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[Script/Utility] ROOT RAZR HD XT926 For LOCKED Devices On 9.18.79

Root fix root exploit Droid Razr HD Root Locked Bootloader root exploit root 9.18.79 root 9.20.1 utility

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#401 beefytr



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Posted 16 September 2013 - 04:44 AM

could not help updating to 9.20.1 verison and now the rooting via motochopper does not pay.

do we expect some root method soon or is there any alternative to walk around and cheat the gadget?

many thanks :)

Edited by livinginkaos, 16 September 2013 - 04:51 AM.
Removed OP Quote

#402 livinginkaos


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Posted 16 September 2013 - 04:51 AM

could not help updating to 9.20.1 verison and now the rooting via motochopper does not pay.

do we expect some root method soon or is there any alternative to walk around and cheat the gadget?

many thanks :)

This method will work on the 9.20.1 version as well

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#403 justtjb



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Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:52 AM

I was having a problem with this, and I simply added a -r to line 85 of the batch fole, to make it read thusly:


adb install -r Superuser.apk


I will also note that I could not in any case get anything to work in MTP mode - adb simply would not communicate with the phone in that mode.  I had to switch to camera mode to get it to talk.  At the end of all the permutations, I ended up with success in Camera mode, and allowing mock locations.


Thanks for the work on this!!!

#404 corecowcoyboy



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Posted 17 September 2013 - 10:06 PM

So I was able to root (DROID RAZR M 98.16.3.XT907.Verizon.en.US), used adb shell as root and remount /system directory to change the files I wanted.


Now that I'm done, what is required to properly 'unroot' my phone? I would not like it to 'brick' next update.


One thing I noticed when I ran the bat file and the phone rebooted that a number of applications began to update. Is this normal?

#405 livinginkaos


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Posted 18 September 2013 - 03:13 AM

There areva couple of ways to unroot. There is Mattlgroff's unroot tool in the play store, you can flash the FXZ or you can simply flash the system partition with the system.img.

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#406 msimmons



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 11:24 AM

OP updated with motochopper 1.2.  It now includes an updated script for Mac/Linux (thanks tECHIDNA and LivingInKaos).  It now has the ability to help those where the script fails due to old remnants of su kicking around on the system partition.  Just drop the system.img.ext4 file from the FXZ in the system dir and it'll flash it for you as part of the process to give you a clean start on rooting.


I think old remnants of su is my problem, but I don't fully understand what you are saying to do. What system dir? I wouldn't say I'm a newbie, but as a windows dev, android is a little bit of a different environment than I am used to.


Here is what happens when I run the batch file. I have [re]downloaded the usb drivers, am using the stock cable, and the post is 2.0.


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(I can also get it to not fail on installing Superuser.apk by uninstalling SuperSU before running the batch file.) Once I've run the bat, I go to open SuperSU and receive a popup "The SU binary needs to be updated, continue?" When I hit ok, I get a second box asking for "normal" or "twrp/cwm," since I don't know what that is, I assume normal :p but that results in an "install failed" (and the other doesn't appear to do anything). 


I believe my boot loader is unlocked (since it warns me on every boot).


All I want to do is let tasker turn my GPS on and off :p


Droid razr hd - 9.18.79.xt926.Verizon.en.US

#407 SamuriHL


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Posted 18 September 2013 - 11:50 AM

If you're unlocked you shouldn't be using this method as it's for locked phones.  If you're truly unlocked, install TWRP recovery and use that to flash the supersu zip from chainfire.

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#408 msimmons



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 01:22 PM

If you're unlocked you shouldn't be using this method as it's for locked phones.  If you're truly unlocked, install TWRP recovery and use that to flash the supersu zip from chainfire.

I don't see a TWRP download for razr. 

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(Spoke too soon, working on this now: 

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I'm up and running again! thanks a ton!

(Using the code in the batch file in the OP, I figured out how to flash the twrp I found in the link above. Then I downloaded the supersu.zip and installed that via twrp. Once that was done, I was able to get SecureSettings to work as it did before)

#409 cmh714


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Posted 18 September 2013 - 06:32 PM

I believe that is rather old. Look here:

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post #254 tells you how to replace the recoveries with the latest using Tucstwo's tool

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#410 msimmons



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Posted 19 September 2013 - 06:53 AM

I believe that is rather old. Look here:

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post #254 tells you how to replace the recoveries with the latest using Tucstwo's tool

Thanks! I'll run this later. (As mad as I was at Verizon/Motorola for making me have to do all this extra work, I have to admit, I've learned a lot about my phone :p

#411 PFreeman008



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Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:33 AM

Thanks for the hack, it's gotten me further then any other exploit. However I still can't seem to get root. I'm running XT926


This is what happens. It seems to be returning with an failed status of e00002ed. I've followed all the instructions that the OP has posted, just shy of the adding of the system.img.ext4 files as I don't know where to get this file.

[*] Waiting for device...

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
[*] Device found.
[*] Rebooting to AP Fastboot mode...
[*] Checking for system.img or system.img.ext4...
[*] Flashing old boot.img
< waiting for device >
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'boot' (10240 KB)...
OKAY [  0.768s]
writing 'boot'...
ERROR: usb_read failed with status e00002ed
FAILED (status read failed (Operation timed out))
finished. total time: 0.976s
[*] Rebooting...
ERROR: could not clear input pipe; result e00002ed, ignoring...
ERROR: could not clear output pipe; result e00002ed, ignoring....
ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002ed
finished. total time: 0.000s



#412 SamuriHL


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Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:52 AM

You've got some interesting issues.  I'm going by gut feel on this but I'd say you got platform tools in the path somewhere and that's causing it to use the wrong fastboot version.  That's issue number 1.  The second issue is a USB failure.  USB3 port by chance?  Do you have the latest Moto USB driver installed?  Original OEM USB cable?  It's not a script problem and flashing system is most definitely not going to help here.

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#413 cmh714


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Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:55 AM

After searching around, I agree with Sam. Could be a fastboot or adb version issue maybe.

#414 johnthehillbilly


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Posted 19 September 2013 - 08:04 AM

The USB error can also be caused by a loss of power on USB port typically caused by using a non externally powered USB hub with too many USB devices plugged into it..... I have gotten that USB error before.....

That being said, while following the above advice, do not use a hub and try unplugging any unnecessary USB devices....:)

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#415 cmh714


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Posted 19 September 2013 - 08:51 AM

I have never tried flashing through a hub but that makes sense. Try and remove any extra links in the chain.

#416 PFreeman008



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Posted 19 September 2013 - 11:08 AM

You've got some interesting issues.  I'm going by gut feel on this but I'd say you got platform tools in the path somewhere and that's causing it to use the wrong fastboot version.  That's issue number 1.  The second issue is a USB failure.  USB3 port by chance?  Do you have the latest Moto USB driver installed?  Original OEM USB cable?  It's not a script problem and flashing system is most definitely not going to help here.


So I'm plugged straight into the the back of my work's 2009 era iMac (I am an admin on it). According to Apple, it has USB 2.0 ports. Moto drivers installed. The only culprit would be the cable, I actually no longer have the original as a former coworker stole it (but gave me hers, for a different android phone back).



#417 cmh714


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Posted 19 September 2013 - 11:17 AM

So going back to what Sam said, is it possible you have other drivers for other phones installed? or maybe BlueStacks?


Also we had members that had issues on older MacBook Pros, and your iMac is even older.....

#418 SamuriHL


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Posted 19 September 2013 - 11:17 AM

Um, you didn't specify that you were running on a mac.  That's rather important information to know.  Are you running windows on this mac or are you trying to run the sh script?

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#419 PFreeman008



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Posted 19 September 2013 - 11:19 AM

sh script.


I'll try some more from my W7 computer @ home.



#420 SamuriHL


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Posted 19 September 2013 - 11:23 AM

Yea, I'd try on a windows machine and see what happens.  It SHOULD work on a mac but it's not the most common thing so who knows what issues there are.  Windows is a much more known quantity so if you have access to a windows box it'd be easier.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Root fix, root exploit, Droid Razr HD, Root, Locked Bootloader, root, exploit, root 9.18.79, root 9.20.1, utility

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