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FXZ Script Generator

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#21 SamuriHL


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 05:28 PM

I can easily start up one of my Ubuntu VM's for testing there too.


That'd be helpful, but, I want everyone to understand that prototype is not even alpha or beta.  It's REALLY rough code and could screw up a phone.  As long as you're ok with that and are able to fix it, no problem.  The flashing stuff SHOULD be ok.  The UI...well, that just sucks and needs a ton of work.

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#22 soocold


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 05:50 PM

I think you deserve a "showoff" now, b4 you blow my mind. As you know, I'm hardware, not software.



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#23 matjmonk


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 08:38 AM

Ok, Mr. Samuri, I come hat in hand begging help, forgiveness and forbearance in advance of what may be a really stupid question! I just got the Moto X (Developers Edition) and have it rooted, TWRP'ed and configured however the . phone came with 4.2.2 instead of 4.4. I thought I had remembered reading that I would have to reflash the system.img and recovery.img in order to get the OTA or FXZ to work so since my trusty HoB no longer graces the planet and the HoM doesn't seem to have a support file for the XT1060, I thought I could use your new utility to generate the FXZ scripts to try and avoid the data wipe of a full FXZ (hey, this is kind of new to me, I haven't messed with this since the SBF days of my DX). I put the .jar file in the FXZ directory containing the XML file but upon double clicking it I get an error pop up (screen shot attached) that Java can't find the main class. I've looked at the JVM configuration and can't seem to see anything wrong with how it's set up but maybe you can set me on the correct path to finding a solution or tell me that i'm doing everything wrong and should be looking for a different way to accomplish this. I'm trying to run the generator on a Windows 8 x64 laptop if it that adds any additional useful information. I've spent several hours looking over at the X site but haven't really found the answer yet. I'm starting to miss my stone-age™ Bionic and the HoB!!




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#24 SamuriHL


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 08:42 AM

That's odd.  I tested it before I posted it and I know it's in there.  Open the jar file with 7-Zip and tell me if there's a com/samuri/hom/fxz/ScriptGenerator.class file in it.  That's bizarre.

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#25 matjmonk


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 09:19 AM

That's odd.  I tested it before I posted it and I know it's in there.  Open the jar file with 7-Zip and tell me if there's a com/samuri/hom/fxz/ScriptGenerator.class file in it.  That's bizarre.


yep, it appears to be there and in the same path as you stated:

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#26 SamuriHL


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 09:45 AM

Then it's an issue with your JVM which I really can't solve.  Try reinstalling the latest Java 7 JVM.

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#27 matjmonk


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 09:48 AM

Then it's an issue with your JVM which I really can't solve.  Try reinstalling the latest Java 7 JVM.

I'll give that a shot (unless I just decide to FXZ and reload everything), thanks for taking a look though.

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#28 SamuriHL


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 08:18 PM

Oh look a new prototype.  The custom script functionality is temporarily removed.  But the good news is that it now generates FULL and KEEP DATA scripts for RSD, batch for Windows, and sh for Linux/Mac.  All you have to do is select the FXZ's XML file in the extracted FXZ directory, enter your phone's model, and click the generate scripts button.  I'll add more scripts soon but this is the start of a much more useful tool.  Enjoy!

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#29 SamuriHL


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Posted 07 January 2014 - 12:05 PM

New version posted.  Cleaned up a couple bugs.  

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#30 Offsprung



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Posted 10 February 2014 - 11:00 AM

I'll give that a shot (unless I just decide to FXZ and reload everything), thanks for taking a look though.

For anyone else with this error, simple add path to JRE and restart windows.

Alternately create a batch file in same folder as the JAR (use path of where you installed JRE...



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#31 firecat53



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Posted 10 February 2014 - 07:20 PM

Greetings. Running this script on Archlinux with both the openjdk java 7 and 'official' Sun jre7 just pops up a blank white box. Is there another library that I may be missing? There are no errors generated on the command line. Thanks for your efforts!! Let me know what other information I can provide.



#32 SamuriHL


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 07:23 PM

Fascinating. It's using swing which should be built in to Java on any platform. I can't think of why it wouldn't work off the top of my head. I won't have time to test it on Linux any time soon unfortunately.

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#33 cmh714


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 07:47 PM

that happened on my Mac. I think I just expanded the window to max size and the input box and button were there


EDIT: Just tested it, do as I said, and expand the window, that brings the button into view/focus

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#34 SamuriHL


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Posted 12 May 2014 - 02:14 PM



New version of the FXZ Script Generator released.  (Yea, I know, I don't use version numbers on this.  Oh well.  LOL)



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#35 johnlgalt



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Posted 12 May 2014 - 02:38 PM

Thanks Sam.


I finally got the issue(s) figured out on my TF700 tablet.  I'll probably be FXZing my BIONIC here shortly to put a CM 11 based ROM on it for S&G.


I'm also looking into possibly implementing a ROM2SD method for putting kk on the OG DROID :p


(ROM2SD moves /system and /data to partitions on the microSD, thereby eliminating the micro-sized ROM space on the OG being a barrier to having a kk ROM on it).

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#36 strasber



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Posted 13 May 2014 - 03:21 AM

when i run FXZ-ScriptGenerator.jar i get a popup 'a java exception has occurred'.

i got to the jar file by downloading the jar.zip file in this thread and removing the .zip form the filename. extracting merely resulted in 2 folder - MF and com

houseofmoto.bat is not finding the file.

i set up my FXZ_xt907 folder and extracted all the necessary files as per the instructions.

any help?

#37 SamuriHL


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 04:08 AM

Um, there is no "jar zip" in this thread.  It's not a zip file. It's an executable jar and your system needs to be setup to open those with javaw.

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#38 strasber



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Posted 13 May 2014 - 04:13 AM

Um, there is no "jar zip" in this thread.  It's not a zip file. It's an executable jar and your system needs to be setup to open those with javaw.

hm, well therein lies my problem. my windows system is set up and working with JRE 7 update 55
when i click on the .jar file link in the first post it is downloaded as a zip. what else needs to be setup beyond the JRE?

#39 strasber



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Posted 13 May 2014 - 04:22 AM

hm, well therein lies my problem. my windows system is set up and working with JRE 7 update 55
when i click on the .jar file link in the first post it is downloaded as a zip. what else needs to be setup beyond the JRE?

when i run the jar file in a console i get the following


C:\Program Files\Console2>java -jar C:\HouseOfMoto\FXZ_xt907\FXZ-ScriptGenerator.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/samuri/hom/fxz/ScriptGenerator : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(Unknown Source)

C:\Program Files\Console2>java -version
java version "1.7.0_55"
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_55-b14)
Java HotSpot™ Client VM (build 24.55-b03, mixed mode, sharing)

i have verified my javaw.exe is in the right place

#40 SamuriHL


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 04:30 AM

Java's being a *******.  When I compiled it I told it to set the version to Java 7.  If it's telling you that it's an unsupported version then it did not honor my request and is requiring java 8.  I can fix it but it'll take a while as I'm working right now.  Either wait or install Java 8.

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