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Obsidian's for JB OTA /UPDATE/FXZ/RSD/ROMS/ROOT(wip)/Threads/Guides/SafeStrap/***

bionic ics leak rom safestrap obsidian root

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#621 SamuriHL


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 02:51 AM

Few things about the picture of the USB trick.

1.)  Tape those unused wires.  Not worth the risk.

2.)  Give yourself wire length and get wires into grooves so when battery is inserted it should be a LITTLE difficult to push in. 

2b.)  BATTERY is not in phone, USB cable is NOT plugged in when wires are inserted into grooves on battery (red to + and black to - is easiest to remember). 

2c.)  Push battery into phone WITHOUT USB plugged in yet.  Once battery is in, NOW plug in that USB cable on your computer.  I've always used my computer as it will charge your battery quickly.

3.)  Phone off, battery inserted into phone, USB plugged in last, go ahead now....

4.)  Hold volume buttons BEFORE pushing power button.  Saves you a reset and/or battery pull.  Phone MAY not boot with this if wires are not into grooves on battery and making good connections.

5.)  Turn phone off, unplug USB wire first (no need to be waiving around charged wires), THEN pull battery and remove the "rigged" setup. 


--This has saved me going back to the DX days.  Some may say the "factory" adapter works best but I never tried it and Sam or others WILL know more.  If people never have done it, then it is confusing and could be anything from a shocking surprise to smoke from wires touching something, to hardware damage.  seems trivial but as Sam knows, the details make/break something;-)  

I bought one of the cables from tbh, before they made the adapters. Never needed it, but played around with it a bit when I got it. You can take the battery out, plug it in, and flash yourself silly

This. No moto phone owner should be without at least the adapter.

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#622 Obsidian



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 06:04 AM

...and 32 bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

This is an iso file that can be burned directly to a CD and either run live, installed to machine as primary OS, or set up dual boot (my preference).

Obsidian, I know you have Bionic support threads elsewhere as well. If you are still maintaining them, feel free to link all my mirrors as you wish :)

Obsidian has this thread on, well, ANY site I go to on the Bionic.  Even Rootzwiki (?) that is not even maintained (does not appear to be anymore for Bionic).  I always thought this was cool. 

They are all being updated and maintained. Rootz, Droid-Hive and Droidrzr. I was waiting for the exploit to be dropped before switching them to JB so if you find something new for the Bionic anywhere toss me the link and it'll go in the OP

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#623 SamuriHL


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 06:09 AM

Hey Obsidian, you see my idea on the root thread?  Basically if you set up the samba share on a rooted android device (a tablet for instance) you could in theory run the script from windows with the Bionic connected to that share and it SHOULD work.  :)

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#624 Obsidian



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 06:25 AM

Hey Obsidian, you see my idea on the root thread?  Basically if you set up the samba share on a rooted android device (a tablet for instance) you could in theory run the script from windows with the Bionic connected to that share and it SHOULD work.  :)

You're right in theory it should... Using the rooted device as your linux build. Who's going to try this out? If I had my Bionic I would. Really Cool Idea brother.

Alright people I'm downloading and uploading everything needed for JB. I'll hopefully be able to throw time at a big update tonight for the OPs. Keep getting me mirrors and thread links for anything you find that's worthy. Also anyone willing to give Sams idea a go let us know


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#625 SamuriHL


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 06:48 AM

I'm testing it now.  It's complicated though.  If I get it working I'll document the steps.  It's not a hell of a lot better than getting linux set up in a lot of ways.

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#626 rlewis312010



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 08:17 AM

Sam, always improvising, changing, automating;-)

#627 SamuriHL


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 08:18 AM

It doesn't work though so that was pointless.  Ah well.

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#628 rlewis312010



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 10:28 AM

It doesn't work though so that was pointless.  Ah well.

At least it was something to try.  Have a little fun trying something new. 

#629 SamuriHL


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 10:39 AM

Yea.  I may try again when I have more time.  Because the way it would work is that you'd set up the samba share on your "other", rooted, android device (phone, tablet, whatever).  All you need in that share is the pwn binary with 6755 perms set.  On windows, you extract the exploit and run through the script commands (I'd write a bat file for it if it worked) that pushes the su, busybox, and pwn to /data/local/tmp and then runs the pwn from the share.  All using adb.  Not sure what the i/o error is all about but if we could get past that it should work in theory.  I just have a really busy work week ahead of me so I don't have time to devote to messing with it.

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#630 Int_Rnd_Pooka



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Posted 26 April 2013 - 12:50 AM

The builds for CM, AOKP, and Liquid should have audio fixed starting with the next nightly, for anyone on the edge of their seat on that one.

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#631 Obsidian



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Posted 12 May 2013 - 02:06 PM

Time to get this Thread fully updated what do I need to add and what do I need to remove? What Links need updating? Post anything you guys need or actually it's probably not you that need it but what the general public or noobs will need.

Thanks in advance

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#632 Obsidian



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Posted 12 May 2013 - 03:23 PM

...and 32 bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

This is an iso file that can be burned directly to a CD and either run live, installed to machine as primary OS, or set up dual boot (my preference).

Obsidian, I know you have Bionic support threads elsewhere as well. If you are still maintaining them, feel free to link all my mirrors as you wish :)

Obsidian has this thread on, well, ANY site I go to on the Bionic. Even Rootzwiki (?) that is not even maintained (does not appear to be anymore for Bionic). I always thought this was cool.

Yeah here is how it all went down. Back in the day DTh3ory and DHacker (along with most other Devs) were at Rootz until things got a little tense over there. That's why that is where one of my original threads is still there, and I still update it but I do this one and The Hives first. Basically some of the devs that DT and DH were cool with turned into two faced bastards and talked a bunch of ish behind their backs back in the days of .886 and .892.

That's when the original Hive was created and was extremely popular and a great home for us. So that's where my other original thread was. I kept both for a bit of redundancy and it was a good thing I did because the Original Hive became too large with too many admins. It had a build bot and some large bills. Well that created animosity and bad blood. The site was eventually ruined, most threads were completely deleted, admins lost rights along with a whole lot of other stuff. At first they thought it was a hacker but it ended up being more of an inside job.

That was the beginning of the end for the Hive. My thread there was completely lost. Luckily I had the OP backed up over at Rootz but I lost the hundreds of pages of posts that contained a ton of support data. We did get the Hive back up but it had to be moved to a different url because the original was stolen sold etc... I got the thread ruining again but not long after the internal turmoil and cost of running or became too much and it was taken down for good.

Luckily this move was known a little in advance and two forums stepped up to the plate to make room for the Bionic community, RomDroidHacks and Droidrzr.com, RDH had the Bionic section up first so I created my thread there and told all my peeps to follow me there because I knew DT and TMC363 were in control there so we'd be good. But shortly after Droidrzr.com opened their doors to us and even copied over my thread for me (not to mention were very welcoming). That's where things got interesting. Two great sites so now I keep Rootz because of the wealth of information and stability and both here and droid-hive.com out of loyalty. I'm a mod at the Hive so I'm partial to being there. It'd be nice to be a mod here

I've tried my thread at a couple other sites during the turmoil of losing our home but non of them turned into a good fit. I created one at Droidforums.net because Samuri had his original thread there but the format for the thread code was so different from the rest that it made the constant updating I did extremely time consuming. Sam also left there too but due to poor treatment.

Obviously I only update one thread and then copy and paste the code from it to the others.

So page width, max line content that's viewable in Tapatalk, hyperlink format etc... needs to be as close as possible for me to do that and it wasn't there. It'd take me an extra 20 mins just to update that one thread. Between here and The Hive the only major difference is small hyperlink format.




So obviously the only difference is the quotes around the url so it's easy to change with my phone but if I forget to do it the forums software will try to auto correct it and it becomes a mess and a pain in the rear end to fix. So you can imagine why when the differences become much greater it just isn't worth the hassle unless the thread has a lot of subscribers and activity.
I also tried out xda but they clearly aren't the most friendly group and are a very cocky group of mods/admins

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#633 nine5raptor


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Posted 12 May 2013 - 05:03 PM

Obsidian, thanks for keeping these going! I don't know how many times I've come back to your thread to find my next great rom adventure :). I also have pointed many others this way to find their own best fit rom.

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#634 freddy0872



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Posted 07 June 2013 - 05:21 PM

OP Has been updated with a modified FXZ using Int_Rnd_Pooka's method of a modified .XML file. We were having issues with the release from sbf.droid-developers.org not flashing properly. 

So thanks to Pooka for locating the fix and letting us know. I just took his method, applied it and made a new mirror. If anyone has anything they feel should be posted in the OP please let me know by submitting a PM to me, GTALK (freddy0872) or twitter (freddy0872)


I am helping to relieve Obsidian of the thread maintaining. Hit me up if you find an error or wish to have something posted. 

Have a great day Bionics!

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#635 stateofdade



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 11:32 AM

The noob tool download links no longer function.

#636 bdazzg1


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Posted 07 August 2013 - 08:54 AM

Hey guys and gals I have developed and am actively supporting a new stock based custom ROM for Bionic. Check it out!


Obsidian please feel free to add to your OPs :)


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#637 Int_Rnd_Pooka



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Posted 01 October 2013 - 02:39 PM

Would anyone be interested in overclock and governor modules for the current CM10.2 kexec kernel? I have been messing with them and have compiled working ones using the source used for the ones you OC the stock kernel with.

#638 Int_Rnd_Pooka



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Posted 01 October 2013 - 03:02 PM

These kernel modules may also work with AOKP. Not sure, since I don't run it.

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#639 Int_Rnd_Pooka



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Posted 15 October 2013 - 06:18 PM

Working and up to date

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based on current CM source, but a kernel from 10/8, since the kernel build was causing the problems with nightlies not completing. No significant changes or improvements were made to the kernel that will directly affect us. Probably something altered for the qcom devices that found its way into our omap tree. I'm working on fixing that now, so CM can start churning out nightlies again.

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#640 Int_Rnd_Pooka



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Posted 18 October 2013 - 12:46 AM

Looks like CM got it sorted later that day. I swear! Any time I build locally because I'm tired of waiting to see if a nightly is coming, the nightly follows by a few hours

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: bionic, ics, leak, rom, safestrap, obsidian, root

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