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House of Moto [3.2]

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#181 SamuriHL


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Posted 08 November 2013 - 12:28 PM

And if you can, open a command prompt in your HouseOfMoto directory and run this:


dir *.* /s > house.log


Now post the house.log.  It'll be easier.

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#182 djnikkofb



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Posted 08 November 2013 - 12:36 PM

RSD Runs when I run SDL.exe (i selected it to run as administrator under properties) still no go,

I get this

Please ensure your phone is:
o] Charged
o] Connected to USB using your OEM cable
o] USB drivers are installed
o] Booted to AP Fastboot mode: [power off, hold volume down and press power]
Ready to flash...
Press any key to continue . . .
Flashing: KEEP-DATA_xt1030.xml
        1 file(s) copied.
Press any key to continue . . .

#183 djnikkofb



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Posted 08 November 2013 - 12:43 PM

this is the BATCH scrip...

@echo off
%FASTBOOT% reboot-bootloader
%FASTBOOT% flash partition gpt.bin
%FASTBOOT% flash motoboot motoboot.img
%FASTBOOT% flash logo logo.bin
%FASTBOOT% flash boot boot.img
%FASTBOOT% flash recovery recovery.img
%FASTBOOT% flash system system.img
%FASTBOOT% flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
%FASTBOOT% erase modemst1
%FASTBOOT% erase modemst2
%FASTBOOT% flash fsg fsg.mbn
%FASTBOOT% erase cache
%FASTBOOT% erase customize
%FASTBOOT% erase clogo
%FASTBOOT% reboot

#184 SamuriHL


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Posted 08 November 2013 - 12:45 PM

I know what the batch file looks like.  I wrote it.  LOL. Run the dir command above and post the house.log.  Also, there's an swdl.txt file in the rsd dir, post that, as well.

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#185 djnikkofb



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Posted 08 November 2013 - 12:53 PM

RSD: --------

11/08/13 16:18:02  New Log Started For Software Download.
11/08/13 16:18:02  The FlashLog key is turned off.
So It does flash eventually, and than re-boots. I than take OTA, and it goes in to a cycle, boots up, waits, Powers off (Automatically) and repeats over and over. YES I can still get in to fastboot. I can re-flash your script, and then process starts all over again. Im running Windows 7x64,

FOLDER IS SET TO: C:\HouseOfMoto_1.4\HouseOfMoto


EDIT:: Changed Directory: C:\HouseOfMoto




Ready to flash...
Press any key to continue . . .
Flashing: KEEP-DATA_xt1030.bat
        1 file(s) copied.
        1 file(s) copied.
        1 file(s) copied.
        1 file(s) copied.
     rebooting into bootloader... FAILED (remote failure)
   sending 'partition' (32 KB)... OKAY [  0.165s]
           writing 'partition'... INFOThis may take a few seconds, if a
INFOdifferent partition table is being
INFOflashed since we need to backup
INFOand restore a few partitions
OKAY [  0.438s]
  sending 'motoboot' (1588 KB)... OKAY [  0.395s]
            writing 'motoboot'... INFOflashing sbl3 ...
INFOflashing rpm ...
INFOflashing tz ...
INFOflashing aboot ...
INFOflashing sbl1 ...
INFOflashing sbl2 ...
OKAY [  4.729s]
      sending 'logo' (2563 KB)... OKAY [  0.551s]
                writing 'logo'... OKAY [  0.962s]
     sending 'boot' (10240 KB)... OKAY [  1.462s]
                writing 'boot'... OKAY [  2.102s]
 sending 'recovery' (10240 KB)... OKAY [  1.430s]
            writing 'recovery'... OKAY [  1.691s]
  sending 'system' (262144 KB)... OKAY [ 30.501s]
              writing 'system'...

#186 SamuriHL


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Posted 08 November 2013 - 12:55 PM


RSD: --------

11/08/13 16:18:02  New Log Started For Software Download.
11/08/13 16:18:02  The FlashLog key is turned off.
So It does flash eventually, and than re-boots. I than take OTA, and it goes in to a cycle, boots up, waits, Powers off (Automatically) and repeats over and over. YES I can still get in to fastboot. I can re-flash your script, and then process starts all over again. Im running Windows 7x64,
FOLDER IS SET TO: C:\HouseOfMoto_1.4\HouseOfMoto




Yes, house.log.  I posted above how to created one, but, I'll repeat it:


Open a command prompt in your C:\HouseOfMoto_1.4\HouseOfMoto directory

type this command:


dir *.* /s > house.log


Then post the log file.  I'm not sure why you have it buried in a HouseOfMoto_1.4 dir but since there's no spaces it should probably work.

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#187 djnikkofb



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Posted 08 November 2013 - 01:13 PM

No log files...BLANK!

BUT!!! I know the issue now was the directory on the c:\


Changed Directory: C:\HouseOfMoto


 This is ONLY way to work for Droid Mini

#188 SamuriHL


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Posted 08 November 2013 - 01:36 PM

Well, the instructions DO say to put it in C:\HouseOfMoto...

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#189 SamuriHL


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Posted 08 November 2013 - 04:22 PM

Added new CreateLOG script under the SUPPORT section of the OP for my sanity. If I tell you to create a log, you are expected to read and follow the SUPPORT instructions for doing so from now on.

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#190 jughead75



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Posted 08 November 2013 - 08:44 PM

SamuriHL...... You sir, are the man.  Followed you through the Bionic debauchery and moved on before I ever worked up the nerve to use this awesome tool of yours.  So sorry I ever hesitated.  Just fixed my Maxx back to stock, kept data, and took the OTA. Thank you, your hard work has helped me immensely....... I almost feel guilty............... 

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#191 SamuriHL


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Posted 08 November 2013 - 08:47 PM

You're very welcome. Glad it's helping people!

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 4

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#192 dewayneshorts



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 12:24 AM

Okay, I was an idiot. I looked at all the forums, noticed that the OTA worked from some with root and some it didn't. I took my chances and now have spent the last few hours fixing my phone. THANK YOU for this great tool. It worked just like you said. I got a little impatient the first time through and rebooted on my own. That of course didn't work so I ran through it again and just waited it out. Now my phone is back!! Thanks for saving me from myself! 

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#193 metalgear6



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 05:44 AM

this is all new to me, for the most part. i used to have a droid 1 which was rooted, and flashed roms often. havent done this in a couple years, but now have a rooted Droid Ultra (xt1080) and accideentally accepted an OTA and am stuck with phone booting on for a few seconds then off and on again. i realize its because duiring the rooting process, the stock recovery was unflashed therefore phone cant install the update. will this HOM fix my issue?

#194 metalgear6



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 06:18 AM

cant get past the "waiting for device..." part... all files are correctly unzipped, placed in correct folders. all drivers are updated and running, and phone is in ap fastboot. any thoughts? i accidentally accepted ota update and sent me into a bootloop. i have the xt1080, and like i said... stuck at "wating for device"



also, sorry about the double post above, my internet went f%$ky and posted twice by accident.


here is my house log:


 Volume in drive C is Portal
 Volume Serial Number is D4BA-A384

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto

11/09/2013  09:19 AM    <DIR>          .
11/09/2013  09:19 AM    <DIR>          ..
09/20/2013  11:01 PM    <DIR>          fastboot_scripts
11/09/2013  08:34 AM                 4 flashmode.ini
11/09/2013  08:57 AM    <DIR>          FXZ_xt1080
11/09/2013  09:20 AM                 0 house.log
09/21/2013  06:15 PM             5,765 HouseOfMoto.bat
09/21/2013  05:49 PM             3,499 HouseOfMoto.sh
11/09/2013  08:33 AM                 8 phone.ini
09/20/2013  08:13 PM    <DIR>          root
09/18/2013  09:15 PM    <DIR>          rsd
09/20/2013  11:01 PM    <DIR>          rsd_scripts
09/21/2013  05:46 PM    <DIR>          utils
               5 File(s)          9,276 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\fastboot_scripts

09/20/2013  11:01 PM    <DIR>          .
09/20/2013  11:01 PM    <DIR>          ..
09/20/2013  10:49 PM               500 FULL_xt1080.bat
09/20/2013  10:58 PM               469 FULL_xt1080.sh
09/20/2013  10:49 PM               473 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.bat
09/20/2013  10:57 PM               444 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.sh
               4 File(s)          1,886 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\FXZ_xt1080

11/09/2013  08:57 AM    <DIR>          .
11/09/2013  08:57 AM    <DIR>          ..
08/04/2013  08:55 PM            96,256 AdbWinApi.dll
08/04/2013  08:55 PM            60,928 AdbWinUsbApi.dll
07/26/2013  02:52 AM        10,485,760 boot.img
08/01/2012  05:42 AM           186,178 fastboot.exe
07/26/2013  02:52 AM         1,101,824 fsg.mbn
09/20/2013  10:49 PM               500 FULL_xt1080.bat
07/26/2013  02:52 AM            32,768 gpt.bin
09/20/2013  10:49 PM               473 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.bat
07/26/2013  02:52 AM         2,625,328 logo.bin
07/26/2013  02:52 AM         1,626,112 motoboot.img
07/26/2013  02:52 AM        54,820,864 NON-HLOS.bin
07/26/2013  10:35 AM    <DIR>          Output
07/26/2013  02:52 AM        10,485,760 recovery.img
07/26/2013  02:52 AM     1,082,385,552 system.img
              13 File(s)  1,163,908,303 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\FXZ_xt1080\Output

07/26/2013  10:35 AM    <DIR>          .
07/26/2013  10:35 AM    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\root

09/20/2013  08:13 PM    <DIR>          .
09/20/2013  08:13 PM    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\rsd

09/18/2013  09:15 PM    <DIR>          .
09/18/2013  09:15 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/05/2012  09:51 AM           421,978 BlankFlash.dll
05/14/2012  12:04 PM             1,106 cleancache.vbs
07/05/2012  09:51 AM            86,116 CommonXMLParser.dll
07/05/2012  09:51 AM            49,236 FBFlash.dll
07/05/2012  09:49 AM            41,054 FlashAdapter.dll
05/14/2012  01:52 PM           172,032 LCDriver_CNH1606432.dll
05/14/2012  01:52 PM            69,632 LCM.dll
05/24/2012  11:31 AM            59,856 libusb0.dll
07/05/2012  09:44 AM         1,159,259 pst.dll
07/05/2012  09:29 AM            26,177 PST.ini
07/05/2012  09:23 AM            23,431 pst_flash.ini
07/05/2012  09:50 AM         1,630,298 pst_fp_flash.dll
07/05/2012  09:50 AM           172,131 pst_fp_flashdevapi.dll
05/14/2012  11:44 AM            45,568 PST_INI.xls
05/24/2012  11:31 AM         2,292,736 QtCore4.dll
07/05/2012  09:44 AM             1,504 RSDLite.ini
05/14/2012  12:04 PM            53,323 rsd_service.dll
05/14/2012  12:04 PM               225 rsd_service.ini
07/05/2012  09:29 AM             1,973 sdk_common.ini
07/05/2012  10:42 AM         2,789,448 SDL.exe
07/05/2012  09:23 AM           397,824 xfstk-dldr-api.dll
              21 File(s)      9,494,907 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\rsd_scripts

09/20/2013  11:01 PM    <DIR>          .
09/20/2013  11:01 PM    <DIR>          ..
09/16/2013  02:24 PM             1,470 FULL_xt1080.xml
09/16/2013  02:24 PM             1,422 KEEP-DATA_xt1080.xml
               2 File(s)          2,892 bytes

 Directory of C:\HouseOfMoto\utils

09/21/2013  05:46 PM    <DIR>          .
09/21/2013  05:46 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/04/2013  08:55 PM            96,256 AdbWinApi.dll
08/04/2013  08:55 PM            60,928 AdbWinUsbApi.dll
08/01/2012  08:42 AM           146,970 fastboot.linux
08/01/2012  08:42 AM            95,892 fastboot.osx
06/24/2011  05:35 AM            90,523 moto-fastboot.exe
08/01/2012  05:42 AM           186,178 snapdragon-fastboot.exe
               6 File(s)        676,747 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
              51 File(s)  1,174,094,011 bytes
              23 Dir(s)  24,141,750,272 bytes free

#195 cmh714


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 07:24 AM

try a different cable and make sure its not a USB 3.0 port. you can also try to unplug and then replug in phone while sitting there.

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#196 metalgear6



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 07:37 AM

no usb 3.0 on my laptop, ill try a different cable, but this is the OEM cable. ill keep you posted. all my files should be correctly placed, and everyone seems to be successful so im sure its something dumb. im also at 100% battery

#197 metalgear6



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 07:40 AM

tried 2 different cables and 3 different usb ports, but to no avail. i also have all updated drivers for my device

#198 metalgear6



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 07:53 AM

someone suggested get out of ap fastboot and use rsd

#199 johnthehillbilly


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 08:00 AM

Even using RSDlite will not work if the PC can't "see the phone"...... try this ..... unplug your phone from PC .... reboot computer.... reboot phone.... plug back in to PC.... it should "finish" installing the drivers..... then try running the script again....

"May the Schwartz be with you!!"

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#200 SamuriHL


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 09:32 AM

Then if that still doesn't work, fully uninstall the moto drivers and reinstall them.  Also post the complete log from the CreateLOG script.

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