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Obsidian's for JB OTA /UPDATE/FXZ/RSD/ROMS/ROOT(wip)/Threads/Guides/SafeStrap/***

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#101 johnlgalt



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Posted 30 August 2012 - 07:31 PM

Not likely, more like definite. Once you take the official OTA, there will be no going back to GB on the BIONIC.

#102 Aldroid33



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Posted 30 August 2012 - 07:40 PM

So, if that is correct, then what is the downside to upgrading to 242?
Samsung S4, Rooted, Encrypted, Stock JB 4.4.3 GPE and Echo TW v.24 4.4.2
Moto Xoom WiFi-EOS Big Part 4.4.4 w/ TWRP 2.7.1. Thanks BRD & R'nH!

#103 johnlgalt



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Posted 30 August 2012 - 07:42 PM

that, in and of itself, *IS* the downside. You'll have to wait until someone posts the OTA upgrade online and use the HoB utility to upgrade from .242 to the final OTA (if it is different).

With .242 you also cannot go back to GB at all. Same as with .235 and .238. I soft bricked my phone proving it when .235 dropped.

When you check for updates via the system menu, you have to be on .905 (GB) in order to receive an available update, when it goes live. Since you cannot go back to GB from .235/.238/.242, you cannot install .905 in order to boot the phone and check for updates, much less actually receive said update.

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#104 SamuriHL


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Posted 30 August 2012 - 07:52 PM

Trust me when I say that the idiots out there who argue that point will learn the hard way and will not like my reaction to their pleas for help when they brick their phone. Can I fix it? Yes. Will I give a royal attitude while doing so? You bet. And the people that argued with me on this point won't get any help at all. I'll begrudgingly help those that mistakenly get themselves into a bad situation with a strong lecture on the side. But there are a couple people on my list whom will not ever get my help. My warning shouldn't be taken lightly and certainly not responded to with a "so what I don't like gb anyway and won't be returning to it so who cares" response. Playing with leaks that you can't fxz from is not a small risk.

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#105 johnlgalt



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Posted 30 August 2012 - 07:56 PM

I bet I can guess two of them lol

That last post by Sam might come across as harsh, but he's been through all of this before with his phone and his utility is top notch. You can't go wrong listening to him and his advice.

I was the guinea pig that proved that you cannot revert .235 to a bootable GB stock that can take updates and such. He convinced me to do so back when there was no HoB utility to get out of a jam. But make no mistake:

HoB can only help in moving between .235 / .238 / .242 if you are on any of those three builds. It CANNOT revert you from any of those builds back to a booting GB stock anything.

Nothing can.

#106 Aldroid33



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Posted 30 August 2012 - 07:58 PM

Thanks John, you clearly covered it. Unfortunately I can't convince myself to just go ahead and flash 242. Thanks to you and Obsidian. Thanks again. Hopefully you will be able to directly upgrade to the official release once it finally hits.
Samsung S4, Rooted, Encrypted, Stock JB 4.4.3 GPE and Echo TW v.24 4.4.2
Moto Xoom WiFi-EOS Big Part 4.4.4 w/ TWRP 2.7.1. Thanks BRD & R'nH!

#107 johnlgalt



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Posted 30 August 2012 - 08:04 PM

We won't. But we (early adopters of .235 / .238 / .242) have HoB to work around it, so we're not currently worried (too much).

Any user currently on .905 will should have no issues on taking the update once it goes live

#108 SamuriHL


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Posted 30 August 2012 - 08:06 PM

And those that followed the wise advice to stay on 232 will be able to fxz to 905 and take the ota.

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#109 Aldroid33



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Posted 30 August 2012 - 08:34 PM

Trust me when I say that the idiots out there who argue that point will learn the hard way and will not like my reaction to their pleas for help when they brick their phone. Can I fix it? Yes. Will I give a royal attitude while doing so? You bet. And the people that argued with me on this point won't get any help at all. I'll begrudgingly help those that mistakenly get themselves into a bad situation with a strong lecture on the side. But there are a couple people on my list whom will not ever get my help. My warning shouldn't be taken lightly and certainly not responded to with a "so what I don't like gb anyway and won't be returning to it so who cares" response. Playing with leaks that you can't fxz from is not a small risk.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

Samuri, sounds like you have thrown out a few too many lifelines to "brick heads." Thanks for all of your great work in creating and continuing to develop your HoB. I do think, however, that it is important for us to explore and fully debate the issues so we can all gain a clear understanding of the advantages and dangers of each step that we take. This is especially important in this time of "one click"upgrades and roots, when new users may not read or understand the ops and posts before flashing and to coin a term creating a "one click brick."
Samsung S4, Rooted, Encrypted, Stock JB 4.4.3 GPE and Echo TW v.24 4.4.2
Moto Xoom WiFi-EOS Big Part 4.4.4 w/ TWRP 2.7.1. Thanks BRD & R'nH!

#110 Int_Rnd_Pooka



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Posted 31 August 2012 - 12:53 AM

Is it likely that you will never have to go back to 905? Will the official release going to be the same?

It's impossible to say, until the official release comes out. It might be something we never ever need to do. It might be something people will be kicking themselves for not being able to do.

Myself, I'm not moving past 232 until the FXZ is out for an ICS OTA, even if the OTA itself is released and out for weeks. I don't like the idea of not being able to completely wipe and start over from square 1.
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#111 SamuriHL


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 03:44 AM

Samori, sounds like you have thrown out a few too many lifelines to "brick heads." Thanks for all of your great work in creating and continuing to develop your HoB. I do think, however, that it is important for us to explore and fully debate the issues so we can all gain a clear understanding of the advantages and dangers of each step that we take. This is especially important in this time of "one click"upgrades and roots, when new users may not read or understand the ops and posts before flashing and to coin a term creating a "one click brick."

I fully agree. Check out my post for the hob sometime and see the warnings I give. Especially the part where i say this is not a replacement for knowing how to do this manually. Because I made it so easy people just start downloading it and running it without taking the time to even read how it works. I give those people a super hard time when they inevitably tell me it didn't work. I love the I skipped that step cause I didn't think it applied responses. Those are awesome. Especially since it says in the op it won't work if you skip a step. Lol! But yea I've gotten in trouble for my harsh attitude I take with people who don't bother to read. The mods over there are sick of cleaning up my thread...

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#112 SamuriHL


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 03:46 AM

It's impossible to say, until the official release comes out. It might be something we never ever need to do. It might be something people will be kicking themselves for not being able to do.

Myself, I'm not moving past 232 until the FXZ is out for an ICS OTA, even if the OTA itself is released and out for weeks. I don't like the idea of not being able to completely wipe and start over from square 1.

The fxz won't take months this time. The 905 FXZ only came out cause I asked for it. I'll be asking for this one as soon as the ota drops. It might take up to a month to 6 weeks but we'll get it.

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#113 dragon


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 05:03 AM

Well I don't post a lot because I read before i post. SamuriHL I understand what you and John are saying so that is why I am happy with 232 so I will just wait...... TY
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              Puff the Magic Dragon

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#114 Aldroid33



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Posted 31 August 2012 - 10:17 AM

Any soak test rumors?

Edited by Aldroid33, 03 September 2012 - 07:06 PM.

Samsung S4, Rooted, Encrypted, Stock JB 4.4.3 GPE and Echo TW v.24 4.4.2
Moto Xoom WiFi-EOS Big Part 4.4.4 w/ TWRP 2.7.1. Thanks BRD & R'nH!

#115 Aldroid33



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Posted 31 August 2012 - 10:19 AM

Damn spell check!!! :o :D :P
I fixed it. Ha ha ha:)

Edited by Aldroid33, 03 September 2012 - 07:07 PM.

Samsung S4, Rooted, Encrypted, Stock JB 4.4.3 GPE and Echo TW v.24 4.4.2
Moto Xoom WiFi-EOS Big Part 4.4.4 w/ TWRP 2.7.1. Thanks BRD & R'nH!

#116 SamuriHL


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 10:28 AM

I'm a rummy! Oh, wait, that's not what you were asking? Damn, I'll put the Tortuga back then. SNIFF SNIFF
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#117 johnlgalt



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Posted 31 August 2012 - 12:17 PM

I fully agree. Check out my post for the hob sometime and see the warnings I give. Especially the part where i say this is not a replacement for knowing how to do this manually. Because I made it so easy people just start downloading it and running it without taking the time to even read how it works. I give those people a super hard time when they inevitably tell me it didn't work. I love the I skipped that step cause I didn't think it applied responses. Those are awesome. Especially since it says in the op it won't work if you skip a step. Lol! But yea I've gotten in trouble for my harsh attitude I take with people who don't bother to read. The mods over there are sick of cleaning up my thread...

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

Lol - I skip steps all the time - but it's because I know WTFH I'm doing :D

Sam even gave me some ribbing over mentioning in the old Hiver shoutbox that I was skipping steps lol

Seriously, though, when I was a n00b in the world of Android, I read over how to root my D1 many times - made sure I had the steps down so I could perform them almost by rote. I did'nt use a one click root tool for the first year b/c I wanted to reinforce the steps in my head so that, if, by chance, something went wrong, I could fix it. I still do this today. I bugged Sam repeatedly for differnt things in his script b/c I would run them manually to see what was going on. (In fact, Sam, I'd still like some things to be echoed back to the screen - like when the file is being pushed to the SDcard - otherwise it's too easy to think it is not doing anything when it actually is....)

Reading and asking questions - that is what the forums are here for. There are so many differnet forums now dealing with Android phones that one really has no excuse for not learning the process, but at the same time I understand how some people simply do not have the time / wherewithall to try to learn the process. It's really a catch .22, in that there are always going to be people who just want it done and others who have just barely begun to learn and start giving advice - a dangerous combination in teh best of situations.

The fxz won't take months this time. The 905 FXZ only came out cause I asked for it. I'll be asking for this one as soon as the ota drops. It might take up to a month to 6 weeks but we'll get it.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

Samuri, Samuri, He's our man! If he can't get it....we'll find someone else. :P

I'm a rummy! Oh, wait, that's not what you were asking? Damn, I'll put the Tortuga back then. SNIFF SNIFF

Is that ther glue you were sniffing, son? :P
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#118 SamuriHL


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 12:22 PM

Lol - I skip steps all the time - but it's because I know WTFH I'm doing :D

Sam even gave me some ribbing over mentioning in the old Hiver shoutbox that I was skipping steps lol

Seriously, though, when I was a n00b in the world of Android, I read over how to root my D1 many times - made sure I had the steps down so I could perform them almost by rote. I did'nt use a one click root tool for the first year b/c I wanted to reinforce the steps in my head so that, if, by chance, something went wrong, I could fix it. I still do this today. I bugged Sam repeatedly for differnt things in his script b/c I would run them manually to see what was going on. (In fact, Sam, I'd still like some things to be echoed back to the screen - like when the file is being pushed to the SDcard - otherwise it's too easy to think it is not doing anything when it actually is....)

Reading and asking questions - that is what the forums are here for. There are so many differnet forums now dealing with Android phones that one really has no excuse for not learning the process, but at the same time I understand how some people simply do not have the time / wherewithall to try to learn the process. It's really a catch .22, in that there are always going to be people who just want it done and others who have just barely begun to learn and start giving advice - a dangerous combination in teh best of situations.

ADB goes to sleep while pushing it. I give as much info as I can while it's doing it. As for the rest, you deserved the ribbing and you know it. :P Bricking your phone constantly. I see what type of user YOU are. :P MUAHAHHAAHA

Samuri, Samuri, He's our man! If he can't get it....we'll find someone else. :P

WOW! I see how it is now. Where's that ignore button!?!?!?! :P LOL!

Is that ther glue you were sniffing, son? :P

Sadly no. I was hoping to go to the beach today but the weather was looking bad when I was ready to leave and then decided that it wasn't going to rain and in fact the sun came back out. SIGH.
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#119 johnlgalt



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Posted 31 August 2012 - 12:40 PM

ADB goes to sleep while pushing it. I give as much info as I can while it's doing it. As for the rest, you deserved the ribbing and you know it. :P Bricking your phone constantly. I see what type of user YOU are. :P MUAHAHHAAHA

All in the name of science, my friend.

WOW! I see how it is now. Where's that ignore button!?!?!?! :P LOL!

I asked matt to take it out :P

Sadly no. I was hoping to go to the beach today but the weather was looking bad when I was ready to leave and then decided that it wasn't going to rain and in fact the sun came back out. SIGH.

Bah. Mother nature - she's a fickle one.

#120 SamuriHL


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 12:42 PM

Science....that's what you call that?! :D LOL!! That explains the missing ignore button. Darn you! :D And yes, but, we're going to go the beach tonight anyway. What sucks is I live like 3 miles from it and I haven't been all summer. And now summer seems to have....disappeared. Damn Bionic!

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