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[Rom][Razr][4.1.2] Wizzed Bean RLS7- Redefining Performance and Features

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#1381 arsenic1234



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Posted 31 January 2013 - 03:23 PM

Still want to learn how to wipe the internal card the correct way so I don't have stuff from MIUI and other stuff I'd dropped in the past.
I could manually do it but I am not sure what is necessary to leave on there and still work...

#1382 STLRampage



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Posted 09 February 2013 - 12:02 PM

I apologize for the silly question But I'm new to Romming Motorola.

What is the easiest way to get back to sock from Wizzed bean? (I love the ROM but am going on vacation and need to use my phones camcorder.)

#1383 dmlsthe1



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Posted 09 February 2013 - 12:33 PM

Still want to learn how to wipe the internal card the correct way so I don't have stuff from MIUI and other stuff I'd dropped in the past.
I could manually do it but I am not sure what is necessary to leave on there and still work...

The way i do it
Is i transferr what i want to keep onto my external sd card first than select all folders on internal sd card and deselect twrp and ss folder and delete. I believe I've also wiped internal sd card from recovery and didn't come across issues but i can't remember for sure.

I apologize for the silly question But I'm new to Romming Motorola.

What is the easiest way to get back to sock from Wizzed bean? (I love the ROM but am going on vacation and need to use my phones camcorder.)

You should be using safe strap so all you would have to do is go into recovery and choose boot options and select stock, than activate it. If you tried flashing something to stock or wiped it and it doesn't want to boot (as long as you are still on ics and haven't taken the jb ota which i believe you have because you're using this but better safe to say it than assume it) than you can use matt's Droid RAZR utility 1.82 to restore to stock and root

#1384 dmlsthe1



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Posted 09 February 2013 - 12:40 PM

Still want to learn how to wipe the internal card the correct way so I don't have stuff from MIUI and other stuff I'd dropped in the past.
I could manually do it but I am not sure what is necessary to leave on there and still work...

What i do is select all folders on internal sd card except twrp folder and ss folder. And delete. Haven't come across any issues doing that on my phone. Just make sure before you delete you have transferred what you want
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#1385 ajsayshi



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Posted 09 February 2013 - 12:58 PM

If I'm not mistaken, there should be an option to format internal memory from recovery.

#1386 MrFrankRazr


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Posted 07 March 2013 - 09:53 PM

Any updates coming for this awesome ROM? I'm still running it. :)

Moved on to the LG G2 on VZW and lovin it!

#1387 ravidromy



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Posted 19 June 2014 - 07:35 AM

After Riboot of the device is on and stays on without logo with nothing when I press the shutdown button and hold it will shutdown and re combust the same thing but it's not a vacuum that you can still enter Ricovery.

#1388 Memnoch73


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 07:40 AM

After Riboot of the device is on and stays on without logo with nothing when I press the shutdown button and hold it will shutdown and re combust the same thing but it's not a vacuum that you can still enter Ricovery.


Umm... this rom is over 2 years old. Your phone is almost certainly on a different version of software which is why you are boot looping



#1389 ravidromy



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Posted 19 June 2014 - 08:10 AM

Umm... this rom is over 2 years old. Your phone is almost certainly on a different version of software which is why you are boot looping

First of all thanks for the fast response to my version is 4.1.2 and it is not coming from GSM VERISION but Michelina the patch and after installation I install it so what's the problem? Why is it not working? I actually prefer this than the JELLYWIZ.

#1390 Memnoch73


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 08:29 AM

First of all thanks for the fast response to my version is 4.1.2 and it is not coming from GSM VERISION but Michelina the patch and after installation I install it so what's the problem? Why is it not working? I actually prefer this than the JELLYWIZ.


For one thing there are multiple versions of 4.1.2...


Also from the Original Post: *I recommend being on the Verizon ICS OTA for best performance - Currently this rom will not work on the JB OTA but will in the future*



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