Went and saw the Droid Mini today at Verizon and it was impressive. I'm a RAZR M owner and it seemed to be slightly better that what I have. A little more screen space and what looks to be a better rear speaker. Yes - I know the specs are better.
So - I'm thinking about recommending it to a couple of friends who are up for an upgrade. Wanting feedback from people who actually bought it and can tell me what it's really like.
First - does it actually work? Wondering if there are any major bugs/annoyances that I should know about. How is the battery life? My RAZR M battery life is "a little better than sufficient". What I'd like to hear is that the mini is at least a little better. What I generally am looking to hear is "The Mini is like a newer cooler faster version of the RAZR M with a little better battery life" and no annoying features of anything significant that was taken away.
Also - is there anything new and cool that I must have?
Also - since it has voice command to turn it on, it's not really ever "off". I was wondering if it has a real off level where it was really off. By off I mean that the NSA isn't able to listen off. I know it has to be "on" a little it to look for power button press and a battery charge meter.
So - who owns this device?