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How To Root Huawei Mytouch 4G

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#321 jtcanales



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 06:18 AM

I have a question?? does anyone have a way cwm recovery and stock rom for this mytouch 4g huawei
because I want to unroot it and have everything back to the sameway it was can anyone help me with this issue thanks.

#322 mat0



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 01:05 AM

can somebody please upload a backup of thhe mytouch q u8730 system i accidently flashed mytouch 4g flash fixer and now am stuck in boot loop, if someone could make a backup on cwm and upload it you would be a life saver!!

#323 saddam33



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Posted 13 March 2013 - 07:20 AM

@ mat0 no one can help u
i have the same problem and no one helped me

#324 rachelm920



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 05:17 AM

Was able to successfully root using this method since I did not update the firmware. I had to move the files into the root directory to get it to work properly. I wish we could get some modding for this phone. Maybe I'll take a peek at it... I'd like to try something new.
Have a great day!

#325 hman360



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 06:25 AM

I honestly dont care if my phone gets even more bricked because ill just send it out but it would be nice to try the fix flasher matt made...since I passed out last night and for got to ask for instructions anyways lol so anyone know how to use it?

#326 mattlgroff


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 10:25 AM

I honestly dont care if my phone gets even more bricked because ill just send it out but it would be nice to try the fix flasher matt made...since I passed out last night and for got to ask for instructions anyways lol so anyone know how to use it?

You put it on your sdcard then use CWM Phoenix which is also in this forum. To get CWM Phoenix to begin you must be plugged in and in Stock Recovery, because that gives adb access and allows you to tether boot into CWM Phoenix. Then you flash the zip and hope for the best.

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#327 hman360



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 06:05 AM

got it to work but its in a bootloop:/ oh well lol

#328 saddam33



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Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:26 AM

please irealy need someone to do buckup for u8680 huawie my touch my phone in bootloop

#329 SamuraiCX



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Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:40 PM

@saddam33 a backup for this phone can only be done while the phone is working, by copying all the system files. that is a tedious job and i don't expect anyone to do it, as there are 2 phones with three firmwares each, since the buildnumber changes every update. you would need to know your buildnumber. considering someone DOES back up the entire system, we would need a flashable zip. ALSO the cwm is UNSTABLE, which is why matt does not recommend any large files (180mb), according to the cwm pheonix thread. that being said, we would need SEVERAL flashable zips, as just the fix-flasher (some framework stuff) is 110mb! you have a bricked phone, and no one is responsible but you! same goes for me, and for anyone else! i don't want to sound harsh, but complaining isn't going to encourage anyone to do this! my guess is that it isn't gonna happen until the bootloader is unlocked, for a stable, untethered cwm and development! sorry for the wall of post but seeing multiple complaints when answers have been given is kind of annoying.

@anyone asking for anything: please read the entire forum first to make sure your question hasn't already been answered!

Current:   Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket (SGH-I727R) (Latest PACMan nightly, UVMC6 Radio) 

Previous: Huawei T-Mobile MyTouch 4G (U8680) (Stock-rooted, running without cust.img) (still owned)

                Samsung Dart (SGH-T499Y) (Stock-rooted) (still owned)

#330 toquer



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Posted 18 March 2013 - 06:59 AM

Ok, after some poking around I found that like I thought the cust.img file loads customized layouts and other things specific to the phone. Have no fear my friends, I have been working pretty hard and found a better solution to customizing the rom. It's a pain in the arse but it works and it's better than just deleting the whole thing.

You will need to be running linux, I used ubuntu 11.04 but this should work on other variations. I also use Root Explorer to brows the filesystem on the phone.

On the phone navigate to .cust_backup/image and copy cust.img to your sdcard
On your linux computer open the root folder then navigate to the /media folder create a folder named cust ("/media/cust")
On your phone enable USB connection and Copy the cust.img file from your sdcard to the root folder of your linux
computer ("/cust.img")
Open terminal in linux and type mount -o loop,rw -t ext4 /cust.img /media/cust If everything went right you should have
a new hdd volume labled cust that you can navigate through with the file explorer
Just delete whatever you don't want on your phone and then copy the cust.img file from your root folder ("/cust.img") back to
your sdcard (you might have to unmount the image first, you can use the disk manager to unmount the "drive")
On your phone Dissable USB connection and copy the new cust.img file from your sdcard to .cust_backup/image/cust.img
i would reccomend saving a copy of any original files you delete or replace on the phone.

okay so i type mount -o loop,rw -t ext4 /cust.img /media/cust and the response i get from the computer is only root can do this.

so i'm stuck...i tried the sudo command but that gives me a list of options that don't mean anything to me.

anybody willing to help me out? i just need some help modifying the cust.img, running without it is too difficult on the keyboard as it changes the physical keyboard layout when you don't use the cust.img file. but again, i need to take all the trash they put on this phone off. it is running too slow to be useful at this point and i'm only 9 months into it.

so please...anybody...how do i get root in ubuntu?

#331 toquer



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Posted 18 March 2013 - 07:34 AM

Okay got a bit further, but still nothing...
I am not able to make the folder cust in the media folder in the filesystem, anybody know why? Its just a greyed out option.

So I made it in a different folder that I could make a folder in and then I'm unable to ddlete any of the apks from the app folder inside the cust.img file. Anybody know why this is as well?

#332 ndacthien



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Posted 04 April 2013 - 12:02 AM

Using Project Voodoo's OTA Rootkeeper you should be OK.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Could you help me more detail about this project? The new update reminds me many times but after choosing Restart & Install, it's always unsuccessful! (My phone is rooted)
Thank you very much.

#333 mattlgroff


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 06:31 PM

Could you help me more detail about this project? The new update reminds me many times but after choosing Restart & Install, it's always unsuccessful! (My phone is rooted) Thank you very much.

If you manually install this update in Recovery you will see what the install is erroring on.

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#334 SamuraiCX



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 12:06 PM

So I connected my phone in pinkscreen mode to my ubuntu laptop, and I can see all the partiitons in the phone, like system, the recovery partition, the image partition, another partition which contains system, data, radio, etc, etc, and the internal sd card. I'm not exactly sure, but when I searched boot in one of these partitons, I got some .sh file ,bootanimation, bootanimationex and reboot. Any thoughts on this?

Current:   Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket (SGH-I727R) (Latest PACMan nightly, UVMC6 Radio) 

Previous: Huawei T-Mobile MyTouch 4G (U8680) (Stock-rooted, running without cust.img) (still owned)

                Samsung Dart (SGH-T499Y) (Stock-rooted) (still owned)

#335 Hellkotic



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Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:10 AM

Thanx 4 the info..worked first try, NO issues what so ever! Easiest & Fastest ROOT i've done!
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#336 luketidmore99



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Posted 23 April 2013 - 05:30 PM

what is the latest update?


#337 luketidmore99



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 12:20 PM

i have a u8680 and whenever i go and run boot.bat it goes to waiting for device and stops and my computer says i need to install the drivers but i already did. any solutions?


#338 mattlgroff


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 01:35 PM

i have a u8680 and whenever i go and run boot.bat it goes to waiting for device and stops and my computer says i need to install the drivers but i already did. any solutions?

Looks like your software was updated and it can't be rooted if it has been.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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#339 luketidmore99



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Posted 26 April 2013 - 06:45 PM

is there any way to downgrade?

#340 mattlgroff


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Posted 26 April 2013 - 07:45 PM

is there any way to downgrade?

Not to my knowledge.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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