSD Flasher with KEEP DATA to flash this on your phone with RSD.




Use the House of Moto with KEEP DATA to flash this to your phone with fastboot.


This will get you a clean OTA install with no data loss.  You will lose root.

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#2 SamuriHL


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 09:27 AM

FYI Skrilax_CZ is posting the images to the sbf site now and they md5 matches the files I posted.


He has a Maxx specific one, too, but the only difference is the XML header to show the proper device ID.  The partitions are identical between the maxx/ultra/mini and the XML header doesn't do jack for flashing...it just is informational when you load it in RSD.

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#3 rduckwor



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 07:04 AM

Forgive my ignorance, but I do these manual updates very rarely.  Can I use this method to move from 4.1.2 directly to 4.4.4?  I acquired a Maxx recently and fortunately, it never received the 4.4.2 update.


Do I need to unroot and unfreeze the bloatware first?  Or should I just slam it on?





#4 livinginkaos


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 07:52 AM

With the FXZ's you don't need to unfreeze or unroot first.  That will happen automatically as it overwrites all that.  Your data will be in tact as long as you use the save data function.  Be aware, I do not believe there is any root available for 4.4.4 on the Maxx at this point.  Moto has done a good job at locking things up lately.  Many of their devices, even if you get root, there is no write perms to system.


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#5 rduckwor



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 07:55 AM



I will get busy this afternoon.


#6 SamuriHL


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 08:00 AM

Just use the KEEP DATA option and you're good to go.  But yes, root will not be possible on 4.4.4.

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#7 rduckwor



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 08:12 AM

Thanks, I can live w/o root.


#8 grgguy



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 11:19 AM

If you go over XDA guys are saving root. I'm not sure on the process ( i'm unlocked). It may be as simple as voodoo or going into su and engaging survival mode. But you should check it out. I once thought I could live without root. That turned out to be a foolish notion.  I was going nuts till I got it unlocked.    


( sorry Sam )  

#9 SamuriHL


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 11:40 AM

It's far more complicated than that.  If you have root and WP OFF on 19.5.3, you can update to 19.6.3 and keep it.  However, if you FXZ this update, obviously you lose all that completely.  If you take the 21.11.21 OTA update, you can keep root without doing anything special, *BUT*, you WILL LOSE WP off.  So essentially you can't persist anything on the system partition even though you maintained root.  Not the most useful situation.  And again, if you FXZ at any point, all that's gone.

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#10 rduckwor



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 11:45 AM

Moot point for me as the update fails during the flash.

RSD Lite pops up for about 0.1 second and I "think" I saw something about a fail with maybe "gpt.bin" or something similar.

Tried to flash it a couple of times but no joy.


I am back to 4.1.2 without harm.


#11 almondman



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 11:49 AM

If you go over XDA guys are saving root. I'm not sure on the process ( i'm unlocked). It may be as simple as voodoo or going into su and engaging survival mode. But you should check it out. I once thought I could live without root. That turned out to be a foolish notion. I was going nuts till I got it unlocked.

( sorry Sam )

Just use RSD Lite (be sure to select keep data) and flash 4.4.4 from Motorola firmware and then reflash TWRP and all will be good and if you are unlocked wp will be off. ☺

#12 rduckwor



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 12:29 PM

Moot point for me as the update fails during the flash.

RSD Lite pops up for about 0.1 second and I "think" I saw something about a fail with maybe "gpt.bin" or something similar.

Tried to flash it a couple of times but no joy.


I am back to 4.1.2 without harm.




Well, I perhaps I spoke too soon.


Power on now takes me only to AP FASTBOOT.  I can get to a normal operation by booting into recovery and selecting normal boot.

Any ideas appreciated.  The update does indeed fail with the gpt.bin file.


#13 SamuriHL


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 01:24 PM

What, EXACTLY, are you flashing?  The FXZ in the OP?  On what phone?  And post the contents of your SWDL.txt file from your RSD install.

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#14 rduckwor



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 01:47 PM

Well I am an old HOB devotee, so I FOLLOW instructions as you have always advised.


I ran .jar file, extracted the update to a folder and then clicked on the Keep Data option in the panel.

The handset was in AP FASTBOOT mode and connected per instructions to the computer.  It's a Droid RAZR Maxx of unknown pedigree with 4.1.2 running, rooted and some bloat frozen.


SWDL.txt file follows:


>>>07/19/14 16:10:23  New Log Started For Software Download.
07/19/14 16:10:23  The FlashLog key is turned off.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    518    0    ERROR    Generic failure when sending command.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    1754    0    ERROR    GetTechnology failed: ERROR.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    518    0    ERROR    Generic failure when sending command.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    1754    0    ERROR    GetTechnology failed: ERROR.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    518    0    ERROR    Generic failure when sending command.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    1754    0    ERROR    GetTechnology failed: ERROR.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    518    0    ERROR    Generic failure when sending command.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    1823    0    ERROR    GetSoftwareVersion failed: SendTC failed: ERROR.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    518    0    ERROR    Generic failure when sending command.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    1981    0    ERROR    GetSoftwareFlexVersion failed: ReadSeemElement failed: ERROR.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    518    0    ERROR    Generic failure when sending command.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    1951    0    ERROR    GetBootVerFlashMode failed: SendTC failed: ERROR.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    518    0    ERROR    Generic failure when sending command.
07/19/14 16:10:26  00001060    Phone.cpp    1870    0    ERROR    GetDRMVersion failed: SendTC failed: ERROR.
07/19/14 16:10:26  Multi upgrade started for 1 phones
07/19/14 16:10:26  [Device ID: 0] 1/11 flash partition "gpt.bin"
07/19/14 16:10:26  ERROR: 1/11 flash partition "gpt.bin" -> Phone returned FAIL. - on device ID 0.
07/19/14 16:10:26  [Device ID: 0] 1/11 flash partition "gpt.bin" -> Phone returned FAIL.
07/19/14 16:10:26  ERROR: Failed flashing process. - on device ID 0.
07/19/14 16:10:27  Multi upgrade finished.








#15 livinginkaos


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 02:21 PM

Ummmm, razr Maxx? XT912? This fxz is not for you...... This is the Droid Maxx.....

Sent from my S-Offed One M8


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#16 SamuriHL


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 02:26 PM


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#17 rduckwor



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 02:55 PM






Well, slap my rear end and call me Uncle George.


I walked right into that one.

Thanks for the heads up.


#18 OldUncle



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Posted 23 September 2014 - 10:41 AM


root will not be possible on 4.4.4


Well, This thread is two months old now...

is that still true?


No root for 4.4.4?


I am on 4.4 rooted/unlocked and was going to upgrade to 4.4.4  :wacko



Call me noob and tell me what does 










and call me Uncle George.



Hmm, uncle who?  :ph34r

#19 SamuriHL


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 11:02 AM

Oh oh I get to quote myself again!  :D


UNLOCKED USERS DO NOT USE ROOT EXPLOITS.  They install custom recovery and flash supersu zip like big boys and girls.


Meaning, you can always get root if you're unlocked.


WP off = Write Protect off....something that happens automagically once you unlock the bootloader.

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#20 OldUncle



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Posted 23 September 2014 - 11:21 AM


Thanks for your reply and sorry for having you quoting yourself again  :rolleyes


Great clarification about gaining root in different cases, that's what I was thinking, from what I know :)




WP OFF... how could I...  :D



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