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House of Moto [3.2]

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#201 gehangin



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 02:47 PM

I have the Droid Maxx

Which of these 3 am I supposed to use?


Size MD5 Carrier File 717.8 MiB 9309C2963D70F08EA504E81FE7AF7445 Verizon US

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722.4 MiB 0BFADF800C7EFBBE09C863B4F285D653 Verizon US

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722.4 MiB 89314EE4D2000AFF026356FADD56CD6D Verizon US

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#202 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 02:53 PM


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#203 gehangin



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 02:58 PM



Thank you very much for the quick response and for all of your assistance with this tool.


I too foolishly accepted the update without first unrooting.

Question: After using your tools to restore my phone, can I expect the tethering (which is what I rooted for) to still work? Or will that be gone?



#204 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 03:36 PM

Thank you very much for the quick response and for all of your assistance with this tool.


I too foolishly accepted the update without first unrooting.

Question: After using your tools to restore my phone, can I expect the tethering (which is what I rooted for) to still work? Or will that be gone?




I don't remember where the enablement hack is stored.  If it's in the data partition, and you use the KEEP DATA script, you should be good but I can't be positive.  Nonetheless, you should be able to re-root after you take the OTA with the rockmymoto exploit and do the enablement hack again if you have to.

Non potest esse nisi unus

#205 johnthehillbilly


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 03:43 PM

I believe the entitlement hack lives in /data/data .....:)

But if not, its a fairly easy process to redo
I'll try to find you the thread link :)

"May the Schwartz be with you!!"

Feeding my android addiction......... one phone at a time.....


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#206 kodiakkid



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:05 PM

I can't get past this and I am stuck in bootloop...What am I doing wrong?  I have searched over here and on XDA...I have got to be missing something....

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#207 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:08 PM

I can't get past this and I am stuck in bootloop...What am I doing wrong?  I have searched over here and on XDA...I have got to be missing something....

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Your install is fubar.  Run my CreateLOG utility and post the results (see the bottom of the first post of this thread).

Non potest esse nisi unus

#208 kodiakkid



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:12 PM

TA43103TZ9    fastboot
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 9075-B070

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto

11/09/2013  07:49 PM    <DIR>          .
11/09/2013  07:49 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/08/2013  07:55 PM               365 CreateLOG.bat
09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          fastboot_scripts
11/09/2013  07:23 PM                 4 flashmode.ini
11/09/2013  07:49 PM               134 house.log
09/21/2013  05:15 PM             5,765 HouseOfMoto.bat
09/21/2013  04:49 PM             3,499 HouseOfMoto.sh
09/20/2013  09:49 PM               473 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.bat
08/16/2013  01:23 PM    <DIR>          obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml
11/09/2013  07:23 PM                 8 phone.ini
09/20/2013  07:13 PM    <DIR>          root
11/09/2013  07:32 PM    <DIR>          rsd
09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          rsd_scripts
09/21/2013  04:46 PM    <DIR>          utils
11/09/2013  07:37 PM    <DIR>          XFZ_xt1080
               7 File(s)         10,248 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\fastboot_scripts

09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          .
09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          ..
09/20/2013  09:49 PM               500 FULL_xt1080.bat
09/20/2013  09:58 PM               469 FULL_xt1080.sh
09/20/2013  09:49 PM               473 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.bat
09/20/2013  09:57 PM               444 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.sh
               4 File(s)          1,886 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml

08/16/2013  01:23 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:23 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM        10,485,760 boot.img
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          Darwin
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         1,101,824 fsg.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM            32,768 gpt.bin
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          Linux
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         2,625,328 logo.bin
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          mbm
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          mbm-ci
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         1,626,112 motoboot.img
08/06/2013  08:22 PM        54,820,864 NON-HLOS.bin
08/07/2013  10:47 AM             1,769 obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ota
08/06/2013  08:22 PM        10,485,760 recovery.img
08/06/2013  08:22 PM     1,082,385,552 system.img
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          Windows
               9 File(s)  1,163,565,737 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml\Darwin

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           225,100 fastboot
               1 File(s)        225,100 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml\Linux

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           541,322 fastboot
               1 File(s)        541,322 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml\mbm

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          blankflash
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          reflash
08/06/2013  08:22 PM               471 ReleaseNotes.txt
               1 File(s)            471 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml\mbm\blankflash

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           726,464 blankflash.zip
               1 File(s)        726,464 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml\mbm\reflash

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           524,288 emmc_appsboot.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         1,626,112 motoboot.img
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           145,408 rpm.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           104,832 sbl1.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           125,312 sbl2.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           526,336 sbl3.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           198,656 tz.mbn
               7 File(s)      3,250,944 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml\mbm-ci

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         2,342,692 blankflash.zip
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           524,288 emmc_appsboot.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         1,627,648 motoboot.img
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           145,408 rpm.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           105,344 sbl1.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           126,336 sbl2.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           526,336 sbl3.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           198,656 tz.mbn
               8 File(s)      5,596,708 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml\ota

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM            14,987 fs_config
08/06/2013  08:22 PM                48 supportedmodels.txt
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           320,172 updater
               3 File(s)        335,207 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml\Windows

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM            96,256 AdbWinApi.dll
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           533,353 fastboot.exe
               2 File(s)        629,609 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\root

09/20/2013  07:13 PM    <DIR>          .
09/20/2013  07:13 PM    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\rsd

11/09/2013  07:32 PM    <DIR>          .
11/09/2013  07:32 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/05/2012  08:51 AM           421,978 BlankFlash.dll
05/14/2012  11:04 AM             1,106 cleancache.vbs
07/05/2012  08:51 AM            86,116 CommonXMLParser.dll
07/05/2012  08:51 AM            49,236 FBFlash.dll
07/05/2012  08:49 AM            41,054 FlashAdapter.dll
09/16/2013  01:24 PM             1,470 FULL_xt1080.xml
09/16/2013  01:24 PM             1,422 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.xml
05/14/2012  12:52 PM           172,032 LCDriver_CNH1606432.dll
05/14/2012  12:52 PM            69,632 LCM.dll
05/24/2012  10:31 AM            59,856 libusb0.dll
07/05/2012  08:44 AM         1,159,259 pst.dll
07/05/2012  08:29 AM            26,177 PST.ini
07/05/2012  08:23 AM            23,431 pst_flash.ini
07/05/2012  08:50 AM         1,630,298 pst_fp_flash.dll
07/05/2012  08:50 AM           172,131 pst_fp_flashdevapi.dll
05/14/2012  10:44 AM            45,568 PST_INI.xls
05/24/2012  10:31 AM         2,292,736 QtCore4.dll
07/05/2012  08:44 AM             1,504 RSDLite.ini
05/14/2012  11:04 AM            53,323 rsd_service.dll
05/14/2012  11:04 AM               225 rsd_service.ini
07/05/2012  08:29 AM             1,973 sdk_common.ini
07/05/2012  09:42 AM         2,789,448 SDL.exe
11/09/2013  07:33 PM               160 SWDL.txt
07/05/2012  08:23 AM           397,824 xfstk-dldr-api.dll
              24 File(s)      9,497,959 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\rsd_scripts

09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          .
09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          ..
09/16/2013  01:24 PM             1,470 FULL_xt1080.xml
09/16/2013  01:24 PM             1,422 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.xml
               2 File(s)          2,892 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\utils

09/21/2013  04:46 PM    <DIR>          .
09/21/2013  04:46 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/04/2013  07:55 PM            96,256 AdbWinApi.dll
08/04/2013  07:55 PM            60,928 AdbWinUsbApi.dll
08/01/2012  07:42 AM           146,970 fastboot.linux
08/01/2012  07:42 AM            95,892 fastboot.osx
06/24/2011  04:35 AM            90,523 moto-fastboot.exe
08/01/2012  04:42 AM           186,178 snapdragon-fastboot.exe
               6 File(s)        676,747 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080

11/09/2013  07:37 PM    <DIR>          .
11/09/2013  07:37 PM    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
              76 File(s)  1,185,061,294 bytes
              47 Dir(s)  35,074,416,640 bytes free

#209 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:18 PM

As I said, your install is fubar.  Reread the installation directions and fix it.  Here's a hint:


Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml



Non potest esse nisi unus

#210 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:18 PM


11/09/2013  07:37 PM    <DIR>          .
11/09/2013  07:37 PM    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes


That ain't so good, either.  LOL

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#211 kodiakkid



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:27 PM

OK, apparently I suck at this...I was good with my RAZR MAXX and my bionic...But this is kicking my rear end.....


TA43103TZ9    fastboot
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 9075-B070

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto

11/09/2013  07:57 PM    <DIR>          .
11/09/2013  07:57 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/08/2013  07:55 PM               365 CreateLOG.bat
09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          fastboot_scripts
11/09/2013  07:23 PM                 4 flashmode.ini
11/09/2013  08:02 PM               134 house.log
09/21/2013  05:15 PM             5,765 HouseOfMoto.bat
09/21/2013  04:49 PM             3,499 HouseOfMoto.sh
09/20/2013  09:49 PM               473 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.bat
11/09/2013  07:23 PM                 8 phone.ini
09/20/2013  07:13 PM    <DIR>          root
11/09/2013  07:32 PM    <DIR>          rsd
09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          rsd_scripts
09/21/2013  04:46 PM    <DIR>          utils
11/09/2013  08:01 PM    <DIR>          XFZ_xt1080
               7 File(s)         10,248 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\fastboot_scripts

09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          .
09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          ..
09/20/2013  09:49 PM               500 FULL_xt1080.bat
09/20/2013  09:58 PM               469 FULL_xt1080.sh
09/20/2013  09:49 PM               473 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.bat
09/20/2013  09:57 PM               444 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.sh
               4 File(s)          1,886 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\root

09/20/2013  07:13 PM    <DIR>          .
09/20/2013  07:13 PM    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\rsd

11/09/2013  07:32 PM    <DIR>          .
11/09/2013  07:32 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/05/2012  08:51 AM           421,978 BlankFlash.dll
05/14/2012  11:04 AM             1,106 cleancache.vbs
07/05/2012  08:51 AM            86,116 CommonXMLParser.dll
07/05/2012  08:51 AM            49,236 FBFlash.dll
07/05/2012  08:49 AM            41,054 FlashAdapter.dll
09/16/2013  01:24 PM             1,470 FULL_xt1080.xml
09/16/2013  01:24 PM             1,422 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.xml
05/14/2012  12:52 PM           172,032 LCDriver_CNH1606432.dll
05/14/2012  12:52 PM            69,632 LCM.dll
05/24/2012  10:31 AM            59,856 libusb0.dll
07/05/2012  08:44 AM         1,159,259 pst.dll
07/05/2012  08:29 AM            26,177 PST.ini
07/05/2012  08:23 AM            23,431 pst_flash.ini
07/05/2012  08:50 AM         1,630,298 pst_fp_flash.dll
07/05/2012  08:50 AM           172,131 pst_fp_flashdevapi.dll
05/14/2012  10:44 AM            45,568 PST_INI.xls
05/24/2012  10:31 AM         2,292,736 QtCore4.dll
07/05/2012  08:44 AM             1,504 RSDLite.ini
05/14/2012  11:04 AM            53,323 rsd_service.dll
05/14/2012  11:04 AM               225 rsd_service.ini
07/05/2012  08:29 AM             1,973 sdk_common.ini
07/05/2012  09:42 AM         2,789,448 SDL.exe
11/09/2013  07:33 PM               160 SWDL.txt
07/05/2012  08:23 AM           397,824 xfstk-dldr-api.dll
              24 File(s)      9,497,959 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\rsd_scripts

09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          .
09/20/2013  10:01 PM    <DIR>          ..
09/16/2013  01:24 PM             1,470 FULL_xt1080.xml
09/16/2013  01:24 PM             1,422 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.xml
               2 File(s)          2,892 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\utils

09/21/2013  04:46 PM    <DIR>          .
09/21/2013  04:46 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/04/2013  07:55 PM            96,256 AdbWinApi.dll
08/04/2013  07:55 PM            60,928 AdbWinUsbApi.dll
08/01/2012  07:42 AM           146,970 fastboot.linux
08/01/2012  07:42 AM            95,892 fastboot.osx
06/24/2011  04:35 AM            90,523 moto-fastboot.exe
08/01/2012  04:42 AM           186,178 snapdragon-fastboot.exe
               6 File(s)        676,747 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080

11/09/2013  08:01 PM    <DIR>          .
11/09/2013  08:01 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM        10,485,760 boot.img
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          Darwin
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         1,101,824 fsg.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM            32,768 gpt.bin
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          Linux
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         2,625,328 logo.bin
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          mbm
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          mbm-ci
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         1,626,112 motoboot.img
08/06/2013  08:22 PM        54,820,864 NON-HLOS.bin
08/07/2013  10:47 AM             1,769 obake-maxx_verizon-user-4.2.2-12.9.0Q2.X-160-OBK_TA-14-7-7-release-keys-CFC.xml
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ota
08/06/2013  08:22 PM        10,485,760 recovery.img
08/06/2013  08:22 PM     1,082,385,552 system.img
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          Windows
               9 File(s)  1,163,565,737 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080\Darwin

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           225,100 fastboot
               1 File(s)        225,100 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080\Linux

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           541,322 fastboot
               1 File(s)        541,322 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080\mbm

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          blankflash
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          reflash
08/06/2013  08:22 PM               471 ReleaseNotes.txt
               1 File(s)            471 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080\mbm\blankflash

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           726,464 blankflash.zip
               1 File(s)        726,464 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080\mbm\reflash

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           524,288 emmc_appsboot.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         1,626,112 motoboot.img
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           145,408 rpm.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           104,832 sbl1.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           125,312 sbl2.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           526,336 sbl3.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           198,656 tz.mbn
               7 File(s)      3,250,944 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080\mbm-ci

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         2,342,692 blankflash.zip
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           524,288 emmc_appsboot.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM         1,627,648 motoboot.img
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           145,408 rpm.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           105,344 sbl1.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           126,336 sbl2.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           526,336 sbl3.mbn
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           198,656 tz.mbn
               8 File(s)      5,596,708 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080\ota

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM            14,987 fs_config
08/06/2013  08:22 PM                48 supportedmodels.txt
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           320,172 updater
               3 File(s)        335,207 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080\Windows

08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          .
08/16/2013  01:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2013  08:22 PM            96,256 AdbWinApi.dll
08/06/2013  08:22 PM           533,353 fastboot.exe
               2 File(s)        629,609 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
              76 File(s)  1,185,061,294 bytes
              44 Dir(s)  33,903,648,768 bytes free

#212 igorlord



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:29 PM

Can you detail the errors you got trying to use the current FXZ with the HoM?  I need to know exactly what's failing for you.  I have other users having similar problems.  I wrote a fix recovery script but if this issue is deeper I need to know.


I have the same problem.  My xt926 was rooted with PwnMyMoto.  My wife accepted the OTA, and now it is in a boot loop (boots but then "Powering Off" in ~20 seconds).  If it matters, my storage is encrypted.


I tried flashing VRZ_XT926_9.8.1Q-94-1_CFC.xml.zip (FULL_xt926), using both fastboot [snapdragon] and RSD (as recommended).  No luck:



Fastboot [snapdragon]


HOM is stuck at this point:


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The phone:


AP Fastboot Flash seems to restart.

Fastboot reason: Flash Failure




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(A GUI Window flashed on the screen for a second or two).





getvar max-download-size

downloading 32768 bytes


Failed to hab check for gpt_main: 0x4e

prefetch validation failed for GPT



Fastboot [OMAP]


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Phote reflected the successes and errors on the screen.

At the end, it shut down.


Now it is a brick (would not even power up)..

Windows recognizes it as 

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#213 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:30 PM

Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\XFZ_xt1080


You guys gotta learn to type.  :p

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#214 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:33 PM


I have the same problem.  My xt926 was rooted with PwnMyMoto.  My wife accepted the OTA, and now it is in a boot loop (boots but then "Powering Off" in ~20 seconds).  If it matters, my storage is encrypted.


I tried flashing VRZ_XT926_9.8.1Q-94-1_CFC.xml.zip (FULL_xt926), using both fastboot [snapdragon] and RSD (as recommended).  No luck:



Fastboot [snapdragon]


HOM is stuck at this point:


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The phone:


AP Fastboot Flash seems to restart.

Fastboot reason: Flash Failure




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(A GUI Window flashed on the screen for a second or two).





getvar max-download-size

downloading 32768 bytes


Failed to hab check for gpt_main: 0x4e

prefetch validation failed for GPT



Fastboot [OMAP]


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Phote reflected the successes and errors on the screen.

At the end, it shut down.


Now it is a brick (would not even power up)..

Windows recognizes it as 

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You'll need a new FXZ version to fix that.  You've basically tried to flash an older version and the security kicked in and told you what you can go do with yourself.  LOL.  That sucks.  Sorry to see that.  Just keep checking for the new FXZ.  In fact, it MAY have been posted already on the FXZ site in my OP.  If that's the new one you're flashing and you still get that, um, *****.  :(

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#215 kodiakkid



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:37 PM

OMG I feel like a re-re...Does this spark any concern?

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EDIT: still bootlooping

#216 johnthehillbilly


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:37 PM

Also..... I saw a "too many links" error. ... that error comes from the USB cable being disconnected during the process..... if you did not manually pull your USB cable out, you may need to 1 check your cable, 2 disconnect any other unnecessary USB devices, or check your USB port(s) (both on phone and PC)......

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#217 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:38 PM

OMG I feel like a re-re...Does this spark any concern?

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EDIT: still bootlooping


Yea cause it didn't flash right.  Relax.  We'll get it.  :)  What flash mode are you using?  fastboot [snapdragon]?

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#218 kodiakkid



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:39 PM

yep...Should I try RSD?

#219 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:41 PM

Also..... I saw a "too many links" error. ... that error comes from the USB cable being disconnected during the process..... if you did not manually pull your USB cable out, you may need to 1 check your cable, 2 disconnect any other unnecessary USB devices, or check your USB port(s) (both on phone and PC)......

"May the Schwartz be with you!!"


Possibly.  But the other problem I see is people having issues with the fastboot snapdragon version I shipped with the HoM.  I have a thought, so, hang in there.

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#220 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:44 PM

yep...Should I try RSD?


No, do me a favor.  You need to follow this VERY carefully.


o) In the C:\HouseOfMoto\utils directory, rename snapdragon-fastboot.exe to snapdragon-fastboot.old

o) In your  C:\HouseOfMoto\FXZ_xt1080\Windows directory you'll find a fastboot.exe and a dll.  Copy them to your C:\HouseOfMoto\utils directory

o) Rename the fastboot.exe file you just copied in the C:\HouseOfMoto\utils directory to snapdragon-fastboot.exe


Run it again and post the results of the flash, please.

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