House of Moto [3.2]
Posted 23 February 2014 - 07:31 AM
Tapadriving.... hillbilly style!!!
Feeding my android addiction......... one phone at a time.....
If you are feeling generous and would like to buy me a drink.... coffee
Posted 27 February 2014 - 06:23 AM
Thanks. Worked brilliantly on my Droid Mini xt1030.
- SamuriHL likes this
Posted 27 February 2014 - 09:04 AM
Ok, this worked great after my 3 year old nephew accidently accepted an OTA on my rooted xt1080m, but now my battery seems to be dying very quick.
Any ideas?
Posted 27 February 2014 - 09:07 AM
4.4 has a known issue for battery performance on some devices. It will be fixed with the 4.4.2 update.Ok, this worked great after my 3 year old nephew accidently accepted an OTA on my rooted xt1080m, but now my battery seems to be dying very quick.
Any ideas?
Sent From My DEV X
Sig by livinginkaos
Samsung S8+ / Pixel XL 128gb / iPhone 7+ 256gb / iPad Pro 12.9" / Samsung Chromrbook Plus / Pixel C / Nexus 6p 128gb / Nexus 6 / Nexus 6 on Fi / Nexus 9 / Moto 360^2 / Nvidia Shield TV Pro / Nvidia Shield Tablet / HTC EVODesign on FreedomPop / Chromecast / Surface Pro 3 i7 / Samsung Tab Pro 12.2 / Lenovo Win8 Tab / Eee Slate / '13 Nexus 7
Posted 27 February 2014 - 09:15 AM
Ok Im still on 4.2.2...too scared to lose root and hotspot access to update
Posted 28 February 2014 - 12:46 PM
Please do yourself a favor and read, read again, and read one more time before installing and using this tool. If it's set up correctly, it's very easy to use. But if you don't follow directions, it'll either not work or not do what you expect. Failure to read and follow the directions is NOT a defect of the tool!...
I've been at this for a couple of days now. I used fastboot, rsd, mattlgrof's utilities, you name it. NOTHING worked. This is AWESOME!!! Thanks for your hard work on this. Indispensible! I used this earlier today on an XT926 with success and am currently using it on an XT907.
Thanks again,
- SamuriHL, matjmonk, livinginkaos and 1 other like this
Posted 03 March 2014 - 05:25 PM
Thanks so much for this program.
I had a Razr Maxx HD that was stuck at the RRD (Red Retina of Doom).
I tried reboots, recharge, clearing the cache, etc.
I was at the point that I thought that I would lose it all.
Your program and it's "load but save Data" option saved the day, my sanity, and my DATA.
- SamuriHL, matjmonk, livinginkaos and 1 other like this
Posted 04 March 2014 - 03:12 PM
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 42EA-6AE0
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto
03/04/2014 06:50 PM <DIR> .
03/04/2014 06:50 PM <DIR> ..
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 10,485,760 boot.img
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 54,536,192 cdrom
11/24/2013 02:02 PM 281 CreateLOG.bat
03/04/2014 06:32 PM <DIR> Darwin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 524,288 device_tree.bin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 262,144 emmc_appsboot.mbn
03/04/2014 06:48 PM 4 flashmode.ini
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 2,769,192 fsg.mbn
03/04/2014 06:42 PM <DIR> FXZ_xt926
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 32,768 gpt_main0.bin
03/04/2014 06:50 PM 95 house.log
11/24/2013 01:55 PM 4,787 HouseOfMoto.bat
11/24/2013 01:51 PM 2,770
03/04/2014 06:32 PM <DIR> Linux
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 1,750,320 logo.bin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 49,356,800 NON-HLOS.bin
03/04/2014 06:34 PM 7 phone.ini
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 10,485,760 recovery.img
11/23/2013 06:07 PM <DIR> root
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 143,360 rpm.mbn
09/18/2013 08:15 PM <DIR> rsd
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 103,296 sbl1.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 128,896 sbl2.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 524,288 sbl3.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 878,262,728 system.img.ext4
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 196,608 tz.mbn
09/26/2013 07:32 PM 3,079 VRZ_XT926_9.8.1Q-94-1_CFC.xml
03/04/2014 06:39 PM <DIR> Windows
22 File(s) 1,009,573,423 bytes
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\Darwin
03/04/2014 06:32 PM <DIR> .
03/04/2014 06:32 PM <DIR> ..
08/06/2013 08:22 PM 225,100 fastboot
1 File(s) 225,100 bytes
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\FXZ_xt926
03/04/2014 06:42 PM <DIR> .
03/04/2014 06:42 PM <DIR> ..
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 10,485,760 boot.img
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 54,536,192 cdrom
11/24/2013 01:13 PM <DIR> Darwin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 524,288 device_tree.bin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 262,144 emmc_appsboot.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 2,769,192 fsg.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 32,768 gpt_main0.bin
11/24/2013 01:13 PM <DIR> Linux
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 1,750,320 logo.bin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 49,356,800 NON-HLOS.bin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 10,485,760 recovery.img
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 143,360 rpm.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 103,296 sbl1.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 128,896 sbl2.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 524,288 sbl3.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 878,262,728 system.img.ext4
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 196,608 tz.mbn
12/13/2013 10:41 AM 3,079 VRZ_XT926_9.8.1Q-94-1_CFC.xml
11/24/2013 01:13 PM <DIR> Windows
16 File(s) 1,009,565,479 bytes
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\FXZ_xt926\Darwin
11/24/2013 01:13 PM <DIR> .
11/24/2013 01:13 PM <DIR> ..
08/06/2013 08:22 PM 225,100 fastboot
1 File(s) 225,100 bytes
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\FXZ_xt926\Linux
11/24/2013 01:13 PM <DIR> .
11/24/2013 01:13 PM <DIR> ..
08/06/2013 08:22 PM 541,322 fastboot
1 File(s) 541,322 bytes
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\FXZ_xt926\Windows
11/24/2013 01:13 PM <DIR> .
11/24/2013 01:13 PM <DIR> ..
08/21/2013 07:18 AM 96,256 AdbWinApi.dll
08/21/2013 07:18 AM 186,178 fastboot.exe
2 File(s) 282,434 bytes
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\Linux
03/04/2014 06:32 PM <DIR> .
03/04/2014 06:32 PM <DIR> ..
08/06/2013 08:22 PM 541,322 fastboot
1 File(s) 541,322 bytes
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\root
11/23/2013 06:07 PM <DIR> .
11/23/2013 06:07 PM <DIR> ..
0 File(s) 0 bytes
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\rsd
09/18/2013 08:15 PM <DIR> .
09/18/2013 08:15 PM <DIR> ..
07/05/2012 08:51 AM 421,978 BlankFlash.dll
05/14/2012 11:04 AM 1,106 cleancache.vbs
07/05/2012 08:51 AM 86,116 CommonXMLParser.dll
07/05/2012 08:51 AM 49,236 FBFlash.dll
07/05/2012 08:49 AM 41,054 FlashAdapter.dll
05/14/2012 12:52 PM 172,032 LCDriver_CNH1606432.dll
05/14/2012 12:52 PM 69,632 LCM.dll
05/24/2012 10:31 AM 59,856 libusb0.dll
07/05/2012 08:44 AM 1,159,259 pst.dll
07/05/2012 08:29 AM 26,177 PST.ini
07/05/2012 08:23 AM 23,431 pst_flash.ini
07/05/2012 08:50 AM 1,630,298 pst_fp_flash.dll
07/05/2012 08:50 AM 172,131 pst_fp_flashdevapi.dll
05/14/2012 10:44 AM 45,568 PST_INI.xls
05/24/2012 10:31 AM 2,292,736 QtCore4.dll
07/05/2012 08:44 AM 1,504 RSDLite.ini
05/14/2012 11:04 AM 53,323 rsd_service.dll
05/14/2012 11:04 AM 225 rsd_service.ini
07/05/2012 08:29 AM 1,973 sdk_common.ini
07/05/2012 09:42 AM 2,789,448 SDL.exe
07/05/2012 08:23 AM 397,824 xfstk-dldr-api.dll
21 File(s) 9,494,907 bytes
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\Windows
03/04/2014 06:39 PM <DIR> .
03/04/2014 06:39 PM <DIR> ..
08/21/2013 07:18 AM 96,256 AdbWinApi.dll
08/21/2013 07:18 AM 186,178 fastboot.exe
12/13/2013 10:41 AM <DIR> VRZ_XT926_9.8.1Q-94-1_CFC.xml
2 File(s) 282,434 bytes
Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\Windows\VRZ_XT926_9.8.1Q-94-1_CFC.xml
12/13/2013 10:41 AM <DIR> .
12/13/2013 10:41 AM <DIR> ..
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 10,485,760 boot.img
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 54,536,192 cdrom
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 524,288 device_tree.bin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 262,144 emmc_appsboot.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 2,769,192 fsg.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 32,768 gpt_main0.bin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 1,750,320 logo.bin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 49,356,800 NON-HLOS.bin
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 10,485,760 recovery.img
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 143,360 rpm.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 103,296 sbl1.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 128,896 sbl2.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 524,288 sbl3.mbn
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 878,262,728 system.img.ext4
09/26/2013 02:33 PM 196,608 tz.mbn
09/26/2013 07:32 PM 3,079 VRZ_XT926_9.8.1Q-94-1_CFC.xml
16 File(s) 1,009,565,479 bytes
Total Files Listed:
83 File(s) 3,040,297,000 bytes
32 Dir(s) 49,026,371,584 bytes free
Posted 04 March 2014 - 03:13 PM
Posted 04 March 2014 - 03:17 PM
Not working.
Be a little more specific and it will help your cause greatly !
Sig by livinginkaos
Samsung S8+ / Pixel XL 128gb / iPhone 7+ 256gb / iPad Pro 12.9" / Samsung Chromrbook Plus / Pixel C / Nexus 6p 128gb / Nexus 6 / Nexus 6 on Fi / Nexus 9 / Moto 360^2 / Nvidia Shield TV Pro / Nvidia Shield Tablet / HTC EVODesign on FreedomPop / Chromecast / Surface Pro 3 i7 / Samsung Tab Pro 12.2 / Lenovo Win8 Tab / Eee Slate / '13 Nexus 7
Posted 04 March 2014 - 03:20 PM
Not working.
Not playing....
- Int_Rnd_Pooka and cmh714 like this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 04 March 2014 - 04:13 PM
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 04 March 2014 - 04:13 PM
- Int_Rnd_Pooka likes this
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 04 March 2014 - 06:49 PM
Please do yourself a favor and read, read again, and read one more time before installing and using this tool. If it's set up correctly, it's very easy to use. But if you don't follow directions, it'll either not work or not do what you expect. Failure to read and follow the directions is NOT a defect of the tool!Mission statement for tool:This will allow users to have a user friendly framework automation tool for new Motorola devices. Easily customized for any device that allows RSD or fastboot flashing of custom scripts that perform various functions. Most notably is when a user screws something up and the phone no longer boots (so called soft bricking). The KEEP DATA and/or FULL scripts can restore the partitions of the phone to minty factory fresh in the event that your phone doesn't boot.Shamelessly borrowing liberally from a Nike commercial:o) If you don't like to read directions FULLY, this ain't for you.o) If you are unable to follow directions FULLY, this ain't for you.o) If you can't unzip a file, this ain't for you.o) If you don't know what an FXZ is, this ain't for you.o) Otherwise, you know, this is for you.Required Steps (NOTE: You MUST do ALL of these steps for this to work!)Downloads:o)o)o) The correct FXZ for your Device from here:Install:
o) You MUST install the Motorola USB driver
o) Extract the HouseOfMoto folder in the zip to your hard drive. IMPORTANT: Make sure no spaces are in the path. (Windows users should extract it to C:\)o) Create an FXZ_xt#### folder in the HouseOfMoto foldero) Extract the FXZ files to your HouseOfMoto\FXZ_xt#### directory. (see Extracting the FXZ below)o) Run the FXZ-ScriptGenerator to generate scripts (See Device Support below)(Linux/Mac Users):o) You may need to chmod +x HouseOfMoto.sho) You may need to run ./ as sudoExtracting the FXZ:This part confuses a LOT of people so I'm going to use the FXZ for the xt926 as an example of how this should work. Obviously you'll need to use the proper FXZ for your device, but, the concept is generally the same.This is a point that many get wrong so please follow this carefully...
When you open your file, you will see a directory inside it. You must go INTO the directory inside the zip. There you will see a whole bunch of files. Select them all, and extract them into the FXZ_xt926 folder. All the files must be at the root of the FXZ_xt926 folder, NOT in a sub folder within it. If you have this:
It's wrong. If instead you have this:
It's correct.
DEVICE SUPPORT:o) Use the to generate the support files for your device.o) If you have an OMAP device (xt875, xt912, etc), you MUST extract to your FXZ_xt#### directoryo) If you have a Snapdragon device (xt907, xt926), you MUST extractto your FXZ_xt#### directoryUsage:
o) Your phone MUST be in AP Fastboot mode. Try holding volume down and pressing the power button when the phone is off.
o) Run the HouseOfMoto.bat or in your HouseOfMoto directory
o) On first run:Enter your device model (xt926, xt875, etc)For Windows: Select flash mode: rsd or fastbooto) Flash mode on Windows can be changed from the main menuo) Phone model can be changed from the main menuo) Select the script you wish to flasho) Follow directions!NOTES:o) xt#### is the device model...i.e. xt1058, xt895, etco) If root exists for your device, add the files to the HouseOfMoto\root folder. Make sure run.bat and/or exists.CLARIFICATION: When I say "if root exists for your phone" I'm referring to a root exploit that has a run.bat script in order to install root. If that doesn't exist for your phone, or your root exploit does not have a run.bat, this does not apply to you. This is ONLY for adding an option to root your phone to the House of Moto menu as a convenience option. It is NOT a required step.DA FAQ:Q: What flash mode should I pick?A: Whether you use RSD or fastboot is a personal choice and completely up to you. If you have problems flashing in one mode, you can switch to the other and try again to see if you get better results.SUPPORT:If I tell you to create a log and post it, you are to run the CreateLOG.bat file to your c:\HouseOfMoto directory and post the results in this thread.
I don't know what exactly it is that I have done to my bionic but when I tried to do this method it doesn't find my phone. I had it rooted and then I was trying to get bootloader and then my phone went into the ap fastboot flash mode (s) 0A.78. When it boots up it tells me that the phone is encrypted. Please Help I've been going at this for three days
Posted 04 March 2014 - 07:18 PM
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 04 March 2014 - 09:37 PM
i'm doing that but when i'm trying to run the script it says file not found
Posted 05 March 2014 - 03:02 AM
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 05 March 2014 - 12:26 PM
i rooted my xt907(build 9.8.1q-78) a while back but now wanted to unroot because i couldn't get the OTA's..used matts utility( option 1&2) to unroot seems to be fine..still wont take.trying to use HOM to fix this but i can seem to get make sense of the script generator.. i copied the .jar zip to the fzx/xt907 folder but there is no is this supposed to run?.i'm confused.. sorry if this is basic knowledge . thanks in advance
Posted 05 March 2014 - 12:36 PM
If your java is installed properly, you just execute the jar by double clicking it like any executable. It's an executable jar file.
Non potest esse nisi unus
Posted 05 March 2014 - 12:43 PM
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
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