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Root for *UNLOCKED* Devices

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#81 SamuriHL


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:46 AM

Right so you need to flash cwm using this tool.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

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#82 jtelander



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:52 AM

Thanks much, will work on it this evening

#83 jtelander



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:03 PM


Followed these instructions and encountered the following prompts and error



Please disconnect your phone from USB (this is only temporary)

Now Power OFF the phone

Hold Volume UP and Volume DOWN at the same time, and press Power

Volume DOWN to AP Fastboot, Volume UP to select

Once in AP Fastboot mode, plug it back into USB


Press any key to continue . . .


Flashing xt926-KK-CWM-6048 (2).img


< waiting for device >

(bootloader) Variable not supported!

error: cannot open 'recovery\xt926-KK-CWM-6048'


Press any key to continue . . .


Reboot to recovery...


Please disconnect your phone from USB (this is only temporary)

Now Power OFF the phone

Hold Volume UP and Volume DOWN at the same time, and press Power

Volume DOWN to recovery, Volume UP to select

Once recovery is loaded, plug it back into USB


Press any key to continue .


. .


When I attempted to get into recovery, the Android Andy appeared on its side with an exclamation point.

I'd appreciate any input and suggestions folks are willing to share.


#84 SamuriHL


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:16 PM

You have spaces in the filename for recovery.  Don't do that.

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#85 Ofire



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:20 PM

I cannot get the CWM to load, it claims it flashes correctly, but then it wont load the recovery when I try to go into it.

#86 livinginkaos


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:28 PM

I cannot get the CWM to load, it claims it flashes correctly, but then it wont load the recovery when I try to go into it.

Are you getting a black screen or stock recovery when you try to boot into recovery? If a black screen, then keep trying. For some reason it is known to be stubborn. If you ate getting stock, then flash it again and be sure to immediately boot into recovery. If you boot into the os, it will over write it with stock again.

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#87 livinginkaos


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:30 PM

Followed these instructions and encountered the following prompts and error

. .

When I attempted to get into recovery, the Android Andy appeared on its side with an exclamation point.
I'd appreciate any input and suggestions folks are willing to share.

is your bootloader unlocked?

Sent from my S-Offed One M8


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#88 Ofire



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:35 PM

I was having problems with this on my unlocked XT926 with the latest KK update.  Namely, no many how many times I tried, I always got "<bootloader> Variable not supported!".  What finally worked:


1)  Installed the latest Moto drivers from Moto themselves (

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-> this was a key, the Koush Universal ADB driver was failing.  Whenever I'd connect my phone in ADB mode to my Win7 x64 machine with just that driver, Windows would fail to install a driver.

-> also made sure that I had Developer enabled on my phone (update wiped it) and enabled installing apps from unknown sources

2)  I copied the SuperUser update zip to my phone's external SD card.

3)  I copied the CWM img file to my C: drive, and renamed it to "recovery.img"

4)  I opened a cmd window in windows (Start->in run field type "cmd")

5)  In cmd window, typed "cd c:\"

6)  In cmd window, typed "adb reboot bootloader"

7)  In cmd window, typed "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img"

8)  I repeated that a good half dozen times or so, always getting the same "Variable not supported" error but it appeared to copy.

9)  In cmd window, typed "fastboot reboot"

-> I think this was also key for some reason, rebooting phone normally once after installing CWM.

-> disconnected phone until it finished booting, then reconnected

10)  In cmd window, typed "adb reboot recovery"

11)  It finally booted into CWM!  Then I just installed ZIP from external SD card like normal.


Hope this helps someone else struggling.  I have no idea why that finally worked despite getting the same error message, but it did.  I was using a Moto USB cable the whole time, and used the same USB2 port on my laptop the whole time.

Thank you a ton for writing this, I was having the same issue and this solved the problem for me. finally have a working recovery now.

#89 Ofire



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:54 PM

Also, can you install busybox this way as well? certain apps I use still need it and it claims I no longer have it.

#90 SamuriHL


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:56 PM

Hey google.....any thoughts?  Yes, Samuri, here's some info on that...thanks, Google.


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#91 jtelander



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Posted 05 June 2014 - 07:58 AM

is your bootloader unlocked?

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#92 jtelander



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Posted 05 June 2014 - 08:20 AM

You have spaces in the filename for recovery.  Don't do that.


Thanks, I edited the file name and repeated the process.



Press any key to continue . . .
Flashing xt926-KK-CWM-6048.img
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'recovery' (10146 KB)...
OKAY [  0.770s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [  2.102s]
finished. total time: 2.874s
Press any key to continue . . .
Reboot to recovery...
Please disconnect your phone from USB (this is only temporary)
Now Power OFF the phone
Hold Volume UP and Volume DOWN at the same time, and press Power
Volume DOWN to recovery, Volume UP to select
Once recovery is loaded, plug it back into USB
Press any key to continue . . .



Now I am getting a black screen when attempting to load recovery

#93 SamuriHL


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 08:24 AM

For which we've repeatedly said you need to flash it again when that happens.

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#94 jtelander



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Posted 05 June 2014 - 08:25 AM

Yep, I'm on my 6th attempt....and recovery has loaded. :)

#95 SamuriHL


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 08:26 AM

When you say "attempt" how many of them were ACTUALLY successful at flashing recovery?  Your last one was, but the 5 before it?

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#96 SamuriHL


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 08:41 AM

UNLOCKED ROOT 1.7 released


-Attempted to help those with the black screen problem by flashing recovery, rebooting back into the bootloader, and flashing it again.  NO clue if this will help but it was worth a shot.

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#97 jtelander



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Posted 05 June 2014 - 08:53 AM

When you say "attempt" how many of them were ACTUALLY successful at flashing recovery?  Your last one was, but the 5 before it?


I believe I encountered the same prompts each time


Now I've loaded/installed Koush's Univeral ADB driver but have no idea what the following phrase means


"You are responsible for making sure your phone can be detected in ADB sideload mode. (The installer is in the ADB_USB sub-directory)

#98 SamuriHL


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:03 AM

You most certainly did not flash anything before you fixed the filename.  Hence why I asked how many were successful at flashing it.


The phrase you quoted is pretty self explanatory.  In order to sideload supersu, your device needs to be recognized by adb when it's in sideload mode, which is different than normal adb mode.  The universal adb package is optional and is used if you're having problems getting your device to be recognized by adb when it's in sideload mode. And it means that if it's not working, it's your responsibility to fix it as I don't have time to troubleshoot people's adb issues.  They can be a time sucking pain in the ass.

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#99 jtelander



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Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:12 AM

Good point re the flashing success.  Perhaps this illustrates that the only way I know whether I flashed successfully is for recovery to load.  By that definition, every attempt was a failure except for the last one.

As far as sideloading is concerned, I have never knowing sideloaded anything.  What I've generally done to copy a file to the phone and use recovery to open the zip file....and I haven't done that for at least 2 maybe 3 years.

#100 SamuriHL


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:18 AM

You can copy it to your phone and flash it from within recovery.  Sideloading is pretty easy so long as your device is recognized by adb when it's in sideloading mode.  The on screen directions tell you how to get into sideloading mode and run the adb sideload command for you.

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