Posted 07 December 2012 - 10:35 AM
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 07 December 2012 - 10:38 AM
That's cause it needs to be rooted. Which I don't think you can do til it's booted. Catch 22.
Ah yes sir you are right. Slipped by me.
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Posted 07 December 2012 - 11:31 AM
So, I wonder, as long as it is booted, would HoB utilities take me to that next level - i.e. allow to root? IF it does, then adb is open to su?
Ha, all this and my verizon store it 4 minutes from here, and SIM card. But, that's not the point!!!! It's a quest - and I chance for me to learn some more.
Proud father of a US Marine
Posted 07 December 2012 - 11:45 AM
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 07 December 2012 - 11:52 AM
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Posted 07 December 2012 - 12:05 PM
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 07 December 2012 - 12:11 PM
Proud father of a US Marine
Posted 07 December 2012 - 12:17 PM
Thanks, guys. I certainly wasn't trying to hijack either. I'll post the learning and if you want to "delete" it for fear of confusing or not adding any real value, that's all good too.
No worries. I pick on Sam cause I randomly throw my stupidity into his threads lol. He's used to it by now . But yes let me know how it goes and I'm rattling my brain over here too
Thanks for being awesome guys!
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Posted 07 December 2012 - 12:18 PM
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 07 December 2012 - 03:11 PM
Well, as I was able to set up my google account I downloaded my sqlite editor. I don't have access to launcher, but when you load an app, there is an OPEN button. I used it. I found the com.android.providers.settings, and then opened the settings.bd.
There several options: one was secure, one was settings. I attempted to ADD the line using the editor but it FAILED. Error 5?
The database, I can see it, but cannot edit. Seems error 5 is common, but with the phone in this state a bit hard to problem solve.
ALSO - I downloaded a launcher thinking if I had two or more, I'd get asked for the "default" choice. And then, when I rebooted, it would go to launcher. NO LUCK in that.
But I"m able to navigate around by using the play store / launcher combos - as long as I don't reboot. I'd still like to figure this out so I may play some more.
I'd like to pay back, to write something up for the forum, if there's some nuggets here that you might find interesting, point them out and I'll take a shot.
Proud father of a US Marine
Posted 07 December 2012 - 06:59 PM
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Posted 07 December 2012 - 07:05 PM
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- johnlgalt likes this
Posted 08 December 2012 - 05:02 AM
I'l try an auto start app and see if that bypasses it. May be ready to put this one on the shelf soon!
Proud father of a US Marine
Posted 08 December 2012 - 06:12 AM
I'm thinking there is a provision in settings.db that can turn off the check for the sim card. Might have to be brave to try it though lol.
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I believe the build prop has a line dreading with requiring activation.
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Posted 09 December 2012 - 05:57 AM
Thanks for all the help - I've been able to get as far as I needed on temp basis to see what's there - AND have gained confidence on the HoB tool set. Both wins in my book.
- johnlgalt likes this
Proud father of a US Marine
Posted 09 December 2012 - 08:56 AM
Sam et al - please feel free to delete all the "bypass" entries. It really ended up adding no value to the thread. I learned quite a bit, but my situation was very specific and most folks reading that far won't have need. Also, I'd write something up, but again it would likely never be used as I was trying some very specific for a very short time need (i.e. go get a sim card, you knucklehead....).
Thanks for all the help - I've been able to get as far as I needed on temp basis to see what's there - AND have gained confidence on the HoB tool set. Both wins in my book.
Interestingly enough, I cannot count the number of times I've seen a user say something similar to this, only to find that, later on, say, 3 months down the road, another user comes into a forum and is looking for the exact same information.
Do the writeup, if you're willing, able, and don't mind - you never know who you might end up helping in the long run. And that is the exact purpose of forums such as these - to help.
Besides, your exact procedure may never help someone - but it might inspire someone to try a similar procedure for an entirely different purpose....
Posted 09 December 2012 - 11:19 AM
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 09 December 2012 - 05:44 PM
Proud father of a US Marine
Posted 09 December 2012 - 08:35 PM
Good enuf. I'll take to writing!
And thank you for going along with my nonsense. Is contagious I know lol.
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Posted 10 December 2012 - 05:21 AM
And thank you for going along with my nonsense. Is contagious I know lol.
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Are you kidding? THIS Is why I do this. I learned another method of playing with the phone, built confidence in the process, the tools and even more in the people doing this. I editing my build.prop. I edited system files using SQLite (at least I tried!). I found a work around for me...... all this based on good questions and suggestions. All your NONSENSE is why I'm here!
And I have a write up! What's the best way to transfer it to you all? I can PM and you guys can edit at will / post. I can send a file? Your call.
Proud father of a US Marine
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