Root & Write Protection Bypass is now available for the Moto X and DROID Ultra/Maxx/Mini via PwnMyMoto
Posted 20 September 2013 - 12:16 PM
Photo courtesy of XDA
Moto fanboys (and fangirls) rejoice! Thanks to the awesome developer Justin Case, owners of the Moto X and Droid Ultra/Maxx/Mini can now flash ROMs, themes, and more.
Meet PwnMyMoto, an APK that you sideload through ADB. It uses bug 9695860, just like the MotoRoot predecessor, to gain system level access. After gaining root access, it exploits a bootloader vulnerability and alllows for write protection on the /system partition to be bypassed. It also removes stock recovery so no more pesky OTAs to mess up root.
Since the recovery partition is no longer that, Justin is supporting . It's no unlocked bootloader, but it's way awesome and allows for all sorts of fun.
So, I suppose you want it now? First the necessary disclaimer:
WARNING: is not responsible for any damage you do to your device. Read, read again, and proceed with caution. Always be sure that you are using the mod for the device intended!
OK, here you go! These links will take you away from our lovely site, so don't forget to come back
Get PwnMyMoto for and for the .
Don't forget to send some love!
- Memnoch73, rickw, SamuriHL and 6 others like this
a girl has no sig
Posted 20 September 2013 - 12:34 PM
Awesome right up!!! But you can just install the apk without adb and it works fine. I know this for sure with the X . I cant speak for the droid line.
- Staf_in_Wah likes this
sig made by
Rinkle McBally
Posted 20 September 2013 - 12:35 PM
great job staf,ps:love that new sig
- Staf_in_Wah likes this
Posted 20 September 2013 - 12:37 PM
Awesome right up!!! But you can just install the apk without adb and it works fine. I know this for sure with the X . I cant speak for the droid line.
Oh, how easy! I wish I had one to play with.
- rickw and shane1 like this
a girl has no sig
Posted 20 September 2013 - 07:28 PM
Nicely done!! Excellent write-up.
Posted 22 September 2013 - 11:19 AM
I am hoping that now someone can edit the topic list to add Moto X Development and ROMs for locked bootloaders as well as unlocked
- shane1 likes this
Posted 24 September 2013 - 03:52 PM
I can't seem to find a safestrap or any other custom recoveries for the x, maxx, ultra or mini, any ideas.
Posted 24 September 2013 - 04:40 PM
read the op,it's right there
Posted 24 September 2013 - 04:58 PM
Safestrap is not released yet. Its been booted on the x bit not functional. Patience is a virtue!
sig made by
Rinkle McBally
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: pwnmymoto, moto x, droid ultra, droid maxx, droid mini
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