Anyone who has been paying attention knows that Android has taken steps towards becoming more secure lately. Its important for any OS to be as secure as possible, and with all of the stories of particularly nasty malware showing up on Android devices, we should all breathe a little easier knowing that Google is paying attention. But, as is the way of all things, the increased security comes with a price, and the price Android users will be forced to pay for a more secure OS is even more difficulty, if not the outright impossibility, of obtaining root access on locked devices. A new commit has been spotted in the AOSP source code which limits the ability of apps to write to /system outside of recovery mode. Now without getting into all the details of what this means (since I'd be blatantly plagiarizing anyway), this basically means that any apps that require the ability to write to /system will need to do so from within recovery (TWRP, CWM, etc. etc.). Practically speaking, this means headaches, and lots of them, for app devs and users alike. This commit may or may not show up in the 4.4.3 release of Android, but unless it is removed or altered, its practically guaranteed to be in the 4.5 (or 5.0) release that will follow it. The writing for the future of stock root access on Android has been on the wall for quite some time, and its getting ever bolder. Chainfire has done a far better job of explaining the implications of this than I ever could, in a G+ post you can find right
Source: Google+, thanks to livinginkaos for the tip!