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[Bootanimation] ALL CARRIERS/GALAXY NOTE 3: MASSIVE 150+ QMG BootAnimation LiBRaRy KoLLecTioN (3/5/14)

QMG bootsamsung.qmg bootsamsungloop.qmg shutdown.qmg

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#1 KaChow


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:45 PM




Here is the link. Thanks AbhishekS


While the Winter Olympic Games came and past, as they always do. We look forward to what is yet to come. But, in the meanwhile, what is here today may not be here tomorrow. Therefore, I present a new treat of an Android KitKat 4.4 Easter Egg, go ahead, download and enjoy!


It is recommended for best performance to use a Custom ROM, and with the speed changes I suggest the User Permissions settings to rw-r-r-T the “T” represents Sticky which is a Special Permission usually located in the lower right menu of Root Explorer. Enjoy!

(if looking for Star Trek Twist it has moved down the thread updated 2/11/14)


Currently there are over 150 "NON-FLASHABLE" Bootanimations that have been formatted into QMG format that can be installed into the system/media directory.


A few notes to start, there are 4 files that I tend to use within the Bootanimations which are:

1)            Bootsamsung.qmg = this is the large file that holds/starts the bootanimation

2)            Bootsamsungloop.qmg = this is a rather small file can either loop or end the bootanimation

3)            PowerOn.ogg = this is file that plays sound during the bootsamsung.qmg and bootsamsungloop.qmg.

4)            Shutdown.qmg = this is a mid-size file that plays a bootanimation as the device turns off, best way to activate is to select Power-> then reboot


While shutdown.qmg’s can be customized to work on different bootanimations, I have developed some bootsamsungloop.qmg’s to function separate of the bootsamsung.qmg, this allows the ability to fully customize the bootanimations that you would prefer to view. These QMG’s are listed in a Category called Intermezzo’s as they are Interchangeable without interrupting. 


A few things to keep in mind.

A custom Bootanimation works best with a custom ROM, it simply does, Stock ROMs do not finish the same.

There is usually a delay between the loading of the Bootanimation and after the Safestrap loading screen appears.

QMG files have limitations some will not be as clean as Flashable Bootanimations, while others will present better.

Bootanimation’s require the use of both bootsamsung.qmg and bootsamsungloop.qmg (using one without the other will produce undesirable results.)

With PowerOn.ogg sound files I recommend when setting permissions to use rw-r-r with the “Sticky” Special Permission, sound is often more consistent.

I am only working on Bootanimation’s for this Kollection at this time. Feel free to see if these work on other Samsung Device’s and Tablet’s at your Own Risk.

Please, give credit where due, there are many Bootanimations here, if I left someone out please let me know, if you want to post my work, please extend the courtesy. 



With so many Bootanimations it is often hard to remember all of the sources that I pulled them from, the largest source Developer that does simply incredible work and is simply known throughout the Android community for his work is JaeKarr99 which most of the Bootanimations that appear in this LiBRaRy KoLLecTioN are his, I have simply accepted the challenge of using a difficult themeing system and configured it the best I can to keep these Bootanimations in the best form possible. This was done through the guidance of xessus as his walkthroughs and many many countless hours of attempting this work is hopefully showing a positive. Other themers I will mention are Crakanug with the Black Ops II Bootanimation, CyanogenMod with CM, BKJolly, and the many others, if I fail to recognize I apologize it is not intentional nor out of disrespect, please forgive me. 



Quick instructions:


Download zips: extract-> go to extracted folder-> cut & paste-> system/media-> change permissions to rw-r-r (see diagram below) Reboot and Enjoy!


#NOTE#  Prior to moving rename existing files in system/media to bootsamsung.qmg.bak, bootsamsungloop.qmg.bak, and shutdown.qmg.bak

I recommend removing the PowerOn.ogg file rather than renaming it, move it to the SD card.



Detailed Instructions: Walk-through


For this Bootanimation demonstration, I am going to be using JaeKarr99’s “Marvel” Bootanimation and KalKat579’s QMG/OGG work for both Audio & Visual. Begin by downloading through the Dev-Host Secured link:








Download the above link and begin with them in the file labeled “/”-> “sdcard”-> “/” “download”. Since, these files are in a .zip you will need to Extract them, go ahead and press down on the Marvel_Bootanimation.zip file and select Extract. This will Extract the items to the SpeedSoftware folder which is still located on the sdcard. You can either elect to “Go to the Extracted items” or if you ever need to manually retrieve them just exit the download and go to SpeedSoftware-> Extracted-> Marvel_Bootanimations, then Cut and Move these 3 files and select the “home icon button” in the upper left menu bar or go to the->  “/”-> “system”-> “/”-> “media” and paste the 3 files into this folder. Select the PowerOn.ogg and Move this File to “audio”-> “ui” then paste the file into this folder. Once in this folder select the PowerOn.ogg and press down and select “permissions” change to the below set-up which will display as RW-R-R once completed. 




 **NOTE** The above is often referred to as “644” I suggest Subscribing to this thread and to keep it somewhere, as this configuration is COMMONLY USED in other System Folders…


Exit back to the media file and scroll down the page to find the “bootsamsung.qmg” file press down on this item and select “permissions”-> change to reflect the RW-R-R once completed. Next, repeat the same step with the last file which is bootsamsungloop.qmg. At this point you have taken 2 .qmg files which happen to be the Bootanimation of the “Marvel” logo changed the permission to function properly on boot and installed the sound to run with Bootani. Go ahead and Reboot the device. You are all done. Enjoy!


Let the FUN BeGiN!

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#2 KaChow


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:45 PM

This is a LiBRARY KoLLeCTioN of BooTaNiMATioNs

-> To Start Off this KoLLeeCTioN I would like to BeGiN it with a FavoriTe Batman… <-


UPDATED 2/17/14 http://www.mediafire...atman_(revision).zip' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Batman_Bootanimation linkThanks JaeKar99


Batman is the "30th" Bootanimation that I have ready for the library at this moment, there will be more Superhero's, possibly Star Wars, or Star Trek character's kicking off Future BULK ADDITIONS!!!




First of all I give credit to KalKat579 for peaking my interesting with the Bootanimation's through the QMG format's.

Boot Animations QMG Format [Team Vanguard] UPDATED 11-05-13

KalKat579 <- All Credit Goes To

I also give credit to xessus for his instruction and guidance with the Samsung Theme Designer program and QMG Formatting. Also, a Special Thanks to JaeKar99 who is the "Original Bootanimation Designer" that created large portion of these bootanimations seen here, I have reformatted them for our viewing pleasure! :D


Silver Surfer Preview by KachowPow



Red Orb Thanks JaeKar99



Blu Rotator Thanks JaeKar99



Blue Lines Thanks JaeKar99



Blue Kystal Machine Thanks JaeKar99



Blu Wave Thanks JaeKar99



Red Binary Nex Thanks JaeKar99



Super Mario Shroom’vision 



Star Wars Battle          



Star Wars Battle Ground Old Republic



Android Blue Cube Shutdown Thanks xessus



Android Blues Thanks JaeKar99



AOKP Thanks JaeKar99


Apple Tippiddy-Tap

[click here for GIF image]

Apple Smash (Updated logo is jumpy)



Atomic numbers Thanks JaeKar99



UPDATED 2/17/14 AeNomolyll-1(current favorite) Thanks JaeKar99



BA_AeNolmoyll Thanks JaeKar99




For GIF image click here


Beanstown106's_Bootanimation from his current Verizon ROM


Bios similar to what appears on the Hyperdrive ROM Thanks ade_tobat



For GIF image click here


Dr. Who Unknown credit



Dr. Who 50th Anniversary


UPDATED 2/11/14 Dr. Who Time Traveler Extended CutThanks JaeKar99



Flyn Vs Thanks JaeKar99





Javanese, the themer is Dark-R his OP is here.

[for GIF image click here]


Knox RAID ATT ROM Bootanimation Thanks drakeymcmb


Marvel Thanks JaeKar99



Note III Thanks kevinrocksman


If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#3 KaChow


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:46 PM

UPDATED 2/17/14 ReactorThanks JaeKar99



STOCK Verizon Bootanimation


SlimKat Thanks SlimROMs


The Cross Thanks JaeKar99



Nostalgic Collection


AAL-Nex Thanks JaeKar99

[click here for GIF image]


Apophamator Thanks JaeKar99



Flaming Red Skull Thanks JaeKar99



Use Your Illusions Part I Thanks JaeKar99 (unsure of development)



Use Your Illusions Part II Thanks JaeKar99 (unsure of development)



Use Your Illusions Part III Thanks JaeKar99 (unsure of development)



Use Your Illusions Part IV (Picture of all 3 images above included) Thanks JaeKar99 (unsure of development)

This happens to be a "Special Bootanimation" as it combines Parts I, II, & III into one Incredible Bootanimation, check it out!!!


Here is a BIG Request... THE MATRIX COLLECTION happens to be the Matrix, Bootanimation and Shutdown, Enjoy! Thanks JaeKar99



Matrix Droid Thanks JaeKar99



Matrix in Blue Thanks JaeKar99



Apple Rotten to the Core Thanks JaeKar99



Pissing on Apple Thanks JaeKar99



Krynisis Thanks JaeKar99

"]For GIF image Click here"]For GIF image Click here[/URL]


Galaxus Thanks JaeKar99

For GIF image Click here


Countdown to Call of Duty ~ Ghost Countdown Thanks JaeKar99



Bbokeh Thanks JaeKar99


If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#4 KaChow


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:46 PM


[click for GIF image]


UPDATED 2/17/14 http://www.mediafire...Twist_(revision).zip' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Star Trek Twist Thanks zul8er                   



Star Wars R2D2                               




click for GIF image


Alien Blue Bootanimation Thanks JaeKar99

[for GIF image click here]


Alien Green Bootanimation Thanks JaeKar99



Alien Orange Bootanimation Thanks JaeKar99

[for GIF image click here]


Blowing Smoke Bootanimation Thanks JaeKar99



Motorcycle Bootanimation

[for still image click here]


BKJolly's Pac Man Bootanimation Thanks BKJolly



Wave-Ani_Bootanimation Thanks JaeKar99

click for GIF image


Multi-Color Swirl Bootanimation Thanks JaeKar99

[for still image click here]


Nexus Beam Bootanimation Thanks PartimusPrime



Kit Kat 4.4+ Bootanimation



Black Ops II FINAL Version Thanks Crackanug



E-Core Thanks JaeKar99                                                           



FlyinVs (This is the original version without the Note 3 Logo no Sound) Thanks JaeKar99                                                               



Pretty in Pink THIS IS FOR LADIES... THIS IS FOR LADIES... THIS IS FOR LADIES... :) Thanks JaeKar99                                                  



SciFiDroid            Thanks JaeKar99                                              



Stargate Thanks JaeKar99                                                   






Supernova Thanks JaeKar99  



You are more beautifulTHIS IS FOR LADIES... THIS IS FOR LADIES... THIS IS FOR LADIES... :) Thanks JaeKar99                                                                   



Hulk-Smash Puny-God (Bonus) +Includes+ an extra Avenger Thanks wally3614



Thor1 Got'em Thanks Preshak

If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#5 KaChow


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:46 PM

Marvel Avengers Sequence



Pink Floyd Android (Includes On the Run from Darkside of the Moon)



Gimme a break... Gimme a break... Break me off a piece of that KitKat bar.



Android KitKat Side-2-Side Thanks to LGSilva



Android KitKat Rotation in Red (favorite) Thanks to LGSilva



KitKat 4.4 White Android on Black contributed by rob219



2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games Tribute Bootanimaition

Link to download with Logo         Link to download without Logo



Android Black 4.4 on White



Android KitKat 4.4 Pretty in PinkTHIS IS FOR LADIES... THIS IS FOR LADIES... THIS IS FOR LADIES... :)



Android Black on Red (simple)



Android B&W Flash


If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#6 KaChow


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:46 PM

Lunar UI Inspired Thanks to MelissaPugs



Orange MIUI Thanks to MelissaPugs



Violet MIUIThanks to MelissaPugs



Blue MIUI Thanks to Melissa Pugs



Green MIUI Thanks to Melissa Pugs



Black on Blue MIUI Thanks to Melissa Pugs



Black on Pink MIUI Thanks to Melissa Pugs



Red on Black MIUI Thanks to Melissa Pugs



White on Black MIUI Thanks to Melissa Pugs



White on Blue MIUI Thanks to Melissa Pugs



White on Plum MIUI Thanks to Melissa Pugs



Black Android on Blue Thanks to Melissa Pugs



Black Android on Pink Thanks to Melissa Pugs



Green Android on Black Thanks to Melissa Pugs



Orange Android on Black Thanks to Melissa Pugs



Purple Android on Black Thanks to Melissa Pugs



Red Android on Black Thanks to Melissa Pugs



White Android on Black Thanks to Melissa Pugs



White Android on Blue Thanks to Melissa Pugs



White Android on Plum Thanks to Melissa Pugs


If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#7 KaChow


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:46 PM

SlimKat KitKatThanks SlimKat



KitKat 4.4 Thanks Paranoid Android contributed by 117micc



AOKP Thanks Joachim Holler AOKP Contest Winner Contributed by 117micc



AOKP - Kiernan Moore Contributed by 117micc



AOKP Magical Thanks PartimusPrime



AOKP Nekro Thanks PartimusPrime



Cyanogen(mod) Thanks to CM



Nexus L BootAni Thanks PartimusPrime



Nexus F BootAni Thanks PartimusPrime



Nexus X BootAni Thank PartimusPrime



Nexus X-X BootAni Thanks PartimusPrime



Linux Android Bootscreen



Illusion Oreo Flash Mania by KaChow


If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#8 KaChow


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:46 PM

 Julia Core Thanks to JaeKarr99



Julia Core on Blue Thanks to JaeKarr99



Julia Core Morph Thanks to JaeKarr99



DomoThanks to LumberJack



Android Propaganda Thanks to SimsDelt



The Simpsons (Kanged) Thanks JaeKarr99/KachowPow

                Intermezzo The Simpsons (No KC kanged) KachowPow



 Napoleon is Terminated by KachowPow



Kill Bill blue-screen by KachowPow



Apple Electrocution



Android Takeover II Contributed by j3ffm1II

Android Takeover III Contributed by j3ffm1II



Family Guy- Peter vs. Mr. Washee Washee




Hyperdodecahedron Thanks prepaidguy9081           



World War Z


If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#9 KaChow


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:47 PM


If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#10 KaChow


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:47 PM

How to install and run QMG Bootanimations on ANY Samsung Device.


More than likely when you first bought your device if brand new from the carrier or manufacturer it came stock with the bootsamsung.qmg and bootsamsungloop.qmg pre-installed in the system/media file. After Rooting and Unlocking flashing a bootanimation.zip the bootsamsung.qmg disappeared as it was replaced by the Bootanimation.zip (either Flashed or through a ROM), you may still have the bootsamsungloop file in the system/media folder but it does not serve a purpose. This walk-through will demo how to run these QMG files once again. The purpose of these is they work best on devices that cannot use Flashable bootanimations, such as Verizon and AT&T’s Note 3 which are currently locked. After spending enough time working with these QMG’s I’ve found some very useful benefits of them that far benefit greater than Bootanimation.zips.


In order to get these QMG files to work, you will first need to move or delete the Bootanimation.zip folder from the system/media folder. (See below)





If you are hesitant to deleting this folder I suggest moving it to the audio folder just to preserve and keep it out of the way. Next, pick a bootanimation that you would like to try and download it, then manually extract it and move the QMG files into the system/media folder go ahead change the permissions to RW-R-R-T (I suggest the T as it is Sticky and the bootanimation runs smoother and more consistent, the T is available in the special permissions in Root Explorer.) Also, if it has been a while I also suggest going into the system/media/audio/ui and look for the PowerOn.ogg file I would suggest deleting this file or moving it to the sd card as it is the stock sound file and certainly running the bootsamsung.qmg file, you certainly do not want that interrupt the bootanimation play.  

If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#11 livinginkaos


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 05:35 PM

Nice !


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 06:02 PM

Nice !

Thanks! Now, that I have some open space I'll add some more. :D  These will look nice on your S4's and Galaxy Tab2. :D

If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 06:40 PM

I've added to post#10 a walk-through on how to install QMG Bootanimations on ANY Samsung device. :lol:

If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#14 johnthehillbilly


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 07:32 PM

Good stuff bro :)

Tapadriving.... hillbilly style!!!

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#15 jayrod


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:56 AM

Gonna have to check this out later!

Sent from my Platyraptor extreme ultra maxxxx 4gLTE/GSM/ABC/123 Nick Knack Pattywack Ermegherd GED, MD,RNA,DNA,YMCA Edition S4! Via the 4th dimension....NOW RUNNING CARBON




#16 KaChow


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 12:09 PM

Excellent, it'll give me sometime to refresh the links. Apparently, Dropbox killed 45 of my links which I'm right now going through a frenzy trying to upload all those to mediafire, which this is the Shared folder that those links will be located within and all new Bootanimations going forward... https://www.mediafir.../Bootanimations


Here's the 3rd most recent Bootanimation, (hint) haven't seen some of these characters in a long-long-long time (GIF only shows about 1/4-1/3 of them)....



Marvel Avengers Sequence


If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#17 KaChow


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 07:36 PM

Links are fixed... ;)

If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#18 KaChow


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Posted 28 February 2014 - 11:51 PM

This is the 2nd to the most recent Bootanimation made... Pink Floyd Android which plays On the Run from Darkside of the Moon on bootup.


Pink Floyd Android (Includes On the Run from Darkside of the Moon)






If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#19 KaChow


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 07:36 PM

And here is the latest most recent Boot animation happens to be Android KitKat Easter Egg also on display in the OP, currently.... 




Here is the link. Thanks AbhishekS 

If you like this signature click on the Marvel logo this one is from Thor: The Dark World-> copy the html link to your signature in my settings-> Enjoy!

#20 livinginkaos


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 07:38 PM

I want to see someone take the moto x animation and right when the vzw is to show have a bomb come in and blow up the planet. Is that doable? Ha ha ha

sent from my One Max, damn it's big


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