OTA 98.72.165 - 1/10/14
Posted 15 January 2014 - 01:28 PM
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Posted 15 January 2014 - 01:48 PM
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- cmh714 likes this
Posted 15 January 2014 - 06:05 PM
good news for you!! freezing apps from TiBu is the same as disabling the app with the now built in feature to disable apps you dont use. all you should have to do is go to settings > applications > all applications > scroll down to the very bottom and you should be able to find smart actions. enable it and boom shakalaka it should work. Let me know if it does.
Thanks! I can confirm that it can be enabled. Sadly, I did not have the patience last night and wiped/flashed in order to update w/ root.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 06:19 AM
I have a razr maxx that is rooted. i deleted some of the bloatware that came on it. I have the voodoo rootkeeper installed as well. when i try to dot he ota update it fails. I copied and pasted the .zip file to the sd card and tried to install it from there using recovery. I get an error that says it cant find the forest wallpaper. Is there any way around this without completely restoring it to factory?
Posted 16 January 2014 - 06:24 AM
You can find the Forest Wallpaper and put it into the correct folder and that should work....assuming that it is the only file missing.
From your email it sounds like you deleted a bunch of stuff, which will mean you need a full flash
#66 Guest_dullawolf_*
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:03 AM
This assumes the person has frozen SA very early on. Once SA is updated through the play store just clearing data and cache will not help. AFAIK
Force stop and cleared smart actions. Turned off screen lock. Deleted device manager. Then ran rzr blade. Success!
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Well...... It worked for me and it worked mtylenol. So we must be the exception.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 08:34 AM
I have never unprotected root before taking an update, and never had a problem...until this morning with my phone.
After doing an FDR on my wife's phone just last night (another XT912- don't let your 5 year old play games, break root, and cause general mayhem), I noticed after rooting the update notification came up, searched, and came here. Checked my phone and it was there as well. Since I am a loving husband, I gave the update to my phone first, and broke root. My mistake might have been not updating SU first, but it was early and I hadn't been up longer than 10 minutes (excuses are like a$$holes, I know).
I've NEVER used ADB- I've always used 1 click root methods on our OG Droids and our XT912s. I just ran the elevated cmd prompt from the folder I have Matt's JB utility in on my desktop.
I also learned you can copy and paste to command prompt. I can type fast, but spaces for some of the commands were confusing from my screen- if there was a space or not.
THANKS for posing this process!!
Posted 17 January 2014 - 08:36 AM
I was referencing aivral88's post on page 1, post #24. Don't know why it didn't quote it for me.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 01:10 PM
Well...Looks like I've got my root back, was about to try that house of moto, downloaded everything needed for that but while waiting for download I came across something else I had to try out and it worked. So here's what I did, just so you all know, this is the first time I've actually used adb, and it's pretty cool. I think the ONLY reason I was able to do this was because I had "protected" root with Voodoo Rootkeeper before I did this OTA so I still had a backup file on my phone.
I first opened up a command prompt with administrative rights, and changed directories to where I saved matt's utility to so I could work with the files in there and call adb from there. Then I executed the following commands one by one
adb kill-server > nuladb start-server > nulping -n 1 -w 500 > nuladb wait-for-device devices > nuladb shell "/system/usr/we-need-root/su-backup -c 'mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/system /system'"adb shell "/system/usr/we-need-root/su-backup -c 'cp /system/usr/we-need-root/su-backup /system/bin/su'"adb shell "/system/usr/we-need-root/su-backup -c 'chmod 6755 /system/bin/su'"If you don't see any errors after running those commands (one at a time) do the following:adb shellYou will see your device's android prompt:1|shell@cdma_spyder:/ $ su
Then if all goes well it will put you in root mode
1|root@cdma_spyder:/ #
Looks like this all caused me to learn something new today!
EDIT: Wanted to add, looking back on it now I think where I went wrong was not "temp unrooting" through Voodoo before applying the OTA...
I can confirm this worked like a charm for me! Thanks a lot!
Posted 17 January 2014 - 02:59 PM
I've tried taking the OTA several times, and it keeps failing. Is there a log somewhere that explains why? Is this update even worth the trouble?
Posted 17 January 2014 - 03:04 PM
sideload the ota file and you can see what the error message is. ...usually its you deleted something from stock that the update file is looking for...
Posted 18 January 2014 - 09:37 PM
I have Moto Razr....I will cut you.
Posted 18 January 2014 - 09:40 PM
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Posted 19 January 2014 - 03:43 AM
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Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 19 January 2014 - 07:13 AM
I have Moto Razr....I will cut you.
Posted 20 January 2014 - 09:52 PM
RAZR Blade does work.
Couple things to keep in mind
1. if frozen/disabled, re-enable smart actions. from the app drawer press and hold smart actions and drag the app to info. clear data and clear cache for smart actions.
2. select smart actions and skip all the bs. select battery saver and select save
3. make sure usb debugging is enabled
4. go to the drop down and make sure you select Media Device(MTP) it wont work if mass storage is selected.
5. extract .zip to desktop if you haven't already
6. run .bat as administrator
7. follow instructions after running .bat
8. profit
you are welcome.
This assumes the person has frozen SA very early on. Once SA is updated through the play store just clearing data and cache will not help. AFAIK
I followed the steps above and it worked. I did not have to downgrade SA to make it work. The problem for me was just that I did not have MTP selected. Thanks.
Posted 22 January 2014 - 07:49 AM
Posted 24 January 2014 - 08:00 PM
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Posted 25 January 2014 - 04:52 AM
I have Moto Razr....I will cut you.
Posted 25 January 2014 - 04:54 AM
I have Moto Razr....I will cut you.
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