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6.16.215 Ics Update Leak (Install From 211)

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#401 StealthPanda



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 04:52 AM

Anyone mind assisting me here? The most I've ever done was used the utility to root, and then wipe cache (x2), and then apply update from card. I am very clueless as to what the highlighted areas area. Not sure what OTA Root Keeper is, but if it pertains to keeping root after the flash, I don't care for that. What does "backup root" and "temp unroot" mean? Clueless. Sorry for nubness.

Also, I'm on stock .211

If you are stock .211 its very simple.

Download the file>put it on your SD card(Do not put the file in a folder)>boot the phone into recovery>select flash update from SD card>select the file you downloaded onto the SD card.

and yes, it says .211 but it is .215

After selecting that option the phone will update and reboot. It takes a minute so give it time.

Also make sure the phone is charged but not plugged in.

#402 Nitewolf


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 05:31 AM

. What does "backup root" and "temp unroot" mean? Clueless. Sorry for nubness.
Also, I'm on stock .211

Both are options in OTA root keeper. As the name suggests, backup is just that. Temp unroot disables the SU so you could recieve an OTA update or flash something that requires an unrooted device until you re enable with the backup made.
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#403 altjx



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 05:32 AM

Gotcha. Thanks guys!!! Here goes :)

#404 StealthPanda



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 05:35 AM

Good luck B)
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#405 wrich73



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 05:39 AM

Anyone mind assisting me here? The most I've ever done was used the utility to root, and then wipe cache (x2), and then apply update from card. I am very clueless as to what the highlighted areas area. Not sure what OTA Root Keeper is, but if it pertains to keeping root after the flash, I don't care for that. What does "backup root" and "temp unroot" mean? Clueless. Sorry for nubness.

Also, I'm on stock .211

If you are coming from stock rooted .211 its only a few steps. First copy the .215 file to your SD card (as previously stated in post above). Download Voodoo OTA rootkeeper. After launching it you will see some boxes and a softbutton that says "protect root" click the button, and all of the check boxes will be , well checked. The most important box is the "protected su copy available". Once that's done (I never do temp unroot) go into Titanium Backup and make sure nothing is frozen (The Adobe Flash check apk may be, don't worry about that one).
You are safe to boot into moto recovery only if your system is stock (ie plain old .211) and your apps are intact (you didn't uninstall anything you couldn't uninstall through market, like deleting the apk via root explorer or uninstalling through Ti Backup). Now power the phone off, once off hold the power button and both volume buttons down at the same time.
This will take you to the bootloader menu..if you start to boot up and se the "DROID" splash screen, hard reboot your phone by holding volume down+power and once the screen flashes immediately hold power+ vol up+ vol down).
Now scroll to recovery using volume down only, once on it, hit volume up to select. It will appear to reboot.
Once you see the prone android with the exclamation point press both volume buttons at the same time, this will bring up the recovery console. scroll down to "wipe cache" and use the power button to select it.
Once that is done, scroll up to "install update from external source" or something to that effect. Go to the directory the .215 file is on, and select it. Go make a sandwich.
Once finished flashing, the menu will say as much, scroll up to "reboot now" and select it. Its going to take a while to boot up, so just be patient. Once it does, launch Voodoo OTA rootkeeper. Click on the "restore root" button. Then exit out of the app, and relaunch it. You should see checks on all the boxes an root should be restored. To be safe, launch Titanium Backup...You may need permissions for root "fixed" and Ti will do this on first launch after a root restore (it will show a pop up box, just click yes and reboot"

You are done, hope this helps....It's frustrating when you have to learn acronyms for the acronyms ;)
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#406 altjx



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 05:43 AM

If you are coming from stock rooted .211 its only a few steps. First copy the .215 file to your SD card (as previously stated in post above). Download Voodoo OTA rootkeeper. After launching it you will see some boxes and a softbutton that says "protect root" click the button, and all of the check boxes will be , well checked. The most important box is the "protected su copy available". Once that's done (I never do temp unroot) go into Titanium Backup and make sure nothing is frozen (The Adobe Flash check apk may be, don't worry about that one).
You are safe to boot into moto recovery only if your system is stock (ie plain old .211) and your apps are intact (you didn't uninstall anything you couldn't uninstall through market, like deleting the apk via root explorer or uninstalling through Ti Backup). Now power the phone off, once off hold the power button and both volume buttons down at the same time.
This will take you to the bootloader menu..if you start to boot up and se the "DROID" splash screen, hard reboot your phone by holding volume down+power and once the screen flashes immediately hold power+ vol up+ vol down).
Now scroll to recovery using volume down only, once on it, hit volume up to select. It will appear to reboot.
Once you see the prone android with the exclamation point press both volume buttons at the same time, this will bring up the recovery console. scroll down to "wipe cache" and use the power button to select it.
Once that is done, scroll up to "install update from external source" or something to that effect. Go to the directory the .215 file is on, and select it. Go make a sandwich.
Once finished flashing, the menu will say as much, scroll up to "reboot now" and select it. Its going to take a while to boot up, so just be patient. Once it does, launch Voodoo OTA rootkeeper. Click on the "restore root" button. Then exit out of the app, and relaunch it. You should see checks on all the boxes an root should be restored. To be safe, launch Titanium Backup...You may need permissions for root "fixed" and Ti will do this on first launch after a root restore (it will show a pop up box, just click yes and reboot"

You are done, hope this helps....It's frustrating when you have to learn acronyms for the acronyms ;)

Thanks man. This indeed helped me tremendously get a better understanding. I really appreciate it! In the process of updating now :)

#407 rwil85



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 06:52 AM

If you are coming from stock rooted .211 its only a few steps. First copy the .215 file to your SD card (as previously stated in post above). Download Voodoo OTA rootkeeper. After launching it you will see some boxes and a softbutton that says "protect root" click the button, and all of the check boxes will be , well checked. The most important box is the "protected su copy available". Once that's done (I never do temp unroot) go into Titanium Backup and make sure nothing is frozen (The Adobe Flash check apk may be, don't worry about that one).
You are safe to boot into moto recovery only if your system is stock (ie plain old .211) and your apps are intact (you didn't uninstall anything you couldn't uninstall through market, like deleting the apk via root explorer or uninstalling through Ti Backup). Now power the phone off, once off hold the power button and both volume buttons down at the same time.
This will take you to the bootloader menu..if you start to boot up and se the "DROID" splash screen, hard reboot your phone by holding volume down+power and once the screen flashes immediately hold power+ vol up+ vol down).
Now scroll to recovery using volume down only, once on it, hit volume up to select. It will appear to reboot.
Once you see the prone android with the exclamation point press both volume buttons at the same time, this will bring up the recovery console. scroll down to "wipe cache" and use the power button to select it.
Once that is done, scroll up to "install update from external source" or something to that effect. Go to the directory the .215 file is on, and select it. Go make a sandwich.
Once finished flashing, the menu will say as much, scroll up to "reboot now" and select it. Its going to take a while to boot up, so just be patient. Once it does, launch Voodoo OTA rootkeeper. Click on the "restore root" button. Then exit out of the app, and relaunch it. You should see checks on all the boxes an root should be restored. To be safe, launch Titanium Backup...You may need permissions for root "fixed" and Ti will do this on first launch after a root restore (it will show a pop up box, just click yes and reboot"

You are done, hope this helps....It's frustrating when you have to learn acronyms for the acronyms

Nice write up! Excellent for those just starting out with their Maxx - I def picked up a thing or two!

#408 graydragon2



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 07:52 AM

I believe every leak works different on different phones. A lot of people had great success with .214 but I was barely getting 14-15 hours on it before my phone died. On .215 now and am at 1d 11h with 38% left. On .211, I had great battery too. I have run Arctic and IKream on all three and so far .211 and .215 have been my best where as others have had better luck with .214. I can't comment on 4G because we don't have it yet, but my 3G doen't seem to drop as much. Sucks on the 4G too, it stops about 15 miles from where I live.

#409 MWFD



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 07:57 AM

If you are coming from stock rooted .211 its only a few steps. First copy the .215 file to your SD card (as previously stated in post above). Download Voodoo OTA rootkeeper. After launching it you will see some boxes and a softbutton that says "protect root" click the button, and all of the check boxes will be , well checked. The most important box is the "protected su copy available". Once that's done (I never do temp unroot) go into Titanium Backup and make sure nothing is frozen (The Adobe Flash check apk may be, don't worry about that one).
You are safe to boot into moto recovery only if your system is stock (ie plain old .211) and your apps are intact (you didn't uninstall anything you couldn't uninstall through market, like deleting the apk via root explorer or uninstalling through Ti Backup). Now power the phone off, once off hold the power button and both volume buttons down at the same time.
This will take you to the bootloader menu..if you start to boot up and se the "DROID" splash screen, hard reboot your phone by holding volume down+power and once the screen flashes immediately hold power+ vol up+ vol down).
Now scroll to recovery using volume down only, once on it, hit volume up to select. It will appear to reboot.
Once you see the prone android with the exclamation point press both volume buttons at the same time, this will bring up the recovery console. scroll down to "wipe cache" and use the power button to select it.
Once that is done, scroll up to "install update from external source" or something to that effect. Go to the directory the .215 file is on, and select it. Go make a sandwich.
Once finished flashing, the menu will say as much, scroll up to "reboot now" and select it. Its going to take a while to boot up, so just be patient. Once it does, launch Voodoo OTA rootkeeper. Click on the "restore root" button. Then exit out of the app, and relaunch it. You should see checks on all the boxes an root should be restored. To be safe, launch Titanium Backup...You may need permissions for root "fixed" and Ti will do this on first launch after a root restore (it will show a pop up box, just click yes and reboot"

You are done, hope this helps....It's frustrating when you have to learn acronyms for the acronyms ;)

Great info, very detailed, very helpful. Just one question about getting to stock .211. If I changed extensions on other files (not apps or apks), but for example audio files that I disabled or the boot animation, do I need to change the audio files back to .ogg (I had previously changed to .off so that I wouldn't hear this audio file) and/or go back to the original boot animation? Or can I keep these as is and install the update without issue?


#410 lquarles



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 07:58 AM

My battery is definitely improved. I noticed no difference on the .214 kernel.

Data is better. Using Foxfi, I now get an Open NAT type on my Xbox, whereas before, it was moderate

Sent from my DROID SPYDER

I think this is more a Verizon thing than a ROM thing. I noticed my NAT all of a sudden went to Open last Wednesday, while Tuesday it was Moderate, using .214 the whole time. I think Verizon has finally tweaked the network to allow an Open NAT. I thought it was a fluke at first but it's still open, I'm so happy. :D LOL.

#411 arcanexvi


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 08:17 AM

IMHO any one individuals results may vary from anothers. Apps running in background.. maybe not playing nice with the phone or other apps, how a person uses the phone all are different. Some people have seen improvement, others have horrible results and others see no difference. Whether this is a placebo effect for some or factual results, if it makes your phone a happy place for you then it's all good.

I said the same thing earlier. Probably about 4-5 pages back. This is why I wipe NOTHING going from build to build so I can get a more accurate feel for what actually changes. If you're wiping every time you install new builds (which is actually a better practice that I don't follow for testing purposes) you're clearing settings that could alter your results. 211 had average battery life. My phone got much warmer and battery cratered but performance was better on 214. 215 has so far yielded the best overall results for me without changing a single setting on the phone.

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#412 Mr. Orange 645

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 08:39 AM

Day two and while I see battery life improvement and the phone feels smoother, I see no improvement in 4G signal. Maybe a little worse actually. At work I can usually keep 4G with a signal strength of -100 or -105dBm, but today it keeps dripping to -116dBm and then switching to 3G.

I work in a concrete building that has always been tough for signal, so I knew it would be the real test.

Only difference I noted with signal at home was my signal strength would jump up and down about 10dBm, but I attribute that to living nearly equidistant between two towers and assumed the phone was just bouncing between towers. Not a big deal at home since it still maintained 4G.

209 is still the best battery life I've had over all the builds though. I've considered rolling back to it, but I just have to have the latest and greatest build. LOL.
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#413 dowens9603



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 08:43 AM

are there any roms updated to the 215 leak that anybody knows of? and can we use matts utility to regain safestrap on 215?

#414 iDroidGuy


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 08:44 AM

are there any roms updated to the 215 leak that anybody knows of? and can we use matts utility to regain safestrap on 215?

Yes Arctic is 215 I believe. And safe strap and root can be made on 215 again

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#415 dowens9603



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 08:51 AM

I had eclips rom while running on 214 dose anybody know if I flash this on 215 if it will work?

#416 (TSON)


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 08:58 AM

This build is a D4 build, which has been given a separate OSID, so that it can be tested on the RAZR. The only people who should technically have this build on RAZR or D4 are the moto devs. Its incomplete, very alpha/beta style. The phone doing an update check and being confirmed or not by the software is almost as simple as copy and paste.

OSID isn't even a real thing... and why would Moto deliberately choose an unreleased Droid 4 build for testing when they have a completely finished and released and perfectly fine base in the official RAZR ICS? :unsure:

#417 brees75



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 09:00 AM

I had eclips rom while running on 214 dose anybody know if I flash this on 215 if it will work?

All the .211 and up ROMS will work fine with .215.

My phone is pretty much the same all in all, battery still averages about 5% an hour, benches are the same, although I am pulling 1 Mb more on 4G speedtest than I was before, but that can't really be quantified as an increase being on a public network. Still, 17,788kbps down and 18,057kbps up is pretty damn cool. LOL

#418 rwil85



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 09:03 AM

This is the battery life I've been seeing with moderate usage on 215 (as far as I'm concerned)...was at the beach for the past few hours holding a couple bats of 4G for the most part - a little facebook/Instagram, some chrome browsing and I tried Netflix for a minute to see how it would work there.

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..i know battery differs by phone/OS/settings/reception/etc...does this seem at all right?

#419 bam7009



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 09:03 AM

If you are coming from stock rooted .211 its only a few steps. First copy the .215 file to your SD card (as previously stated in post above). Download Voodoo OTA rootkeeper. After launching it you will see some boxes and a softbutton that says "protect root" click the button, and all of the check boxes will be , well checked. The most important box is the "protected su copy available". Once that's done (I never do temp unroot) go into Titanium Backup and make sure nothing is frozen (The Adobe Flash check apk may be, don't worry about that one). You are safe to boot into moto recovery only if your system is stock (ie plain old .211) and your apps are intact (you didn't uninstall anything you couldn't uninstall through market, like deleting the apk via root explorer or uninstalling through Ti Backup). Now power the phone off, once off hold the power button and both volume buttons down at the same time. This will take you to the bootloader menu..if you start to boot up and se the "DROID" splash screen, hard reboot your phone by holding volume down+power and once the screen flashes immediately hold power+ vol up+ vol down). Now scroll to recovery using volume down only, once on it, hit volume up to select. It will appear to reboot. Once you see the prone android with the exclamation point press both volume buttons at the same time, this will bring up the recovery console. scroll down to "wipe cache" and use the power button to select it. Once that is done, scroll up to "install update from external source" or something to that effect. Go to the directory the .215 file is on, and select it. Go make a sandwich. Once finished flashing, the menu will say as much, scroll up to "reboot now" and select it. Its going to take a while to boot up, so just be patient. Once it does, launch Voodoo OTA rootkeeper. Click on the "restore root" button. Then exit out of the app, and relaunch it. You should see checks on all the boxes an root should be restored. To be safe, launch Titanium Backup...You may need permissions for root "fixed" and Ti will do this on first launch after a root restore (it will show a pop up box, just click yes and reboot" You are done, hope this helps....It's frustrating when you have to learn acronyms for the acronyms ;)

Great write up. I still seem to be doing something wrong though. I have the update on my SD card. When I select 'apply update from external storage' in recovery this is what I see:


Nothing else that would let me navigate to where I have the update stored on my SD card. Any suggestions?

#420 iDroidGuy


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 09:07 AM

Great write up. I still seem to be doing something wrong though. I have the update on my SD card. When I select 'apply update from external storage' in recovery this is what I see:


Nothing else that would let me navigate to where I have the update stored on my SD card. Any suggestions?

Is the update on your external SD?

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