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#381 yeshaya86



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Posted 07 July 2015 - 05:27 PM

Sorry, forgot to post that info you specified.

Model: Motorola Razr HD xt926

Current version: unknown, since it won't boot up. Presumably latest ota.

FXZ filename you are flashing: 2 attempts:

VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_1FF.xml.zip (from drdev)

VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_CFC_1FF.xml.zip (from motofirmware.center)


SWDL.txt: previous post


Other: I'm using a motorola cable that isn't from the xt926, I think its from my friends xt907. USB is 2.0 and worked successfully for flashing the xt907 yesterday. Java is set up correctly, running 1.8.0_31

Thank you

#382 spainter


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 06:12 PM

Create a folder called fastboot and download and unzip the snapdragon support files from House Of Moto 4.1 OP.  Open the folder where the files were unzipped you should see a folder called windows as well as darwin and linux. Open the windows folder then hold down the shift key and right click in the window, select open command prompt.  Hook the cable to the phone and watch for the phone to show cable attached on the fastboot screen.  Then type

fastboot devices and hit enter.  The Serial number for your phone should show up in the window as the attached device. If it does, open your rsd program and re run the flash. If it doesn't show the serial number post what the screen shows.  For some reason the phone isn't responding to the rsd commands. This will help narrow down the connection issue.

#383 SamuriHL


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 06:13 PM

It failed on gpt. That's not usually good and typically signifies a downgrade attempt. I realize 15 is the latest FXZ but it does not seem to agree that it's the latest.

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#384 yeshaya86



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Posted 07 July 2015 - 06:23 PM

It registered with the flashboot devices command as "TA25807QD9     fastboot"

Still the same error though when flashing.
Last few lines of the SWDL:

07/07/15 22:18:38  Arrival, interface=28(0x0), device id=1636460.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 531 0 ERROR Generic failure when sending command.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 1778 0 ERROR GetTechnology failed: ERROR.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 531 0 ERROR Generic failure when sending command.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 1778 0 ERROR GetTechnology failed: ERROR.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 531 0 ERROR Generic failure when sending command.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 1778 0 ERROR GetTechnology failed: ERROR.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 531 0 ERROR Generic failure when sending command.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 1847 0 ERROR GetSoftwareVersion failed: SendTC failed: ERROR.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 531 0 ERROR Generic failure when sending command.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 2005 0 ERROR GetSoftwareFlexVersion failed: ReadSeemElement failed: ERROR.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 531 0 ERROR Generic failure when sending command.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 1975 0 ERROR GetBootVerFlashMode failed: SendTC failed: ERROR.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 531 0 ERROR Generic failure when sending command.
07/07/15 22:18:40  00001abc Phone.cpp 1894 0 ERROR GetDRMVersion failed: SendTC failed: ERROR.
07/07/15 22:19:11  Multi upgrade started for 1 phones
07/07/15 22:19:11  [Device ID: 0] 1/17 flash partition "gpt.bin"
07/07/15 22:19:12  ERROR: 1/17 flash partition "gpt.bin" -> Phone returned FAIL. - on device ID 0.
07/07/15 22:19:12  [Device ID: 0] 1/17 flash partition "gpt.bin" -> Phone returned FAIL.
07/07/15 22:19:12  ERROR: Failed flashing process. - on device ID 0.
07/07/15 22:19:12  Multi upgrade finished.
The fastboot screen just went to battery low, I'm going to plug it into the wall for a bit.
Thanks, Yeshaya

#385 yeshaya86



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Posted 07 July 2015 - 06:31 PM

Hi Samuri, I guess its possible that the phone was still on .10, I don't really know. If so, is there any possibility that flashing .10 would work, and flashing .15 would produce the error it did? Or would trying that completely mess things up?

Also I was looking at your latest House of Moto, is there any possibility that HOM would work in a situation where this one wouldn't?

Thank you

#386 spainter


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 07:40 PM

Hi Samuri, I guess its possible that the phone was still on .10, I don't really know. If so, is there any possibility that flashing .10 would work, and flashing .15 would produce the error it did? Or would trying that completely mess things up?

Also I was looking at your latest House of Moto, is there any possibility that HOM would work in a situation where this one wouldn't?

Thank you

It would cause the error the other way around.  Trying to flash .10 over .15 because .15 is newer.  You should beable to flash the same or newer version.  It wouldn't hurt to setup and run HOM.  I hope you have a data backup.  Sometimes it takes a full flash to fix things which means you loose your data.

#387 SamuriHL


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Posted 08 July 2015 - 02:35 AM

A full flash won't fix this. Yes, trying HoM would not hurt. But no guarantee it'll fix it.

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#388 yeshaya86



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Posted 08 July 2015 - 03:39 AM

Thank you both so much. I will try HOM when I get home from work today. If you have any other suggestions please let me know.

#389 yeshaya86



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Posted 08 July 2015 - 02:01 PM


I tried flashing the universal script, figuring that since UNIVERSAL didn't flash the gpt.bin partition and that was the one that was failing, it might bypass the problem (still flashing the current .15 firmware).


It didn't work, but what was interesting though was that even though I checked "open RSD but do not flash?" Option, it still looked like it ran. I clicked start after RSD opened up, and after the fail here's the SWDL log:


07/08/15 17:52:35  Multi upgrade started for 1 phones
07/08/15 17:52:35  [Device ID: 0] 1/15 flash sbl1 "sbl1.mbn"
07/08/15 17:52:36  ERROR: 1/15 flash sbl1 "sbl1.mbn" -> Phone returned FAIL. - on device ID 0.
07/08/15 17:52:36  [Device ID: 0] 1/15 flash sbl1 "sbl1.mbn" -> Phone returned FAIL.
07/08/15 17:52:36  ERROR: Failed flashing process. - on device ID 0.
07/08/15 17:52:36  Multi upgrade finished.
07/08/15 17:52:45  Multi upgrade started for 1 phones
07/08/15 17:52:45  [Device ID: 0] 1/15 flash sbl1 "sbl1.mbn"
07/08/15 17:52:45  ERROR: 1/15 flash sbl1 "sbl1.mbn" -> Phone returned FAIL. - on device ID 0.
07/08/15 17:52:45  [Device ID: 0] 1/15 flash sbl1 "sbl1.mbn" -> Phone returned FAIL.
07/08/15 17:52:45  ERROR: Failed flashing process. - on device ID 0.
Does the fact that it ran without me clicking start indicate anything? A bug in the the RSD Lite tool (its 6.2.4), or maybe something else? I thought it was interesting, and really hope its meaningful.
I'll downloading the stuff for HoM now, hopefully I'll have better luck with it.

#390 SamuriHL


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Posted 08 July 2015 - 04:34 PM

Nope. Doesn't mean anything unfortunately.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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#391 ringhale



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Posted 15 July 2015 - 03:14 PM

Looking for a little help unrooting my phone my current setup is


Droid Razr Maxx HD

System Version 9.18.94.XT926.Verizon.en.US

Android Ver 4.1.2


locked bootloader


I'm trying to update to kit kat and since being rooted the OTA fails.


I have RSD Lite V6.2.4

The only firmware I could find was  VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_1FF


Will I be able to flash this to my phone if not is there a better or easy way of unrooting my phone so I update to Kit Kat. Thanks for any help or advice. 

Sorry if I left out any pertinent information. 

#392 spainter


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Posted 15 July 2015 - 03:41 PM

Before you flash anything I would take the time to unlock that phone.  It isn't like you are going to void the warranty.  Read this first:

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Everything you need is there or in the same area.  I have two of the droid razr maxx hd's and have had them unlocked since this method came out.  While you are on jellybean it is really your last chance to unlock the phone and in the end process you will be on the latest version of kitkat for the 926 (VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1) but your going to flash the .10 version first.

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#393 ringhale



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Posted 15 July 2015 - 04:59 PM

Before you flash anything I would take the time to unlock that phone. It isn't like you are going to void the warranty. Read this first:

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Everything you need is there or in the same area. I have two of the droid razr maxx hd's and have had them unlocked since this method came out. While you are on jellybean it is really your last chance to unlock the phone and in the end process you will be on the latest version of kitkat for the 926 (VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1) but your going to flash the .10 version first.

Thanks what is the best way to go Full or Keep data flash, I have everything backed up so it is no big deal if I lose my stuff. Thanks

#394 spainter


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Posted 15 July 2015 - 05:38 PM

Thanks what is the best way to go Full or Keep data flash, I have everything backed up so it is no big deal if I lose my stuff. Thanks

Either way, You can start out with keep data but there are times when upgrading that older apps give you problems. At that point a full nuke and repave is in order.  I have seen where a factory data reset had to be done to get the phone running right even though there was never any modifications made to the phone.

#395 spainter


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Posted 18 July 2015 - 08:56 PM

Ringhale I moved this conversation to

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since it really doesn't apply to the tool in this thread

#396 OzJoe



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Posted 23 August 2015 - 02:50 AM



I am a newbie looking for help with soft bricked XT925.

I post in this thread as I plan to use RSDLite to fix my phone if I am at wrong place please advise.

I never did anything like this so please be patient with me and sorry for my English.

It may be long as I would like to explain everything - maybe less questions will come back.


I read a lot of threads including this one in past 8-9 days and feel more confused than before I started.

I think I know what should I do but I need a confirmation before I brick completely my phone doing wrong things.

I think I should try to flash my stock version, unlock, root and then may flash the KK if I wish.


I have/had a stock (as far as I know) XT925, do not know what version as never checked till it was running ok and now it's late.

I had this new version available message coming up on screen for some time but I did want to download it until I know it's working for others.

Did not know how to stop the message coming up and once I managed to press download button when was trying to stop my alarm one morning.

After this I got another message asking to start the install. I was delaying it but once again one morning I managed to start it.

I did not know what to do so I just put it in my pocket and went to work. Later that day I noticed that it's very quiet as I had some reminders set up.

So I check it and it was only showing motorola red eye, no error message, nothing. I waited till night but than I tried to restart.

It returned to red eye and that's it.

Phone says XT925 on the back but cannot remember what version it was running on however when I connect it to PC and run Motorola Device Manager it says it's up to date and also showing under it - 9.1.41.xt926.verizon.en.us.

That's the 1st thing what confused me that it's running XT926 version I was not aware of.

I can get into AP Fastboot showing next screen:


AP Fastboot Flash Mode (S)

10.98(*) (sha-07671a2, 2014-07-29 10:55:30)

eMMC Info: Size 16GB


Device is LOCKED. Status Code: 0


Battery OK


Transfer Mode:

USB Connected



Fastboot Reason: Boot menu selected


And another confusing thing for me is that when I tried to enter into recovery mode from red eye (I read it somewhere) I got to


Android system recovery <3e>



and menu options here



For me it looks like it managed to install part of KK(?) system but failed to finish it?

From this menu I tried one menu option only - wipe cache partition - I hope I did not broke anything as I read it may help, no change.

I can see it in RSDLite 6.2.4 but do not know which system to flash - XT925 or XT926 - as I would like to save my data on it.

Please advise which system should I use and is that correct to use RSDLite for it?

I am very desperate and I want my phone back best with system before KK as I read I cannot unlock, root after KK.

Please help me with your advise, instructions.

Thank you.

#397 SamuriHL


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Posted 23 August 2015 - 03:24 AM

First this thread is not for rsd lite. It's for rsd Flasher which is a tool I wrote that works with rsd lite, giving more options such as not erasing user data.

Second, you're going to need to find the latest FXZ for your device. Flashing an FXZ that is not made for your device will brick it permanently. You will need the latest since it appeared to install via ota update.

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#398 OzJoe



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Posted 23 August 2015 - 03:38 AM

First this thread is not for rsd lite. It's for rsd Flasher which is a tool I wrote that works with rsd lite, giving more options such as not erasing user data.

Second, you're going to need to find the latest FXZ for your device. Flashing an FXZ that is not made for your device will brick it permanently. You will need the latest since it appeared to install via ota update.

Hi SamuriHL,

Thank you for your answer.

My mistake I meant Flasher to make the process easier.

I understand that I need an FXZ for my device but which one to use 925 or 926? If 925 than why MDM says it has already the latest 9.1.41.xt926.verizon.en.us?

If I flash the latest FXZ will I be able to go back so root and unlock or not?

And if I may ask you which would the right for me? VZW_XT926_4.4.2-KDA20.62-10.1_CFC_1FF.xml? Or VZW_XT925_4.4.2-KDA20.62-10.1_CFC_1FF.xml if exist somewhere as I did not find it yet?

#399 SamuriHL


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Posted 23 August 2015 - 03:43 AM

If it's a 925 you need an FXZ for the 925. If it's been flashed with a 926 firmware I'm afraid I can't give advice there because it's too easy to brick in that case. You need to be very careful.

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#400 OzJoe



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Posted 23 August 2015 - 03:47 AM

If it's a 925 you need an FXZ for the 925. If it's been flashed with a 926 firmware I'm afraid I can't give advice there because it's too easy to brick in that case. You need to be very careful.

I cannot tell you for sure what is flashed before on it.

That's the MDM what says it, I cannot check it.

It cannot be seen from AP Fastboot screen?

Where would you suggest me to look for fix?

Thank you.

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