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LTE issue

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#1 kpow00



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Posted 05 March 2014 - 08:35 PM

I've been having an issue with my LTE connectivity and was wondering if anyone else was experiencing the same problem with their XT912 running CM 11-20140304. When I reboot my phone LTE works fine and doesn’t drop out, my network connection is pretty stable. However when I turn the data switch off to save battery, LTE will never reconnect and I have to reboot the phone to bring it back. I’ve tried connecting just to LTE and it kills all connection both data and cell service.


I've tried the following in hopes of correcting the issue. I booted into stock rom, wiped Dalvik+cache, got LTE connection on the stock rom, and booted back to CM 11 and the issue presisted. I then updated to CM 11-20140304 thinking that might do something, but it didn't. I been looking around and so far I haven't found much info, any ideas?


#2 Memnoch73


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 05:41 AM

CM is notorious for having random bugs on nightlies especially on older phones. If you are getting LTE fine on your stock rom it is not a phone or sim card issue. You can either go back to an older build or wait for a newer build. There is not "fix' other than another version of CM or running a blur based rom.



#3 Guest_Dalvik_Cache_*

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Posted 06 March 2014 - 09:18 PM

The issue with custom ROMs, and this is no anti-ROM rant, is that a lot of the developers don't necessarily understand the deep rooted ramifications of changes they make. This is especially true when changing properties of radios, or radio settings. If you make the wrong adjustment the device will have unreliable results. If you make other certain changes then the network may stop serving the device as a protection measure. I have seen both happen.


If it works on your stock install and not in you CM, then it is most likely a ROM issue.

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