They've Booted Kexec Up On Our Razrs...working!
Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:43 PM
Posted 05 August 2012 - 04:27 PM
Will there be links here for the final release?
More than sure there will be.
Sent from my .215 Arctic RAZR
DroidRazr Maxx HD safestrapping!!
Posted 05 August 2012 - 05:21 PM
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Posted 05 August 2012 - 05:32 PM
I swear if the release happens tomorrow morning i would prob call off work so i can flash and
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Lol just keep checking Twitter
Sent from my .215 Arctic RAZR
DroidRazr Maxx HD safestrapping!!
Posted 05 August 2012 - 05:47 PM
Sent from my DROID RAZR
Posted 05 August 2012 - 06:03 PM
Holy crackflasher moment.
- Aliceics likes this
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Posted 05 August 2012 - 06:21 PM
also, aren't there gonna be issues w/running JB - I mean when ICS came out, there were tons of apps that needed to be updated to work on ics…
what other things besides flashing better radios are we looking at?
#88 Guest_droidpcguru_*
Posted 05 August 2012 - 06:31 PM
#89 Guest_DirtyDroidX_*
Posted 05 August 2012 - 07:08 PM
Posted 05 August 2012 - 07:27 PM
I used terms I know, I'm pretty decent w/flashing roms, themes, & updates, but since I'm not a programmer. & have had my Maxx - a locked boot loader device for just about 8mos now, I'd like you to understand that when it comes to kernels, I'm a noob.…
I welcome the chance to learn & that's why I asked the way I did b/c I don't know how else & I read this whole thread & the link to article on basics of kernels, but I'm still wet behind the ears…
maybe someone can point me to a good “get up to speed" tutorial on kernels…
looking fwd to additional enjoyment fm my Maxx w/Kexec, but need to know what the parameters are of what (types of) things Kexec-on-Razr can do for me… & basically how it does it
looked at tweets to l fm dhacker29 & it seems that kexec is basically a hijacking of kernel so roms for other devices can be ported to Razr like CM 9 or 10…
I'm sure that there are a lot of kernel noob's that would want to know what a kernel's job in life is & what sort of things we can do w/kexec (kernel executive, right?)
#91 Guest_DirtyDroidX_*
Posted 05 August 2012 - 08:17 PM
droidpcguru & ddx (here's wishin you a complete recovery DDX);
I used terms I know, I'm pretty decent w/flashing roms, themes, & updates, but since I'm not a programmer. & have had my Maxx - a locked boot loader device for just about 8mos now, I'd like you to understand that when it comes to kernels, I'm a noob.…
I welcome the chance to learn & that's why I asked the way I did b/c I don't know how else & I read this whole thread & the link to article on basics of kernels, but I'm still wet behind the ears…
maybe someone can point me to a good “get up to speed" tutorial on kernels…
looking fwd to additional enjoyment fm my Maxx w/Kexec, but need to know what the parameters are of what (types of) things Kexec-on-Razr can do for me… & basically how it does it
looked at tweets to l fm dhacker29 & it seems that kexec is basically a hijacking of kernel so roms for other devices can be ported to Razr like CM 9 or 10…
I'm sure that there are a lot of kernel noob's that would want to know what a kernel's job in life is & what sort of things we can do w/kexec (kernel executive, right?)
Here is a good link for
Now using kexec for moto Is a little bit more tricky because of the encryption level of the main partitions. On the GSIII they where able to implement kexec because the boot and recovery where not encrypted , signed yes but obtaining root and using adb to dd into a part of the boot process we can flash anything after the signature check. Not back to motto this is not as easy. Using this involves more hackery and getting it to play nice with arm7 . Its kind of complicated but amazing in the implementation of it. These guys no whist they are doing and they are close! Real close. So the next week or do should be pretty exciting !
Basically your hijacking the boot process st the precise moment to pass verifications then the magic begins , putting a unsigned kernel on your locked device. Adding a new kernel opens the gate to not only cm9 or cm10 but to overclocking , lean kernels with different governors , making your phone capable of doing much more then it can. It's like unlocking the gate to oz lol the possibilities are endless.
- hectorlumbago likes this
Posted 05 August 2012 - 09:47 PM
cm10, over/under clocking and volting all good things. Can increase performance and battery life add more enhancements. You might look at kernel threads for the nexus or other devices with custom kernels to see what it opens up for us.DDX, thanks for the reference - what is the correlation between over / under
clocking or voltage & the ability to the ability to run CM 9 or 10?
Sent from my Droid Razr using Tapatalk 2
Posted 05 August 2012 - 09:51 PM
DroidRazr Maxx HD safestrapping!!
Posted 06 August 2012 - 03:35 AM
thanks for the reply. Actually, I've been overclocking since the heyday of the Palm.. & I get the ramifications of how under/over clocking or volting affects battery life; & while I'm on my 4th regular rom (& experimenting w/a few others) I do not know how everything under the hood comes together.
One can not know how an engine works 'under the hood' & still drive a car. I just want to learn how this new wrinkle in modding is going to work & what makes x do y…
Hence my question 'what correlation is there between over/under clocking - obviously the realm of the kernel - & CM9 or 10'? Why would being able to customize the kernel ( or use custom kernels) enable us to use the CM roms?
Hope that clarifies the intent of my question…
have a good one, SpyderMan
Posted 06 August 2012 - 04:27 AM
thanks for the reply. Actually, I've been overclocking since the heyday of the Palm.. & I get the ramifications of how under/over clocking or volting affects battery life; & while I'm on my 4th regular rom (& experimenting w/a few others) I do not know how everything under the hood comes together.
One can not know how an engine works 'under the hood' & still drive a car. I just want to learn how this new wrinkle in modding is going to work & what makes x do y…
Hence my question 'what correlation is there between over/under clocking - obviously the realm of the kernel - & CM9 or 10'? Why would being able to customize the kernel ( or use custom kernels) enable us to use the CM roms?
Hope that clarifies the intent of my question…
have a good one, SpyderMan
Because right now they have to build cm9/cm10/AOKP/etc to work with the motorola kernel instead of being able to use the cm/aosp kernel the rom was made for and tweak it for the device. That's why aosp roms for moto devices almost always have bugs for a long time or need hacked together. This will speed up development drastically. I hope this helps clears up your question.
Sent from my DROID Razr Maxx via Tapatalk 2
Posted 06 August 2012 - 05:56 AM
sgtguthrie, right on the nose, now I see why Kexec & custom kernels affect those roms.
Besides Clocking & voltage issues (& governors, schedulers, etc) what else is the kernel's job?
tia, SpyderMan
Kernel is general system oversight. It is the software core of the system that all hardware and software depends on to make the device work. If we were talking about a business structure, the Kernel would be the CEO. It tells every subsystem how they work together and how it would like each of them to do their jobs. CPU/GPU governors/schedulers, voltage control of every component (CPU/GPU/radios/lights...), USB/HDMI port control, device states, memory manamement... There isn't much the kernel isn't involved in.
Posted 06 August 2012 - 06:04 AM
Posted 06 August 2012 - 06:06 AM
Now I'm prompted to ask: if we change the kernel (ok, hijack it) how long should it reasonably take to see that a new one is stable, & does not have improvement in one area, but somehow the change affects functionality in another?
IDK programming, so layman's terms, please
i.e. kernels don't flash radios, but they do control how the radio works…
tia, SpyderMan
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