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How To Root Huawei Mytouch 4G

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#121 mattlgroff


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Posted 26 September 2012 - 08:59 PM

Thought you had a work around for me. My problem is that drive is 239 mb which i have 60.4 mb free. The cust,img is 71.1 mb.

Here is an pic of my file sizes in that drive please let me know if there is something wrong on the sizes.
these files only equal 34 mb i am unable to see any other files on this drive. Is it possible to reformat then put the files back?

Yes it should be... just make sure you keep it the same format its in now or there would be issues. Back up all the files.

BTW I am in the chatroom if you want better help

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#122 SirRastusBear



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Posted 29 September 2012 - 08:47 PM

First and foremost-THANK YOU for developing for the Huawei MTQ! You are the only one I've found so far...

I've tried to root a friend's MTQ using your bat file, but it fails each time.
I have SDK installed.
I have the phone drivers installed from your zip.
I am not mounting SD card.
I am ticking USB Debugging.
ADB is able to recognize the device.
I can use adb shell command.
I have tried 4 different USB cables and three different USB ports.
No matter what-every time the batch file restarts adb and then says "waiting for device" and the phone hangs at the boot logo and I have to do a battery pull.
Then I tried to run your batch file as admin (I am using Windows 7). This time it behaved differently-but immediately indicated "cannot load 'rooted.img'
and then indicated "Your device should now reboot normally. It is still rooting... don't unplug". However, the phone hangs still at boot logo and I end up doing a battery pull again.
Hate having my first post be a cry for help...but I'm befuddled and discombobulated here, as no matter what I do I can't get it to work.
Any suggestions of any kind (positive or negative, lol) are greatly appreciated..

#123 mattlgroff


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 11:49 PM

First and foremost-THANK YOU for developing for the Huawei MTQ! You are the only one I've found so far...

I've tried to root a friend's MTQ using your bat file, but it fails each time.
I have SDK installed.
I have the phone drivers installed from your zip.
I am not mounting SD card.
I am ticking USB Debugging.
ADB is able to recognize the device.
I can use adb shell command.
I have tried 4 different USB cables and three different USB ports.
No matter what-every time the batch file restarts adb and then says "waiting for device" and the phone hangs at the boot logo and I have to do a battery pull.
Then I tried to run your batch file as admin (I am using Windows 7). This time it behaved differently-but immediately indicated "cannot load 'rooted.img'
and then indicated "Your device should now reboot normally. It is still rooting... don't unplug". However, the phone hangs still at boot logo and I end up doing a battery pull again.
Hate having my first post be a cry for help...but I'm befuddled and discombobulated here, as no matter what I do I can't get it to work.
Any suggestions of any kind (positive or negative, lol) are greatly appreciated..

I can take a look at it manually, but running as root would usually screw with it. Add me on gtalk if you want and can help whenever via Team Viewer.

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#124 SirRastusBear



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Posted 30 September 2012 - 04:52 AM

I can take a look at it manually, but running as root would usually screw with it. Add me on gtalk if you want and can help whenever via Team Viewer.


PM and invite on Gtalk sent. Thank you sir!

#125 SirRastusBear



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Posted 30 September 2012 - 11:08 AM

OK, after much irritation and net searching and lack of sleep...not to mention even taking some of Matt's personal Sunday time (thanks AGAIN dude!)-I was able to get the MTQ rooted!
A brief explanation of the problem I was experiencing:
I had everything setup (drivers from the zip installed, adb running and recognizing my device,etc, SDK installed with latest everything). This is on Windows 7, by the way.
However, every time I ran the batch file-when it got to the point of rebooting the phone-it would hang at boot logo and indicate "waiting for device". Additionally, I'd get popup windows alert that install of drivers failed. Even though I KNEW for a fact they were installed.
To resolve:
Finally after many fruitless attempts, I decided to click on the popup for details on the failed driver installation when running the batch. It gives option to change how windows looks for drivers to install. THIS time, I checked off "search windows update if drivers not found". Lo & behold-it found that I was missing the windows android usb fastboot drivers and installed them!
Once those were installed and I ran batch file once more: voila! I am now rooted on the MTQ!
Thank you Matt once again for the rooting file and for taking your time to assist.
Hopefully, this info may save someone else the aggravation I was having, lol

#126 jac6387



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Posted 01 October 2012 - 11:47 AM

So I finally got around to attempting the update again. Downloaded the apk's provided by matt and pushed them into system/app and then was able to update with no problems. I was also succesfully able to retain root access with OTA Rootkeeper. Thanks for everyones help here. I will say that after the update my camera does infact seem to perform much better. Although its still not that great in low light, the flash now actually functions properly. Prior to the update, when I would try to take a picture with the flash on most of the time I would get a blueish haze in my photos. This doesn't appear to be an issue any more.

#127 eamondaly



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Posted 01 October 2012 - 02:05 PM

Could someone do me a big favor? I botched my framework files awhile back and now the OTA update is failing. If someone could pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk and /system/framework/framework-res-hwext.apk (pre-update) for me, I'd be hugely grateful.

#128 mattlgroff


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Posted 01 October 2012 - 02:18 PM

Could someone do me a big favor? I botched my framework files awhile back and now the OTA update is failing. If someone could pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk and /system/framework/framework-res-hwext.apk (pre-update) for me, I'd be hugely grateful.

Had a full system pull on my desktop, uploaded framework for you.


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#129 eamondaly



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Posted 01 October 2012 - 02:33 PM

Thanks, mattlgroff, but I'm still getting the checksum complaints. Actually, could someone else tell me what they get when they run "adb shell" and then "sha1sum /system/framework/framework-res.apk"? Maybe it's something else that's broken.

Edit: My local T-Mobile store let me pull the files I needed off the display model, so I'm good!

#130 viciouslancer



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Posted 01 October 2012 - 09:34 PM

Can't get my device to boot into bootloader :(

Also, this is a Huawei U8680, running on WIND Mobile (up in Canada). It is ICS 4.0.3. I want root to change LCD Density, and would post a copy of the software, if someone can guide me through a backup process. I think T-Mo is still on GB?

#131 jac6387



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Posted 03 October 2012 - 05:20 AM

Can't get my device to boot into bootloader :(

Also, this is a Huawei U8680, running on WIND Mobile (up in Canada). It is ICS 4.0.3. I want root to change LCD Density, and would post a copy of the software, if someone can guide me through a backup process. I think T-Mo is still on GB?

That's interesting. If he is running ICS on the device then maybe someone could somehow reverse engineer that (with his backup) into a working ROM for the rest of us running GB?

#132 whiterabbit



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Posted 03 October 2012 - 11:56 AM

I'm still tinkering here and there trying to get something to work. Replacing img files doesn't seem to work, but I think I might have an idea of how to get the bootloader unlocked. I'll keep you guys updated.
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#133 magicblaze



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Posted 03 October 2012 - 05:02 PM

i made this account in order to thank each and everyone of you guys that are putting forth the effort to root this phone .. thank you so much for what i thought was the impossible .. i have already successfully rooted it without any problems and i am looking forward to reading up on other phones and threads on this site

once again thanx!!!!!
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#134 mattlgroff


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Posted 03 October 2012 - 11:36 PM

Lots more work than we had before I touched this forsaken device, glad I could start something ;)

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#135 whiterabbit



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Posted 04 October 2012 - 02:53 PM

I got close... like really close. if you download the firmware from huawei.com for the device then put the update.app file that is in the download to a dload folder on your sdcard so it's "(sdcard)/dload/update.app" then when you boot the phone holding down both volume keys instead of the pink screen it launches the manufacturer's recovery and tries to automatically update before the custom stuff overrides the system. The only two downsides are that one the huawei site doesn't have a firmware version to download for this device and I completely bricked the phone trying to update with a different but similar firmware lol. Oh well i already got another phone. The site does have the source code for the kernel so I don't see why someone could not just make a custom firmware specifically for this device from that and somehow figure out what the update.app file is and how to remake it with the new firmware.

#136 mattlgroff


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Posted 04 October 2012 - 09:31 PM

I got close... like really close. if you download the firmware from huawei.com for the device then put the update.app file that is in the download to a dload folder on your sdcard so it's "(sdcard)/dload/update.app" then when you boot the phone holding down both volume keys instead of the pink screen it launches the manufacturer's recovery and tries to automatically update before the custom stuff overrides the system. The only two downsides are that one the huawei site doesn't have a firmware version to download for this device and I completely bricked the phone trying to update with a different but similar firmware lol. Oh well i already got another phone. The site does have the source code for the kernel so I don't see why someone could not just make a custom firmware specifically for this device from that and somehow figure out what the update.app file is and how to remake it with the new firmware.

While the bootloader IS locked... you can run unsigned kernels with "fastboot boot" so think of it like a tethered custom kernel ;)

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#137 whiterabbit



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Posted 04 October 2012 - 10:09 PM

I think that the update.app file was for the entire phone, like bootloader and all, because the one I had was like over 600mb.

#138 Brandonluong



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Posted 05 October 2012 - 02:19 PM

Hi Mattlgroff.

I got to the screen says.

"Plug the phone in with usb cable have it booted up normally.............................

Press any key to continue."

But nothing running, it's just stay there for a long time .

Can you help ?
Thank you.

#139 SirRastusBear



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Posted 05 October 2012 - 04:16 PM

Hi Mattlgroff.

I got to the screen says.

"Plug the phone in with usb cable have it booted up normally.............................

Press any key to continue."

But nothing running, it's just stay there for a long time .

Can you help ?
Thank you.

Do you have all the drivers installed? Can ADB recognize the device? See my post #125 where I found I was misisng the fastboot driver.

#140 Brandonluong



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Posted 05 October 2012 - 06:03 PM

Yes, I have all the drivers installed, nad ADB recognized it. Where can i get the fastboot driver?

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