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Favorite Tasker Profiles

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#1 mjs27541


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Posted 04 May 2014 - 06:37 PM

     I finally stopped being lazy and am starting to learn how to use Tasker.  I've managed to get a couple of simple profiles set up, but was wondering if some of the more experienced Tasker users here at DroidRzr had any favorite profiles they were willing to share.  I know there are several forums like this around the web, as well as several how-to guides on using Tasker generally, but I wanted to start one here so that any of our users who are new to the Tasker game would be able to benefit from the experience of those of you who have been using it for a while.  Here are the (admittedly very simple) profiles that I've set up:


Night Notifications: Set all notification volumes to 0 and ringtone volume to 2 between the hours of midnight at 9 a.m.


Home: Turn on wifi and turn off mobile data when at home, does the opposite when I leave


Maps: I usually leave GPS off, this turns it on when I fire up Google maps, turns it off when I exit.



#2 cmh714


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 06:02 AM

I have quite a few profiles I could share....been a long time user, but I often get stuck creating complex tasks and troubleshooting can be hard since I use a custom rom....like most people. :)


Kind of busy today, but will export them and can post....

#3 mjs27541


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 06:06 AM

No rush mainly just curious to see what other folks are doing with it. I know the sky's the limit with Tasker but I just can't think of much else to do with it. Maybe I'm just not creative enough :D

#4 cmh714


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 07:18 AM

Compared to some others stuff I have seen, I too am not creative enough...

#5 mjs27541


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 07:22 AM

Yeah just from the little bit of reading I've done I've seen a few crazy complicated profiles. I guess I just don't do enough with my phone. I really can't think of anything else to automate that would really make my life any easier aside from what I've already done. Most of the stuff that I've seen given as examples so far just doesn't apply to how I use my phone.

#6 johnlgalt



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Posted 05 May 2014 - 08:36 AM

I've always been meaning to get involved in using Tasker, since I was an old school Locale user, but never got around to it much.  I leave my WiFi enabled on every device b/c I never know where I go that I might be able to use WiFi, and even at home, my S III has shoddy connectivity to my WiFi 5 GHz band, meaning if I walk to the other end of the house it drops and switches over to LTE (but the switch is painless, and near-instantaneous).  The BIONIC kept the WiFi (2 GHz) connected throughout the entire house, so it would only drop when I got some distance away from the house.


Now that I am not in school anymore, I don't even use Locale (though I have paid for it so it is still there in my Google Play Apps list lol).  I'm able to do most stuff myself, and rarely do I need automation anymore.


Online, though, I have seen some pretty intricate stuff in terms of profiles for Tasker.

#7 mjs27541


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 08:45 AM

That's kind of where I am with it. There's not too much that I need to automate, so I'm at a loss for what else to do with it.

#8 johnlgalt



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Posted 05 May 2014 - 11:21 AM

If you go trolling around he internet, though, you'll find all sorts of 'wow, I never thought of doing that" type profiles.


I've seen so many that I wanted to try or modify,but it is daunting, to say the least.

#9 mjs27541


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 12:34 PM

I've been looking off and on, and you're right there is a TON of tasker stuff out there. Quite a lot to sort through.

#10 johnlgalt



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Posted 05 May 2014 - 01:06 PM

Yeah.  The lat time I had checked, I found even the documentation pretty daunting.  it's pretty damned close to an all in one configuration machine beast for Android.

#11 mjs27541


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 09:19 AM

I tweaked my profiles a bit. I had my home profile set up based on my home location based on network location only. Which may have been easier on battery life, but wasn't nearly accurate enough for what I wanted it to do. So now I have an "away" profile that turns on GPS and mobile data when WiFi is disconnected for 30 seconds, and a home profile that turns them both off when I get home as determined by GPS.

#12 cmh714


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 12:56 PM

You may like using Cell Near as the trigger. Thats how all of my profiles work. For Home its Cell near (my local cell) AND NOT Airplane Mode AND between 5am and 11pm. It uses variables and such. I got it from the Advanced section of the Tasker wiki and modified it. Works well and definitely keeps my battery life good.


I have a profile for home, work, various different customer sites, local bar, etc. 

#13 mjs27541


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 12:57 PM

I'll try that too. Thanks for the tip

#14 johnlgalt



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Posted 07 May 2014 - 01:01 PM

I need to see if I can use Tasker to auto swith between WiFi access.  My router does both 2 GHz and 5 GHz, but the 5 GHz is much faster, so my phone likes it better.  Problem is that it is also a bit flaky (OK, the readio in the phone is flaky when waking up lol).


So, I want to see if Tasker can auto switch between SSIDs based uponsomething like signal strength....that would be awesome.

#15 cmh714


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 01:34 PM

I think you can use the Wifi Near State John, that has Min.Activate Signal.

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#16 mjs27541


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 01:48 PM

I need to do something similar with mine. I have the router in my office downstairs, and a repeater upstairs, both of which have different ssid's. For some reason when I turn WiFi on it prefers to connect to the repeater rather than the router, when I'd prefer it to do the opposite.

#17 johnlgalt



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Posted 07 May 2014 - 05:21 PM

There is an app for Android, free, called Best WiFi that does this rather nicely - but it has a bad habit of throwing up 'error' messages like APN not found when I am out and about and WiFi is still on - welll, I keep WiFi on b/c if I go to a place where free WiFi exists, then I can get a notification that the WiFi is availalbe and stop using my unlimited data.  But I I am in the car, for example, best Wifi will constantly barrage me with APN not found toast message that get annoying.


It is also configurable, meaning I can say the signal strength needs to be a minimum X value in order to effect the swap.

but what I really want is a wa  to say:



If SSID: {My5GHz SSID} is avaialbe

then connect to {My5GHz SSID}

else if SSID: {My2GHz SSID} is available && SSID: {My2GHz Repeater SSID} is available

then If {My2GHz SSID signal strength}  >> {My2GHz Repeater signal strength}

then connect to {My5GHz SSID}

else connect to {My2GHz Repeater SSID}





Something to that nature.

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