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6.16.215 Ics Update Leak (Install From 211)

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#281 dtomlin


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 01:53 PM

This is not a Droid 4 leak. Part of the upgrade check process is looking at the build prop to make sure your phone is a RAZR.

Only seems to be one person who doesn't know that.

#282 JimmyInTheROC



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 01:54 PM

This is not a Droid 4 leak. Part of the upgrade check process is looking at the build prop to make sure your phone is a RAZR.

That's exactly what they EXPECT you to believe....


#283 arcanexvi


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:00 PM

Its probably because the only people who are aware of this are the devs at moto. Who i speak to on a daily basis. They tell me the feedback on RAZR ICS is being used to make D4 builds. Thats what is leaking. RAZR will more than likely end up with a separate build.

And just so everyone knows the quadrants are identical or actually worse than .211

Antutu benchmarks dropped over 300 points on my phone with 215.

Battery is about dead, 10 hours short of where it used to be. 14h this time, i usually got 24h or more on .211.

WiFi is very very spotty. It was messed up on .211 but now it works about %10 of the time properly. This may be a personal issue that needs to be solved however.

Data is worse, less drops but weaker connections. Seeing 3g most of the time where i used to have 4 bars of 4g...

So just to sum this up. On .211 i had some problems, none with battery, none with data. Only things i had issues with was apps crashing and my wifi was a little strange. After .215, i have less battery life so far(yes, time to set in, we will see how much that changes anything...)

And as for those of you that going back to .211 is easy thats awesome for you. With the 1.81 utility and everything set up correctly i have never been able to root my device. So i just may be stuck on this sketchy build.

Not to dispute your experience as mileage always varies to some extent but almost everything you're saying contradicts my experience with 215 over 3 days now. Just to debunk wipes being the fix, my phone has not been wiped since it's 211 install. Installation of 214 was an upgrade (no wipe). 211 was re-attained via downgrade package (no wipe). 215 was installed via upgrade (again no wipe). No settings were reset or altered during this process. Not even cache/dalvik were wiped.

Benchmarks are slightly higher for me across the board regardless of which benchmark I run.

211 and 214 had some batt life issues for me that seem to be more or less resolved (I stress my phone because I work in a low signal area. On 211 and 214 the phone was consistently warm at my desk and in my pocket where on 215 it stays relatively cool).

No issues with Wifi when I choose to use it at home or work. I usually forget to turn it on and stay on 4G though (unlim data plan makes me not care too much)

Bars are not an accurate measure of signal strength as they are consistently tweaked. My db results are actually considerably stronger vs the old radios (part of the reason I think I'm getting better battery life and running cooler). I agree with other users that I'm also pulling in a more consistent signal on 215 than on 211.

Again, I'm not saying you're wrong and that you're incorrectly stating your experience as we do value all feedback but it seems like more users are having positive experiences than negative ones on 215. If you were having better luck on 211 then I suggest you stay there as that was a better experience for you.
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#284 dtomlin


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:00 PM

It's all a conspiracy. I blame the Illuminati...
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#285 arcanexvi


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:04 PM

This is not a Droid 4 leak. Part of the upgrade check process is looking at the build prop to make sure your phone is a RAZR.

The D4 and the RAZR/MAXX are essentially the same device so it wouldn't surprise me if a few minor tweaks on Moto's end would let the same software run on one or the other. They were designed to be linear. The development team for these 3 devices has always been the same group of people within Moto.

That said, are these leaks FOR the D4? No. As TSON stated, the update checks the build.prop before executing the update to make sure it's installing on its intended target.

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#286 jimgfitzgerald



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:11 PM

I think the differences people are seeing with any of these leaks is more to do with the apps they have installed and some of the settings they choose, not the leak itself.
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#287 arcanexvi


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:12 PM

I think the differences people are seeing with any of these leaks is more to with the apps they have installed and some of the settings they choose, not the leak itself.

Correct. Which is why I made a point of saying that I wiped absolutely nothing during my installs of 211/214/215 which provides more reliable statistics. Settings/apps/widgets are the usual culprits of poor performance/battery.
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#288 StealthPanda



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:24 PM

"Bars are not an accurate measure of signal strength as they are consistently tweaked." Yes, i am very very aware of this. You didnt take notice to my issue at hand. Regardless of bars, i had 4g before, now it selects 3g over 4g most of the time. Despite the fact that i have less of a db reading on 3g(about 118db vs 100db). I am giving you feedback based on things that are basic knowledge on these devices, the db rating being one of them.

As for .215 giving you all these amazing results... Im skeptical. I have not seen anything other than negative going from .211 to .215 So yes, while your mileage may vary. This device isnt even a month old... Got ICS a week after getting it. Cache wiped on .211, more than once. Cache wiped after no good results on .215, made no difference. The only single notable difference between .211 and .215 is my phone doesnt get as hot as it did. But i can only remember one time where i felt it was too hot and decided to turn it off. That solved that problem. I use wifi to save battery, more than anything. I also have unlimited data. And .215 has rendered it almost useless.

Also, you guys know something about how builds work on phones. But in this case, im afraid you are wrong. It may sound impossible but its how it is.

This build is a D4 build, which has been given a separate OSID, so that it can be tested on the RAZR. The only people who should technically have this build on RAZR or D4 are the moto devs. Its incomplete, very alpha/beta style. The phone doing an update check and being confirmed or not by the software is almost as simple as copy and paste.

#289 Guest_BDH_*

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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:34 PM

"Bars are not an accurate measure of signal strength as they are consistently tweaked." Yes, i am very very aware of this. You didnt take notice to my issue at hand. Regardless of bars, i had 4g before, now it selects 3g over 4g most of the time. Despite the fact that i have less of a db reading on 3g(about 118db vs 100db). I am giving you feedback based on things that are basic knowledge on these devices, the db rating being one of them.

As for .215 giving you all these amazing results... Im skeptical. I have not seen anything other than negative going from .211 to .215 So yes, while your mileage may vary. This device isnt even a month old... Got ICS a week after getting it. Cache wiped on .211, more than once. Cache wiped after no good results on .215, made no difference. The only single notable difference between .211 and .215 is my phone doesnt get as hot as it did. But i can only remember one time where i felt it was too hot and decided to turn it off. That solved that problem. I use wifi to save battery, more than anything. I also have unlimited data. And .215 has rendered it almost useless.

Also, you guys know something about how builds work on phones. But in this case, im afraid you are wrong. It may sound impossible but its how it is.

This build is a D4 build, which has been given a separate OSID, so that it can be tested on the RAZR. The only people who should technically have this build on RAZR or D4 are the moto devs. Its incomplete, very alpha/beta style. The phone doing an update check and being confirmed or not by the software is almost as simple as copy and paste.

Nice to see you stopped arguing with people lol. :rolleyes:

Sent from my DROID SPYDER using Tapatalk 2
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#290 jimgfitzgerald



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:35 PM

Deleted. Why bother?

#291 dtomlin


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:37 PM


#292 Guest_R3Ds_*

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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:38 PM

"Bars are not an accurate measure of signal strength as they are consistently tweaked." Yes, i am very very aware of this. You didnt take notice to my issue at hand. Regardless of bars, i had 4g before, now it selects 3g over 4g most of the time. Despite the fact that i have less of a db reading on 3g(about 118db vs 100db). I am giving you feedback based on things that are basic knowledge on these devices, the db rating being one of them.

As for .215 giving you all these amazing results... Im skeptical. I have not seen anything other than negative going from .211 to .215 So yes, while your mileage may vary. This device isnt even a month old... Got ICS a week after getting it. Cache wiped on .211, more than once. Cache wiped after no good results on .215, made no difference. The only single notable difference between .211 and .215 is my phone doesnt get as hot as it did. But i can only remember one time where i felt it was too hot and decided to turn it off. That solved that problem. I use wifi to save battery, more than anything. I also have unlimited data. And .215 has rendered it almost useless.

Also, you guys know something about how builds work on phones. But in this case, im afraid you are wrong. It may sound impossible but its how it is.

This build is a D4 build, which has been given a separate OSID, so that it can be tested on the RAZR. The only people who should technically have this build on RAZR or D4 are the moto devs. Its incomplete, very alpha/beta style. The phone doing an update check and being confirmed or not by the software is almost as simple as copy and paste.

Since you mention that you speak to moto devs daily, maybe they can guide you on how to restore to gingerbread from ics or maybe unlock your bootloader so OUR devs can really fix all their bugs.
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#293 Guest_R3Ds_*

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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:42 PM

Then, why are you here? Everyone here knows these leaks are basically "experimental" and it's "buyer beware." If you want only complete, fully tested and released, stick with OTA.

Even the OTA are buggy sometimes. We all know the leaks are for us to use, fix them then moto comes and uses the fixes and release as OTA.

#294 dtomlin


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:45 PM

I talk to moto devs everyday too. Right after my conversations with the moon. Maybe your phone doesn't work because you did something wrong. Or maybe you should blame the team of ninja assassins who broke into your house, tied you up, and flashed the leak on your phone? We got some AWESOME devs on this forum. I'll take their word over yours.

#295 just lou

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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:50 PM

Also, you guys know something about how builds work on phones. But in this case, im afraid you are wrong. It may sound impossible but its how it is.

All this knowledge, yet unable to root his phone or get back to .211 without help. <_<
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#296 thephatee01



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 03:07 PM

I have kids and I managed to read all 19 pages.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2

your awesome

#297 stickjohnsonaah



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 03:17 PM

One thing I've noticed about 6 hours in now is my system settings will not stay, volume settings,vibrate on key press are all resetting after reboot. I updated busy box which didn't help. I will try wiping both cache as well as fix permissions to see if it helps. Otherwise liking this so far

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

#298 Mr. Orange 645

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Posted 15 July 2012 - 03:22 PM

@StealthPanda I know you said you wiped cache but I suggest you try a full factory reset data wipe. Many people had the same problems you had going from GB to the official 211 OTA until they did a full wipe. I would imagine that would solve many of your ills on 215 as well. I for one am having a very positive experience with 215. You maybe even got a bad download/install. So if the factory reset doesn't help, then I would try downloading the file again and starting from scratch with a fresh install.
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#299 utekking



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 03:25 PM

Pointless to argue here, he is right and everyone of us is wrong.

I am so sorry that my phone is running even better on .215 and that I was able to root my phone so easily. Something must be really wrong with it, I should contact Moto and see if they will swap it out under warranty so I can have a phone that runs the proper way like yours. Oh wait, I replaced the non replaceable battery with a maxx battery. Guess I am forever stuck with a horrible working device.
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Droid Razr upgraded to Maxx!!!

#300 Mr. Orange 645

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Posted 15 July 2012 - 03:27 PM

8 hours off charger with 1h 17m screen time and I'm still at 83% on my MAXX. I got over 6hrs screen time yesterday and it seems to only be getting better as the OS settles. This is comparable to 209 which gave me the best battery life.

Sent from my Droid 4...er...RAZR MAXX.
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