In 2007, Bruce's wife, Cherrie, developed a blood clot in her arm; during treatment for this, she developed pneumonia, a bladder infection, and a staph infection requiring her to be
twice that year for more than nine weeks. Since then, Cherrie has had pneumonia six times and developed . As if this were not enough, four months ago Cherrie began dialysis to treat Stage 1 renal failure caused by Type I Brittle Diabetes. With the combination of dialysis and chemotherapy, her immune system has been completely compromised. During the renal failure treatment, Cherrie was admitted to the hospital with recurrent staph infections in her peritoneal catheter which has since been removed and she receives hemo dialysis.
Most recently, in May of 2013, Cherrie was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Philadelphia Chromosome +. Cherrie went through several weeks of chemotherapy which caused Cherrie to go into Stage 4 renal kidney failure. Cherrie did briefly achieve remission for several months, but now her leukemia has resurfaced she has once again started chemotherapy.
Bruce is self-employed and Cherrie is on Medicare. Medicare does not cover the entirety of their medical expenses. Their hospital debt is over $190,000, and, disgracefully, Cherrie's chemotherapy drugs are not covered or reimbursable. Bruce is Cherrie's primary caregiver, compromising his ability and time to work (Bruce takes Cherrie for dialysis three times per week, in addition to various medical appointments), which further compounds their
We appeal to the Cherrie and Bruce’s friends and family to make any financial
you are willing or able to contribute to help offset their current and future medical expenses.
Thank you for your time, consideration and support.
Here is the link to the fundraiser that's been organized: