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Droid Razr Utility 1.81 [Linux / Mac] For Verizon Droid Razr/maxx Only

utility mac linux 1.8 1.81 ICS stock restore

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#1 stealthmouse


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 04:12 AM

WHAT IT IS: This is mattlgroff's 1.81 Utility for Droid RAZR/RAZR Maxx, modified for delivery using a Linux or Mac machine. There are no longer two separate batch files, but a single file that should work for either operating system.

Menu Items:
  • Fastboot Restore 6.16.211 (ICS 4.0.4 Official OTA Software).
  • Ice Cream Sandwich Root 4.0.4 exploit by Dan Rosenberg
  • Install Voodoo's OTA Rootkeeper App.
  • Install Bootstrap Recovery App (ICS version).
  • Install Safestrap Recovery App (ICS version).
  • Flash 6.16.211 boot img (official kernel).
  • Flash 6.16.214 boot.img (leaked kernel).
Download Link:

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MD5 Sum: f3eb5020f3b60c71f1dfa5e13bf35a73 (1.29 GB)

THANK YOUs: To our community for always being helpful and coming up with solutions, and for being open to all. To obeygiant for the Linux part, and for letting me piggyback on that. And of course, to mattlgroff for utility after utility (along with all the other projects he has), for being gracious enough to let us tinker with it, and being an all-around nice guy.

APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE: Making this utility inclusive for both Linux and Mac, resulted in additional files at times, when specific files were needed for the OS. Therefore, the download is big. Secondly, obeygiant had the Linux part done a week ago, so if you were wondering when this thing was going to show up, it's because I was fiddling with it, and/or tied up with other things like a finicky Mac, for the last week. Finally, if any errors are encountered with the combined files, it all rests with me as a result of messing up obeygiant's code, or not adapting my own correctly. If you encounter problems, please let us know and we'll get you upright again.

This utility is designed to work with the following:

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in conjunction with
  • A US-based (i.e., CDMA, NOT GSM) Motorola Droid RAZR/RAZR MAXX on the Verizon wireless system. Further, you must be on Android's Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) or any derivative (aka a leak) thereof. These builds are commonly referred to, or shorthanded as: ICS 4.0.3; ICS 4.0.4; .211; .214, .215, etc. Please look up your system info by going to System Settings - About phone - Android version (should be 4.0.3 or higher) OR System Settings - About phone - System version (should be 6.16.211.XT912.Verizon.en.US or above, i.e., the number 211 should be that number or higher). If you are on a leak/custom ROM, the System version may show something different, but the Android version will be accurate and the source for your custom ROM will definitely include the System version in the developer changelog or OP.
IF YOU ARE NOT CERTAIN THAT YOUR DEVICE MEETS ALL OF THE ABOVE CRITERIA, DO NOT USE THIS UTILITY! POST HERE OR SEND A PM IF YOU SEARCH THE FORUM AND CAN'T DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE PROGRAM FOR YOUR COMPUTER AND DEVICE. It's exciting to jump right into new technology when it comes out, but a little upfront diligence will ensure that you have a faster, cooler device, rather than learning the intricacies of unbricking a RAZR. Your fellow community members will appreciate it as well ;),

If you're new to this, the Read Me First document in the Zip file is a good place to start.


SAFESTRAP WON'T INSTALL RECOVERY: Open Superuser and run it so that it becomes active to allow/deny root permissions. From Playstore, download Busybox by Stephen Erickson (it should be the first entry that appears), install it, then run with the default settings, and allow any root permissions requests. Now open Safestrap, allow root permissions when it asks, then click Install Recovery. The status should update to Recovery Installed.

I RAN SAFESTRAP, ENABLED SAFE SYSTEM, REBOOTED SYSTEM, AND I GOT A BLANK SCREEN, I.E., NOTHING HAPPENED: Think of Safestrap as a second partitioned system running on your device, with its own system files and ROM. If you have not flashed a ROM to that side, then your default ROM is nothing aka black space. Before you toggle to the safe side, have a zip file ready to install on the safe side. It can be some super fancy hot new ROM, or it can be a stock ROM for the time being. Just make sure it's an ICS ROM!

I GOT A SCREEN WITH A DEAD DROID ON IT WHEN I RAN #1 FOR A STOCK .211 ROM INSTALL: Reboot your device and it should boot into the stock .211 ROM. Sometimes the system needs a reboot to install fully.

WHEN I RUN #1, THE FASTBOOT FILES HANG AND I WAIT AND WAIT AND NOTHING HAPPENS, AND I FINALLY HAVE TO START OVER: There are a few different causes here, but 95% of the time (this is anecdotal, not scientific), the problem is:
  • You aren't giving the Utility enough time to run. If waiting a long time means 20 seconds to you, that's not enough time. If 10 minutes go by with no change, then you may need to toggle the USB cord, or start over.
  • You didn't wipe cache partition, wipe Dalvik cache, and wipe data to factory reset. If you didn't do all of those things, then you're asking the Utility to do that work for you. It's not designed for that, and that's why it's hanging. Back up your data, then wipe everything so the Utility has a chance to do its job. (BTW, you're also using a lot of goodwill if you haven't done that and then start posting that the utility doesn't work and you need help - start with a clean device, then any problems will be easier to identify.)
  • mattlgroff, xbloodworkx and canezila like this
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#2 stealthmouse


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 04:12 AM

One additional item to add for running the Utility for non-Fastboot menu items (i.e., 2, 3, 4 and 5). If you are having problems with your computer not recognizing your device, change the USB setting from MTP to PTP. You may need to restart as well. Thanks to member gavex for pointing out this problem, and being persistent enough that I recalled the issue.

If you're in Terminal and have your directory changed to the folder in which you unzipped the utility, you can type ./files/adb.osx devices, and your device ID should be returned. If you get nothing, or something like "no devices found," then you may need to switch the USB setting to PTP. And as always, USB debugging should be enabled in Developer Options, and you should allow for non-market apps to be installed, in Security options.

And one other note on Safestrap, in addition to the fact that you need a ROM flashed on your safe side before you will have anything but a blank screen there. If you have your deviced plugged in (i.e., charging) when you boot into Safestrap recovery, you will also get a black screen. Unplug and reboot, then you'll have a menu.
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#3 stealthmouse


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 04:13 AM

Some extra links if you have any issues with downloading:

Original full utility link (same as in OP above):

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(MD5 Sum:

Alternate link for full utility:

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(MD5 Sum: 8b6242131f87f3deb4bf76850b396daa)
Link for LITE version of utility (excludes system.img, preinstall.img, and webtop.img, can't be used for Menu item #1 to flash stock ROM):

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Alternate LITE Link:

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(MD5 Sum: 65084ea23d93bfef126f8feeb3fd88ad)

And in case you need it, link for Blur_Version.6.12.181.XT912.Verizon, i.e., the stock .211 ROM file:

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(MD5 Sum: 79a1ee4a992eacd1d08f98dee5deebf7) - I just happened to have a copy in the download files, so thought I'd include it for those who may be looking for it.

You can check MD5 on your device by finding the file using a file explorer such as Astro, ES File Explorer, Root Browser, etc., long-pressing, then selecting Properties, MD5. In Terminal, the command is MD5 [path]/filename.
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#4 Collin James

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Posted 23 July 2012 - 04:51 AM

Awesome! I've been waiting for this. Can't wait to try it out.

Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk 2


#5 mattlgroff


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 06:51 AM

Great job stealth!

Please do not Personal Message me for help or troubleshooting. They will be ignored. Post in threads or start one in Q&A sections.

If you feel the need to donate to me, click here.

#6 stealthmouse


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 04:17 PM

Thanks batman. I'm quite disturbed by this wallpaper choice that I have in Black Wallpapers. Is that a bat about to launch, or is it a cat holding a bat? Where is censorship when we need it? LOL

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  201.5KB   38 downloads
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#7 thrasher194



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 07:04 PM


#8 gavex



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Posted 25 July 2012 - 12:42 PM

I have been trying to use the utility on my Mac to get bootstrap. But when I choose option 3 it just sits there and doesn't do anything. I have check and verified the md5 and they match. I also have tried other options and only options 1 and 6 work. I'm not sure what going on but I need some help here. Is this happening to anyone else?

#9 stealthmouse


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Posted 25 July 2012 - 03:10 PM

Okay. Are you running it with USB Debugging On, and with the USB setting at Media (MTP)? Option 7 had some issues during testing depending on whether the ADB server kicked out the device, but every other option worked as they are supposed to, on an actual RAZR.
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#10 stealthmouse


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Posted 25 July 2012 - 03:14 PM

You also have to be rooted to install Bootstrap or Safestrap.
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#11 gavex



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Posted 25 July 2012 - 03:24 PM

Thanks for the quick reply. But yes I'm rooted with debugging and allow unknown sources on. I also have MTP selected. Anything else you can recommend trying? It just sits there after i select option 3. I tried disconnecting the phone and it won't even tell me waiting for device.

#12 stealthmouse


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Posted 25 July 2012 - 04:02 PM

It sounds like it's not seeing your device at all. What do you get if you type ./files/adb.osx devices? You should try a different USB cord, and you may need to restart your computer and device. Before you do that, you can also try ./files/adb.osx kill-server, then ./files/adb.osx start-server, then run the utility. It's supposed to do that itself, so it probably won't make a difference. Most likely, you have a bad USB cord (intermittently working), a bad port, or your computer/device is in a status where it's locking up and they aren't finding each other as a result.
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#13 gavex



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Posted 25 July 2012 - 05:14 PM

ok I ran ./files/adb.osx devices but it doesn't list my devices. So I think you're right about my Mac not seeing my device. How do I get it to recognize the Razr?

#14 stealthmouse


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Posted 25 July 2012 - 05:56 PM

Driving, back to you in a bit.

Sent from my DROID SPYDER using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#15 gavex



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Posted 25 July 2012 - 05:58 PM

Ok, Thanks

#16 stealthmouse


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Posted 25 July 2012 - 06:28 PM

Okay. If you have a USB hub or a replicator, disconnect them, and connect device directly. The only other USB devices should be mouse/keyboard, if you need them. Try to use different USB cable and a different port.

USB ports and hubs distribute proportionately, not based on device draw, so too many and high-draw devices start to fail. This is true for almost all powered hubs as well.

Let me know if that helps.

Sent from my DROID SPYDER using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#17 gavex



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Posted 25 July 2012 - 06:36 PM

I have tried a few different cords with know luck on using the Utility. However, the Motocast starts up as soon as I plug the razr in. I can transfer file just fine there. So I'm not understand why it won't recongize it with in the terminal.

#18 stealthmouse


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Posted 25 July 2012 - 07:14 PM

That means you are in mass storage mode, not MTP. Pull down from notification bar, click on USB, and change mode to MTP. Then it should work. Doesnt matter for #1, 6, and 7 since they use Fastboot,

Sent from my DROID SPYDER using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#19 stealthmouse


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Posted 25 July 2012 - 07:18 PM

One other thing. Make sure you check for Bootstrap compatibility before flashing any custom ROM. Many only use Safestrap.

Sent from my DROID SPYDER using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
If you PM me here, I'll get it eventually, but I'm constantly on the move. If you need to reach me more quickly, email me at stealthmouse@gmail.com and add DroidRZR PERSONAL MESSAGE to subject line. Thanks!

#20 gavex



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Posted 25 July 2012 - 07:21 PM

That means you are in mass storage mode, not MTP. Pull down from notification bar, click on USB, and change mode to MTP. Then it should work. Doesnt matter for #1, 6, and 7 since they use Fastboot,

Sent from my DROID SPYDER using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2

That's the frustrating part. This whole time it has been in MTP mode. Anything else I should try?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: utility, mac, linux, 1.8, 1.81, ICS stock restore

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