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[Script/Utility] ROOT RAZR HD XT926 For LOCKED Devices On 9.18.79

Root fix root exploit Droid Razr HD Root Locked Bootloader root exploit root 9.18.79 root 9.20.1 utility

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#321 doubeleive



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Posted 27 August 2013 - 05:42 PM

well that was a fail in all sense of the word, left my razr max hd in fastboot mode, I verified the system was correct 9.18.79 before attempting, appreciate the effort though guess i'll check back after the bugs are worked out, thanks

#322 SamuriHL


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 05:47 PM

Bugs?  Um, yea. Many people have used it successfully.  If you'd like some assistance we'd be happy to help but you must provide a lot more informatoin than what you've posted.

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#323 razzrmaxx


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 08:46 PM

Sorry to jump in here, but this is all wrong information regarding GSM usage of these devices.

There is no SIM lock on any VZW Motorola LTE device and all will work overseas without any modification with for international use. They are all locked out from use with US GSM carriers like ATT and T-Mo and their affiliates.
This lock is in the radio firmware and is not disabled via an unlock code, but by editing the radio NVM to disable the block on US carriers using serviceware or other NV access tools.
This does NOT require root access and is entirely separate from any bootloader unlocking procedures and can be performed on stock unrooted devices.
It is a single bit edit in the NVM to Item 8322 and I have written a tutorial on XDA for how to perform the edit with RadioComm.
If you intend to use the device only overseas, then none of this is required, only if you want to use it on US GSM carriers.

you got me into this hack now i've been looking all over xda for your tutorial but would you link please just to be sure I'm on the right one + would this work on the new Baseband/Radio?

#324 howlrawr



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:37 AM

Wow such an informative thread! I am running a Maxx HD on 4.1.2 but HAVENT taken the OTA and am still on 9.16.6, which after reading seems like I can still keep the option to unlock my bootloader if I so choose. I decided to try and not be like every other noob on here and actually read through all 11 pages of this thread to see if anything I've asked has been answered yet. I apologize if this would be better posted in a different thread, still learning the ropes so to speak.


I've never rooted or unlocked bootloader before, but everyone on here seems very unhappy about missing the bootloader exploit with the OTA, are ROMs that awesome and worthwhile that I should unlock or use the custom script SamuriHL posted to preserve the ability to unlock in the future? I started reading this thread because I wanted to root, and wanted to make sure I knew about any potential bugs, which there seems to be none, but now I'm questioning if I should go ahead and do something with my bootloader while I have the chance?

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#325 SamuriHL


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:48 AM

If I were in your situation I'd unlock.  And this is NOT the root exploit for you if you haven't taken the update.  Use the original motochopper.  Once you do that, decide if you want to unlock or not.  I would weigh the pros and cons.  If you decide to unlock, your world opens up a lot as it's not just roms you're protecting, it's root, as well.  Those who are unlocked....this is the process they use to root any new update.....flash TWRP or CWM recovery, boot up into TWRP or CWM, flash supersu.zip.  Done.  If they had root and lost it due to an update, they boot into TWRP or CWM, allow it to repair root, done.  Those not unlocked have to deal with this crap.  :D  My script SHOULD protect your ability to downgrade and unlock but to my knowledge no one's tested it.  I avoid flashing the TZ partition so in theory it should still be vulnerable to the unlock exploit if you update using my script.

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#326 livinginkaos


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:48 AM

Dang, Ninja'd


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#327 howlrawr



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 09:33 AM

Motochopper it is then! Thank you for the sound advice, I will definitely look into that and see whether or not I want to unlock afterwords

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#328 sharklasers



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:47 PM

So, I just got a slightly used Razr HD. The person who had it before me took the update to 9.20.1. From what I can tell, none of the current exploits work (including this one). Is there still some way I can get basic root access? All I want to do is get verizon's bloatware off my phone.

#329 SamuriHL


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:50 PM

Explain "from what I can tell"?  This should work just fine on that version as it's literally the same as build 9.18.79.  There's not a separate 9.20.1 FXZ, for example.  

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#330 sharklasers



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:25 PM

When I ran the motochopper 1.2 script linked earlier in this thread, it continually failed to root the phone. Same with every other utility I've tried. I thought it might have something to do with the version number, since the instructions said not to use it on any version other than that 9.18.79.


And I just found out foxfi is now unsupported on this phone. Lovely. Their page said this model was supported a few days ago or I wouldn't have bought it. Guess I'm SOL.


If anyone has any solutions, I'll try anything at this point. This is getting insane.

#331 SamuriHL


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:29 PM

Well without more specifics about what errors you're getting when you run the script I can't really troubleshoot it.

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#332 sharklasers



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:39 PM

I am a complete buffoon. Thank you for your patience. It seems I was running the motochopper 1.0 in error, when I ran the 1.2 it worked fine the first time, no issues. You were correct.


Since I have your ear, do you know of any way I can get FoxFi to work or of any alternatives? I need it very badly for my work. I apologize if this is the wrong forum or way to pose this question.

#333 sorakun



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 09:39 PM

Whelp, I pretty much just need Root access to use my backup/restore features (I have a borderline fetish for keeping savegame data...) from moving from Phone to Phone, I didn't realize how silly I was to get this phone haha


I apologize, I've never really been too in tune with what all goes on in a phone for rooting and unlocking and etc, but managed to do so on my Epic and (somehow) my Rezound.  I just ended up getting the Droid Razr Maxx HD a few days ago and It's on 9.20.1, so it has the most recent OTA.


I accidentally used 1.0 first. Whoops.  So then I tried to use this tool, when I went to use MyBackupRoot it said it wasn't rooted, when I clicked on the SU panel it also said, 

"There is no S binary installed and SuperSU cannot install it.  This is a problem!"
So I'm assuming something failed.
This is my log of my last attempt:

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It don't know, everything seemed like it worked, but i'm a bit daft as to what any of that really means.  I'm running latest drivers, using stock cable, using USB 2.0, USB debugging is on, $#!+tyass MTP is enabled... Any words of advice?



Edit: I also read some of the other text posts and also something about the manual thing, but when I started to look at manual instructions there's just a lot of jargon that I think makes more sense to people who work with this stuff all the time, so I figured I'd just post. 

Edit2: Also figured out what FXZ was and downloaded that, and put the system.img in the system folder, still no such luck.
(It was from the: VZW_XT926_4.1.2_9.8.1Q_62_VQW_MR-2_VQW_CFC.xml.zip, as far as I can tell, that was the right one... I hope haha)

Edit3: I did a factory reset for giggles and tried again and this was the first attempt: 

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Still no such luck.  I've exhausted the limited number of things I know. :) Any help would be great, or any info that I need to give y'all.

#334 SamuriHL


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 02:59 AM

I am a complete buffoon. Thank you for your patience. It seems I was running the motochopper 1.0 in error, when I ran the 1.2 it worked fine the first time, no issues. You were correct.

Since I have your ear, do you know of any way I can get FoxFi to work or of any alternatives? I need it very badly for my work. I apologize if this is the wrong forum or way to pose this question.

Search for sql entitlement hack. Should set you up.

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#335 SamuriHL


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 03:03 AM

Whelp, I pretty much just need Root access to use my backup/restore features (I have a borderline fetish for keeping savegame data...) from moving from Phone to Phone, I didn't realize how silly I was to get this phone haha

I apologize, I've never really been too in tune with what all goes on in a phone for rooting and unlocking and etc, but managed to do so on my Epic and (somehow) my Rezound. I just ended up getting the Droid Razr Maxx HD a few days ago and It's on 9.20.1, so it has the most recent OTA.

I accidentally used 1.0 first. Whoops. So then I tried to use this tool, when I went to use MyBackupRoot it said it wasn't rooted, when I clicked on the SU panel it also said,
"There is no S binary installed and SuperSU cannot install it. This is a problem!"

So I'm assuming something failed.
This is my log of my last attempt:

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It don't know, everything seemed like it worked, but i'm a bit daft as to what any of that really means. I'm running latest drivers, using stock cable, using USB 2.0, USB debugging is on, $#!+tyass MTP is enabled... Any words of advice?

Edit: I also read some of the other text posts and also something about the manual thing, but when I started to look at manual instructions there's just a lot of jargon that I think makes more sense to people who work with this stuff all the time, so I figured I'd just post.
Edit2: Also figured out what FXZ was and downloaded that, and put the system.img in the system folder, still no such luck.
(It was from the: VZW_XT926_4.1.2_9.8.1Q_62_VQW_MR-2_VQW_CFC.xml.zip, as far as I can tell, that was the right one... I hope haha)
Edit3: I did a factory reset for giggles and tried again and this was the first attempt:

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Still no such luck. I've exhausted the limited number of things I know. :) Any help would be great, or any info that I need to give y'all.

Show me a picture of what the motochopper 1.2 extracted directory looks like.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 4

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#336 sorakun



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 05:52 AM

I guess I didn't say this, but I extracted all the files again before trying attempt 2~the last one. (Do people really don't know how to unzip something, or did I miss an instruction somewhere to add something?  The original zip filename is motochopper_1.2_HD



#337 SamuriHL


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 06:04 AM

Ok, looks good.  So run the run.bat and show me the entire output of that so I can see what's happening.

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#338 sorakun



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 01:23 PM

I already did.  I'll post the link again.  It's the copied text.  It's been the same (other than the times where I didn't remove SuperUser app and it said that failed, so between each attempt I've removed it).

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The time after I did a factory restore and each time after (with system.img):

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#339 cmh714


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 01:28 PM

On the first text dump your adb.exe is old according to the message, which seems sort of odd. Do you have adb installed elsewhere or in your path thats getting picked up?

#340 cmh714


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 01:31 PM

I am also guessing that you are double-clicking the bat file. Try and open a Command Prompt, cd into that folder and then run the bat file.


If this has been tried, sorry I didnt read too far back :)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Root fix, root exploit, Droid Razr HD, Root, Locked Bootloader, root, exploit, root 9.18.79, root 9.20.1, utility

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