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#181 johnlgalt



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Posted 20 September 2012 - 07:27 PM

Hey everyone,

I want to give you all an update about Freddy. Luckily he found his phone

Hey brother. Just wanted to update you on everything. I did on some good note find my bionic. I went to the towing yard and searched thru the glass and busted car with no luck. Went to the scene of the accident and there was this old man outside working on his car who asked what I was doing. I said I was the one who wrecked here a few nights back. He said he found a phone and a pair of sunglasses. I got so excited! And sure enough he came out with it still holding into 1% battery after about 4 days! Granted no cell service was going to it but here it is in my hands again! :-)

Even though it is great he found his phone he could still use all of our help. He still isn't able to work but will be going back next week but his girl Kristyn is going to have a long road to recovery and won't be able to work for at least 3 months.

She will be unable to walk for about 3 months. Its very painful for her every movement from her hips down is excruciating.. she will pull thru tho with the help and support of our friends and family. . I have not been to the threads for a while. I've deleted the apps a while back so I could concentrate on my life with kristyn. And its staying that way for a while. Hope u can understand. I have a very long road ahead of me helping her. Were going to be ____ed financially for a while since she can't work and I am not allowed to work till next week. So say howdy to the bionic family for me and I'll pop in soon and say hi to all. I do miss everyone.

Anything we could do financially to help him would be great. I know everyone can't donate but I am hoping a lot of us can. I am going to go check out PayPal to try to set something up. As you all know I have never asked for money so I haven't ever set up a donation link but I am going to now and I would appreciate any donation you believe I deserve go Freddy and his family's way.


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Thanks for the donation link. I don't use my real name in the forums, so you'll see a very odd donation coming from me in about 10 minutes - you'll know it's me, but please, keep the (real) name to yourself, I like to remain anonymous on the Net....

***Correction: I tried ot use hte link and this is what I got:

Sorry — your last action could not be completed

If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.
If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don't use your browser's Back button) and restart your activity.
If you came from PayPal's website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left corner to return to our home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again.

Please fix so I can donate....

Hello bionic family! As you have heard me and my fiancé Kristyn were involved in a rather serious car accident on saturday around 1:35AM
We are both very lucky to still be here breathing. More so Kristyn. If she was wearing her seatbelt like the law says she would of been dead instantly. I'm not going into details on the accident but the telephone pole would have instantly crushed her with the door. So sometimes not following the law will save your arse.

She has multiple fractures as obsidian stated. Most damaging was her pelvis. She will be bed ridden for sometime around 3 months. I personally have never witnessed a miracle but that night I did see one with my own eyes! As for me I've got some pretty deep lacerations on my head and hands and 2 busted ribs. Not to mention a mind that is so jacked up because of this since I was driving. I did lose my phone for about 3 days and did find it as obsidian stated earlier.

No point on repeating everything all over again tho. I will keep in touch with all of you thru obsidian. I will pop in once and a while but as you can see my life is going to be devoted to her and our 2 year old son more than anything.

I want to thank ALL of you for your support and prayers! They do help! She made her first step to recovery today by sitting up for the first time since the accident. With the help of the physical therapists of course. But in the end was able to support herself sitting on the bed. I broke down in tears of happiness and joy over that moment!

I am NEVER one to do any type of begging or anything but as obsidian stated we are going to be very much stuck as I will be the only one supporting our family financially. The medical bills will be outrageous but if some of you do wish to throw even a dollar or two I would not be able to thank you enough! I informed her that obsidian was keeping you all informed and was organizing a donation fund. She got tears to her eyes and smiled. During this week we have realized that there are still some VERY kind and helpful people in this world. The donation link obsidian posted is the same in my signature and it leads right into Kristyn's PayPal account.

As I stated if you can we would be most appreciated! I am aware most can't and that is OK! Just keep us in your thoughts and prayers please! :-)

This whole bionic family is one of the greatest supporters of not just our phones but also own own personal lives as well!

I want to wish u all a great week and I will be in touch again soon!

Take care all!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Dude, we are *NOT* the priority. You've got a son you've got to take care of almost single handedly, for the next several months, and you've got to be the sole bread winner for that amount of time too. ____ making ROMs and $#!7, man, you don't have the luxury now, as you said yourself - you saw the miracle, you've got a second chance, and the only way you're gonna keep that mind even halfway sane is to immerse yourself in your life and your wife (and you better pop a ring on that finger b/f there is a chance for a repeat).

This may sound harsh, but I'm being real, bro. We're an extended family, but all most of us can do is sympathize / empathize and maybe throw a few bones your way - yeah, they'll help with little things, but 2yos are expensive, medical bills are more expensive, and and you've got a long hard climb up a steep slope. Coming in here and talking to us may be fun, relaxing, etc. but right now that is not your priority, it cannot be your priority. Family, in RL, trumps all. Coming in here is only gonna start making you reminisce about the good old days before this happened - and that's a long, dark, and lonely road that you really do not wanna go down, not just yet. You need healing, and time is the best medicine for now.

Like dfib, I can tell you all about the guilt of having done something that led to a horrible situation that left a deep scar of regret. Mine was the fact that my g/f was waiting on me to finish my head server duties at the restaurant that we both worked at so we could go out to the club, only to have some last minute customers walk in - and I allowed them ot come in and order food. They ended up robbing the place, pistol whipping one guy, throwing the lot of us in the cooler, trying to blow my brains out and raping three women - one of whom was my girl. Who, again, was there b/c she was waiting on me.

Seriously, dude, trust me - you do what you have to first and foremost, and then worry about us DRIODians afterward. Your mind *and heart* need healing. I'm over mine now, but I went about it the wrong way - drinking myself into poverty and almost throwing my life away completely. I'm hoping you heed me and avoid that pain - it's a lot worse than the guilt....

Also, like dfib said, I'm always available for talking to - feel free to PM. Or hit me up on gtalk (johnlgalt) if you prefer.


My thoughts are with you and your family. About 5 years ago I was injured at work and spent 3 months in the hospital (6 weeks in Tampa and 4 weeks in NY), 3 weeks of which I was in the ICU. I am still having surgeries to try to give some function back to my hands (I am actually sitting in a hotel right now typing this waiting to see my Dr tomorrow). It has been very tough financially and mentally on myself and family, but through it all you need to focus on your fiancée and son and not worry about the money or anything else. I don't know your financial situation but a credit score is just a number that can go back up just like it came down and if the medical bills pile up, there is always bankruptcy (it is for situations like this). Remember to take care of your son and fiancée first and worry about the material stuff later. I would rather have my family taken care of then good credit.

Take care,


PM me if you want to talk to a family who has been there.

Nice. Seeing this inspired me - I haven't really known anyone to go through anything remotely close to what I went through in terms of guilt and such, but this one is ripe - I see the signs already.

@Everyone - sorry if what I wrote is too ... jarring, or whatever, but it puts a lot of who I am into perspective, like being 41 and just now finishing my master's degree, among other things. I'm sorry if my post above offended in any way, but this man is in a world of $#!7 and it's gonna get worse if he doesn't have a support group and fast. I've been there first hand, and I know where that road leads. Thus, I felt compelled to say it.

Again, apologies if it offends, but I cannot let this slide.
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#182 freddy0872



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Posted 20 September 2012 - 09:37 PM

John.... I take all of what you said to heart. What I have now is definitely a second chance in life for sure! And support from you guys is definitely feeling good! Dfib just hearing about the long road to recovery does have an end but does linger on like you said really makes the gift of life worth while!

I truly do appreciate the offers from you guys giving the option to talk when it is needed. I will definitely do that. I'm going to make this post short. Kristyn just fell asleep and we are aiming at her being discharged tomorrow. The possibility is there but even if not our chances move to Monday. I spent the day at home prepping room for the hospital bed for her to sleep in and room to maneuver in a wheel chair. This is definitely going to be tough but I know that we can do it together and we will make it! In the end this will be one of the greatest Christmas gifts ever!

Thank you guys so much for your support and I will keep in touch!

Those two are ALWAYS the most important things in my life and NOTHING will EVER change that! Thanks again for the help and support.

If I seem "odd or random" in the post the pain meds are kicking in so I'm hitting the sac guys. Take care and I will be in touch.

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#183 johnlgalt



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Posted 20 September 2012 - 09:40 PM

I'd like that post but I seem to have reached my quota of likes today. WTF?A

Also, Paypal link is still being silly for me....

#184 freddy0872



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Posted 20 September 2012 - 10:16 PM

I'd like that post but I seem to have reached my quota of likes today. WTF?A

Also, Paypal link is still being silly for me....

I can't seem to like a post in tapatalk either. Nor is it pushing updates to my phone nor my nexus7. Sometimes it does. I'm half asleep brother. If u want to find the link its actually in my signature over at the rootz thread. I'm to bushed to copy it lol. Lazy I know :-p

good night man.

PS I also added u up on gtalk as well. Thanks!

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#185 freddy0872



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 05:42 AM

I'd like that post but I seem to have reached my quota of likes today. WTF?A

Also, Paypal link is still being silly for me....

Here is a repost of the link. Should work

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#186 Obsidian



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 06:28 AM

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Freddy0872 paypal link... sorry I had updated Rootz but forgot to here somehow

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#187 Obsidian



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 06:58 AM

Thanks for the donation link. I don't use my real name in the forums, so you'll see a very odd donation coming from me in about 10 minutes - you'll know it's me, but please, keep the (real) name to yourself, I like to remain anonymous on the Net....

***Correction: I tried ot use hte link and this is what I got

Please fix so I can donate....

Dude, we are *NOT* the priority. You've got a son you've got to take care of almost single handedly, for the next several months, and you've got to be the sole bread winner for that amount of time too. ____ making ROMs and $#!7, man, you don't have the luxury now, as you said yourself - you saw the miracle, you've got a second chance, and the only way you're gonna keep that mind even halfway sane is to immerse yourself in your life and your wife (and you better pop a ring on that finger b/f there is a chance for a repeat).

This may sound harsh, but I'm being real, bro. We're an extended family, but all most of us can do is sympathize / empathize and maybe throw a few bones your way - yeah, they'll help with little things, but 2yos are expensive, medical bills are more expensive, and and you've got a long hard climb up a steep slope. Coming in here and talking to us may be fun, relaxing, etc. but right now that is not your priority, it cannot be your priority. Family, in RL, trumps all. Coming in here is only gonna start making you reminisce about the good old days before this happened - and that's a long, dark, and lonely road that you really do not wanna go down, not just yet. You need healing, and time is the best medicine for now.

Like dfib, I can tell you all about the guilt of having done something that led to a horrible situation that left a deep scar of regret. Mine was the fact that my g/f was waiting on me to finish my head server duties at the restaurant that we both worked at so we could go out to the club, only to have some last minute customers walk in - and I allowed them ot come in and order food. They ended up robbing the place, pistol whipping one guy, throwing the lot of us in the cooler, trying to blow my brains out and raping three women - one of whom was my girl. Who, again, was there b/c she was waiting on me.

Seriously, dude, trust me - you do what you have to first and foremost, and then worry about us DRIODians afterward. Your mind *and heart* need healing. I'm over mine now, but I went about it the wrong way - drinking myself into poverty and almost throwing my life away completely. I'm hoping you heed me and avoid that pain - it's a lot worse than the guilt....

Also, like dfib said, I'm always available for talking to - feel free to PM. Or hit me up on gtalk (johnlgalt) if you prefer.

Nice. Seeing this inspired me - I haven't really known anyone to go through anything remotely close to what I went through in terms of guilt and such, but this one is ripe - I see the signs already.

@Everyone - sorry if what I wrote is too ... jarring, or whatever, but it puts a lot of who I am into perspective, like being 41 and just now finishing my master's degree, among other things. I'm sorry if my post above offended in any way, but this man is in a world of $#!7 and it's gonna get worse if he doesn't have a support group and fast. I've been there first hand, and I know where that road leads. Thus, I felt compelled to say it.

Again, apologies if it offends, but I cannot let this slide.

You didn't offend me at all and I highly doubt you offended anyone else. I think you made a lot of good points but I know Freddy isnt used to and doesn't like getting something for nothing but that is just something he will need to get over for the time being

I updated the PayPal link in the new post so send that donation :-)

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#188 Obsidian



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 10:10 AM


My thoughts are with you and your family. About 5 years ago I was injured at work and spent 3 months in the hospital (6 weeks in Tampa and 4 weeks in NY), 3 weeks of which I was in the ICU. I am still having surgeries to try to give some function back to my hands (I am actually sitting in a hotel right now typing this waiting to see my Dr tomorrow). It has been very tough financially and mentally on myself and family, but through it all you need to focus on your fiancée and son and not worry about the money or anything else. I don't know your financial situation but a credit score is just a number that can go back up just like it came down and if the medical bills pile up, there is always bankruptcy (it is for situations like this). Remember to take care of your son and fiancée first and worry about the material stuff later. I would rather have my family taken care of then good credit.

Take care,


PM me if you want to talk to a family who has been there.

I broke my right femur in half ,years ago, and after they drilled a hole through it and pounded a 18" titanium rod in it i had to spend 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital just to be able to get off the morphine drip/shots and on to the weaker pills just so I could go home. I was completely helpless and had to rely on everyone around me just to get from bed to the bathroom and back again.

When I broke the bone I also tore two ligaments in my knee. That knee ended up swollen to the size of a bowling ball and I couldn't bend it. So for at least 2 months after I got home my leg was always extended out while I was in the wheel chair, shower, bathroom etc...which caused a lot more problems for those who helped me, think about trying to get into a car with a straight right leg that containing a break in the largest bone in your body. No cast but the break is 8 inches down from the hip causing excruciating pain.

After that experience I learned a lot about myself and the people around me. I found out who my "true" friends were and the ones that weren't . Made me realized I have an unbelievable family and friends. Also of the importance of being humble.

I've broken around 15 bones in my life. Most caused by taking my extracurricular activities to the extreme. BMX, Snowboarding, Skiing and rollerblading did the most damage but i can attribute a lot of my muscle injuries to sports. Varsity Soccer and Ski Team in high school.

I'm only 32 but I have arthritis and bursitis in my knee, hip and back. My lower right back shifted up when I broke my femur and my body has been compensating for that and the weakness of my leg ever since. My knee also hyper extends about 3" as a result of the damage which causes me to compensate even more.

The result of all of that mess is what causes my worst hardship. Surprisingly the break itself rarely hurts so it isn't that. It's my back, it can bring me to my knees in an instant. I've spent so much money on mattresses, adjustments, deep tissue massages, back braces and $4500.00 on Spinal Decompression treatments. I just recently finished the treatments after a disk in my back slipped, my L5, and was bulging. My surgeon wanted to just remove the disk and fuse my spine together but I wanted nothing to do with that.

The stupidest part of this whole process was dealing with my insurance company. They approved me for back surgery that would have cost them a fortune but wouldn't give me a penny to put towards the decompression treatments. So I had to make a tough decision. Either pay $4500 and get the treatments that may not even work ending with me getting the surgery anyway or to save the money and just get the surgery.

I went for the treatments and prayed. During the treatments I wasn't able to get out of bed on my own due to the pain (the treatments were literally stretching my spine out so that the disk, which was pinched between two pieces of my spine, could slide back in.) My dad ended up having to drive to my house every morning, around 25 mins each way, just to help me get up. After I was up I could manage for the rest of the day. I have no idea why it was like that but it was and once again I was grateful for my family.

Finally during my 30th treatment, 3 months in, the pain hit its peak. It caused me to temporarily lose consciousness during treatment...During the treatments you're strapped in, vertically, to this large machine that then turns you horizontal. They then strap you in even more so that your chest is secured on one end and your waist/legs to the other (Think of a Rack inside a medieval torcher chamber)

After you're all strapped in the machine it starts pulling, your chest the opposite way it pulls your legs, eventually with enough pressure to keep you hovering horizontally. At this point the treatment finally starts and for 30 minutes the machine pulls on your spinal cord with varying strengths up to around 120 lbs of pressure. During that you're left alone and given an emergency shut off button if the pain hurts too much. Also they are right outside so even if you say something quietly they can hear you.

I have a very high tolerance for pain and I knew if this didn't work I'd have to have back surgery. I took it a little too far this time and the pain was so great it made me pass out. When the doc and nurse finally came in after the machine stopped they found me unconscious with tears streaming down my face and they panicked. I came to, a min or two later, and told them that i intentionally didn't hit the shut off button. They were, let's just say, pissed but also bemused and relieved. They told me that my natural instincts should have taken over. The self preservation part of my subconscious should have hit the button regardless.

In the end I found out they were more worried that the button was broke and that i was going to sue them then about my health. When I told them I was fine they finally calmed down enough for me to tell them that the pain had almost completely dissipated. After that the docs had me get another MRI and found that the disk was back in place.

I've got a lot of other horror stories but all I'm trying to get across is that you need to take care of yourselves. The decisions you make today will affect you for the rest of your life, physically or otherwise.

If you have a friend that gets hurt go be with them. First do it because it's the right thing to do but also If you want people to be there for you you need to be there for them. Whether you believe in karma or not people will always remember those that were there for them.

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#189 Obsidian



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 06:37 PM

This is hilarious... #iLost :-) nice Moto/Google

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  48.1KB   11 downloads
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#190 johnlgalt



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Posted 23 September 2012 - 06:14 PM

Just donated. Sorry, been away for a while, have a lot to do - prolly not going to make it out more than once or twice a week now. Crunch time on data analysis for my thesis and also trying to keep my Transformer Infinity rocking too.

#191 Obsidian



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Posted 25 September 2012 - 09:19 AM

Updated OP... Added download and thread links for new Team Haters roms

Black by St3rdroids JB Kexec Rom

BLaCK RoM by St3rdroids but modded by Sparkyman216

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#192 Obsidian



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Posted 25 September 2012 - 09:59 AM

Just donated. Sorry, been away for a while, have a lot to do - prolly not going to make it out more than once or twice a week now. Crunch time on data analysis for my thesis and also trying to keep my Transformer Infinity rocking too.

I hear that, Thank you sooo much for donating bro... Freddy and Kristyn were soooo appreciative for those that donated... I know they still need a lot more to get by so anyone else that can please do
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#193 SamuriHL


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Posted 25 September 2012 - 10:09 AM

I was finally able to donate. Chrome was causing me problems.

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#194 dfib



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Posted 26 September 2012 - 03:55 AM

just donated some. good luck Freddy0872

#195 correarc1



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Posted 29 September 2012 - 05:03 PM

Freddy, praying for you, man.

So, I was wondering if someone would be willing to walk me through the flashing process. I have been able to update to ics, and flash custom roms. Thing is, I read that others have had success with the same exact roms that I put in my bionic, but I keep on having having unexpected glitches... So I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong. I had been using eclipse before, and didn't have issues there, but I wanted to upgrade. Also, I've been able to get this far by merely following instructions, but I don't necessarily know what I'm doing, so maybe someone would be willing to teach?

Also, my email is correarc1@gmail.com

#196 dragon


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Posted 30 September 2012 - 02:46 PM

Hey I don't won't to be a smart arse but maybe you should read the OP Obsidian has a lot of stuff there and maybe it will help you out..
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#197 mrredpants



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Posted 30 September 2012 - 05:40 PM

Freddy, praying for you, man.

So, I was wondering if someone would be willing to walk me through the flashing process. I have been able to update to ics, and flash custom roms. Thing is, I read that others have had success with the same exact roms that I put in my bionic, but I keep on having having unexpected glitches... So I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong. I had been using eclipse before, and didn't have issues there, but I wanted to upgrade. Also, I've been able to get this far by merely following instructions, but I don't necessarily know what I'm doing, so maybe someone would be willing to teach?

Also, my email is correarc1@gmail.com

Are you using safestrap or bootstrap? Can you be more specific as to what to roms you are having challenges with?

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#198 correarc1



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Posted 01 October 2012 - 08:01 AM

Hey Dragon,

I'm not quite sure what OP means. I did try to read up on as much as possible before I bailed out and just flat out asked, though. Perhaps my inability to understand the lingo hindered my understanding a lil. :-(


first of all - funny name. Secondly, I've been using bootstrap. Also, I'm currently using Liquid Smooth MR2.6 by SP Jester. Thanks for you for your willingness to help out.

#199 Rootuser94


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Posted 01 October 2012 - 02:14 PM

Hey Dragon,

I'm not quite sure what OP means. I did try to read up on as much as possible before I bailed out and just flat out asked, though. Perhaps my inability to understand the lingo hindered my understanding a lil. :-(


first of all - funny name. Secondly, I've been using bootstrap. Also, I'm currently using Liquid Smooth MR2.6 by SP Jester. Thanks for you for your willingness to help out.

The OP is the description given under a rom, I would recommend using safestrap 2.11 as a recovery to flash stuff in. Then you can flash lots of roms from here on the droid bionic roms section!

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#200 dragon


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Posted 01 October 2012 - 02:28 PM

Hey correarc1 I'm sorry OP means original post. If you go to the first page in here it should help you out now or you on ics leak 6.7.232? if so that is good. Also you should use safestrap that will save your butt a lot of times ask me I know LOL... also you should go to hash-of-codes.com I think that is it and go to how to use safestrap that well help you out to.

              Puff the Magic Dragon

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: bionic, ics, leak, rom, safestrap, obsidian, root

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