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testing ICS on U8680 / U8730 Huawei MyTouch / Q

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#121 renlee



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Posted 24 December 2013 - 09:57 AM

Did anyone else notice that google voice search now works with the genius button? I don't know when it started to work, but it does now :)

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#122 bigeye135



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Posted 24 December 2013 - 09:42 PM

ok recap for me.....


I believe the key for me was getting a complete wipe of everything, including formatting the system, which I could not get before (wipe all: factory reset, format system, format HWuserdata, and wipe dalvik cache also) then very importantly (so it seemed) mounting the system before executing the install of the hwu8681.zip file.

1. I completely Changed my image folder with theses files 


2. I changed the Recovery img to CWM to the one you linked to above http://www.droidrzr....awei-mytouch-q/


3. I changed the boot img to the one you linked to above http://www.droidrzr....awei-mytouch-q/


4. Then deleted the cust.img file (I have no idea why this is important if it is at all, but it works so I am not going to try to figure it out, but someone knows please tell me why deleting this is important)
5. Booted the phone into recovery mode (CWM)

6. Wiped everything: factory reset, format system, format HWuserdata, and wipe dalvik cache
7. Then I mounted the system in mounts and storage (which I was not doing before and don't know why this needed to be done, can someone explain why that is needed on this device)
8. Then Flashed the hwu8681.zip file to the device and rebooted. Took a long while to reboot but once it did all was well and the U8680 is now a U8681 

Everything works just fine. Blue tooth, calls, camera, keyboard, so far nothing that I can find that does not work. Much better phone now. And Zero T-Mobile Bloatware! Thank you all! 


For Some reason, on several tries I could not format system, I had to reinstall the CWM Recovery numerous times before I could do this. 

I. I f%$king love you.

#123 realwx



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Posted 31 December 2013 - 09:58 AM

So since flashing my computer now throws a "USB device malfunctioned" error and recovery says "failed to open /sys/class/android_USB/android0/state: No such file or directory". Any fix for this?

#124 crazygrouzin



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Posted 06 January 2014 - 12:46 PM

We need a dawngrade patch like this 



I extracted it and tried to change some values with no success.  Can someone look at this?

#125 benjiboi2



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Posted 07 January 2014 - 03:06 PM

Can someone help me install ics on u8680 please? I have rooted my phone, that is all.

#126 narmyufone



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Posted 20 January 2014 - 06:37 PM

After following the instructions exactly as instructed (few failed times) all is working great thanks for this.


Ultimate rotation control fixed the landscape issues

#127 reguser



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Posted 24 January 2014 - 02:21 PM

I need help in flashing my U8730 to ICS. I followed the instructions but the device would just sit at the android boot screen forever. The one thing that didn't work in the steps was formatting system, it always gave Error unmounting /system. Does anyone have any ideas?



#128 ttrout678



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Posted 13 February 2014 - 11:25 AM

After countless hours of research, and countless different websites visited, I FINALLY used the process by Majikstar. Although, I used this process successfully, I cannot help but wonder why all the information isn't put together in one place. Since the most important part came from here, I decided to sign up for an account. Not only to post this, but to also thank the people who were instrumental to my success.
First, I used the way surfer43 did theirs, found on page 1. Also, as some one mentioned, I had to include my cust.img folder in my image folder. I think this is because I did the CWN n things first. Not creating/replacing cust.img beforehand may work just as well, IDK.

While in CWM, trying to flash the rom, it kept telling me the signatue was invalid and aborted installation. I just clicked the "toggle signature" thing. Finally, it unpacked, loaded, and installed the update.

Everything worked FLAWLESSLY, and was extremely happy, until I noticed how slow it was, and showed 3g connection at top. I called T-Mobile, told them I applied an sd update to ICS, and that now all i get is 3g speeds. He was more than happy to get my 4g going again. NOW, i coupdnt be.happier. Thanks to majikstar, surfer, and everyone else that that had a hand (big or small) in helping me create this AWESOME phone

QUESTION? My stock wifi works well, but omly get 2.5 of free hotspot a month. I have tried SEVERAL different apps to no avail. Some don't show up when searching, some won't connect to net due to poor signal even when they sit right next to them, and others use my app to run on, which still costs. Are.there ANY.good wifi tether.apps out there I should try? Thanks.in.advance.
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#129 ttrout678



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Posted 20 February 2014 - 05:47 PM

Couldn't figure out how to edit my post, so decided to repost.
First, I forgot to mention that I did this to my U8680. Sooo much nicer with ICS.

Secondly, another person taught me how to make your wifi tether untraceable, up to the data limit that you have bought. I get unl talk, txt, and Web, with 2.5gigs of wifi tethering a month for free. To date I have used around 8gbs through wifi tethering, but my free tethering counter in my account has been stuck on 247mb proving it works, when I finally figured out what I did wrong. I have downloaded videos, movies, and albums, all while letting my wife jump off of it due to her limited plan.

What was I told to get this to work, you're wondering?

Open menu<settings<mobile networks (might have to click more under wireless + networks), and then scroll down to access point name and click that.

Now click your menu button and then add apn. Name it whatever you prefer, and then under apn, type etc.tmobile.com and click save.

Now, when I first did it, I didn't think to change anything in my tether widget. After a couple tries I realized that the settings in my widget was wrong (might not even matter with no widget). Then I realized the name in the widget I was running wasn't the name of the connection I created. Once I realized that and changed my widget to connect to the network I created, my wifi counter stopped advancing and I can now use my wife hotspot tethering for however many devices, and for however long I need to.

#130 muskamj



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Posted 07 March 2014 - 12:56 PM

I need help in flashing my U8730 to ICS. I followed the instructions but the device would just sit at the android boot screen forever. The one thing that didn't work in the steps was formatting system, it always gave Error unmounting /system. Does anyone have any ideas?



I am having the same exact issue, except I stopped before attempting to flash when I noticed the error.  Luckily, this isn't my phone, it's my wife's.


Does anyone have any idea about what might be causing this error and how to fix it?  I did a significant amount of googling without finding anything helpful so far.

#131 magikstar29



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Posted 23 March 2014 - 05:20 AM

don't use ICS on huawei U8730 it's not suitable for daily use

#132 jollyassjerk



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Posted 23 March 2014 - 05:24 PM

thank you so much!  This has been so helpful, the rest of the world has moved on from android 2.* so i couldn't get half of my stuff to work, and this solved all of my problems.


I'm curious if anyone knows how to get the camera to function properly, and the front facing camera to function at all?  Is it a matter of reverting to the stock version again?  Or is there a way to use the stock camera application with the ICS rom?



#133 vocovon



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Posted 16 April 2014 - 06:49 AM

Im having hell trying to just root my MyTouch Q by Huawei any tip before i can do this ICS. Any help will be appreciated im sick of this gingerbread crap stock rom

#134 Moe92



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Posted 17 April 2014 - 08:39 PM

Big thanks to the OP. I have the Mytouch Q (without the keyboard) and everything is working flawlessly. both cameras work and it runs much better then it did on the Gingerbread rom. Thanks OP!

#135 frankvii



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Posted 20 April 2014 - 11:40 AM

don't use ICS on huawei U8730 it's not suitable for daily use

Magikstar39, Can you explain why ICS on the U8730 is not sutable for daily use?  Since you started this whole thread, I certainly believe you but the problems you mentioned in post #1 (keyboard, screen rotation) seem to be fixed.  I'd like to give it at least a try (since there really seems no other options) but I have the same problem as others in that I can't get CWM to format/unmount the System.  Regardless, I'd like to thank you for the work you put into this.

#136 frankvii



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 11:12 AM

Are you trying to install ICS and unable to format System with CWM? 


The fix, in short, is to use "Cwm Recovery - Tethered And Unstable!" (Files:  http://batakang.com/...p/?dir=hwu8680  Information:  http://www.droidrzr....d-and-unstable/).  The fix, in long, is what follows.  Please note that I tried many things, so these aren't my exact steps.  But I believe these are the steps that actually achieved the install of ICS (done on Windows 7).


1.  Follow the prereq and download steps in the 1st post of this thread.  You can probably install Recovery.img but NOT Boot.img (you are going to still need to do a normal phone boot and I'm afraid that installing Boot.img may interfere with this).


2.  Download "CWM-Recovery-Tethered" and unzip.


3.  Make a note of all the items you are going to need to change with CWM (factory reset, format system, format HWuserdata, and format dalvik cache).  If needed, run CWM recovery first and make sure you know where to find all these items (this is necessary because "CWM-Recovery-Tethered" is unstable and auto reboots in a short period of time). 


4.  Take the battery cover off the phone for rapid access to the battery.


5.  Now, with a normal boot of the phone (with USB debugging enabled) and connected via USB to the computer, run the "CWM-Recovery-Tethered" batch file.  The phone will boot into CWM.


EDIT:  CWM tethered can be loaded and run even while in the CWM recovery.img screen.


6.  You don't have much time.  So quickly get all the deletes/format/wipes done (there was one time where HWuserdata didn't show up for me so just keep going if it has "disappeared" on you too).


EDIT:  I retested this, it seems formatting SYSTEM is the essential part of this.  Then the other wipes/formats can be done with the normal CWM (from the installed recovery.img)


7.  Disconnect the USB and pull the battery (we don't want CWM to auto reboot because it will most likely wreck all the wipes we have just done).


8.  Go into the Pink Screen (VOL-UP, VOL-DWN, POWER).  Delete Cust.Img.  Copy over the new Boot.img and Recovery.img (if Recovery.img not previously done).


9.  Boot into CWM recovery (VOL-UP, POWER) and mount SYSTEM.  Now, also using CWM (Main Menu, 2nd option) install "hwu8681.zip".


EDIT:  Do this step separate from any Step 6 wipes.  When SYSTEM is formatted in Step 6 the instability of CWM tethered also occurs in CWM recovery.img.  This means, CWM has approximately 130 secs before rebooting.  Use that 130 secs to install ICS "hwu8681.zip".


10.  With "hwu8681.zip installed", reboot the system.  You now should have ICS.


NOTE:  My biggest mistake in all this was having a "little bit of knowledge".  I thought the new Boot.img file was what was going to, as the 1st post says, "flash the rom zip".  It doesn't.  It must be manually done through CWM.

#137 Selfboy13



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Posted 23 April 2014 - 03:23 AM

I am new to this kind of stuff, but i have a Mytouch u8680 and it is rooted. I downloaded the zip file and moved it to my sd card but i cant find the image folder. Can someone please help me?

#138 frankvii



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Posted 23 April 2014 - 04:44 AM

To find the Image folder, refer to my reply #136, Step 8.  I use Windows so take that into account.


With your Huawei USB drivers installed:


1.  Boot into "pink screen" (VOL-UP, VOL-DWN, POWER).

2.  Connect usb to phone.

3.  Notice that you now have a new drive under "My Compter" (or equivalent name)..

4.  Look at the new drive and there will be one folder called "image".

5.  In that folder are all the files that are referred to when talking about the "Pink Screen".

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#139 Selfboy13



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Posted 23 April 2014 - 11:17 AM

Thank you, frankvii, but i have ran into a problem. I changed out the files in pink screen and rebooted into clockworkmod, but I could not navigate so i took out the battery. Now it is in an Android loop and wont turn on.

#140 Selfboy13



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Posted 23 April 2014 - 11:23 AM

I can get to  the clockworkmod screen but cant do anything.

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