Droid Razr Utility 1.6 [Contains 6.12.181 Fastboot Files]
Posted 19 June 2012 - 09:55 AM
Posted 20 June 2012 - 07:24 PM
Posted 21 June 2012 - 07:47 AM
#104 Guest_jmonroe0914_*
Posted 21 June 2012 - 10:51 AM
After trying to flash back to .181 phone I think is bricked. Will not start just goes to boot loader saying "boot failed" cant get to recovery or anything besides ap fast boot.
When i try to fastbook with the util it will get to the part where it needs to write the system the second time and hangs....
left for over an hour and nothing still hainging on " writing 'system' ... "
Any thoughts no if i can fix this type of brick or am i screwed?? there an SBF file i can use to flash over? cant find one out there only fast boot files.
what version are you flashing from?
EDIT: nvm, i just went back in the forum and saw you were just trying to reflash .181. Refer to my post below in reply to "tangents". 1.6 is really finicky for some reason. I know this because I had the same problem you have and after using 1.4, I got mine working again (I also tried leaving my phone off for about a half hour before using 1.4, but this probably had nothing to do with the fix).
#105 Guest_jmonroe0914_*
Posted 21 June 2012 - 10:56 AM
Sorry if this doesn't belong here but wasn't sure where as I could post this. I basically installed Safestrap v2 while I still had Bootstrap so I'm having boot loops when I rebooted. Now does this mean that I'm totally bricked or is there anyway to salvage my phone? I tried using utility 1.6 but it seems that my PC nor my MAC will recognize when my phone's connected via USB. Any suggestions?
the reason why your pc, not sure about mac, isn't recognizing your phone is because when the phone goes into AP fastboot, windows automatically installs the adb fastboot driver (this isn't the same as adb.exe), and your phone isn't being recognize by windows, ergo, no adb driver install (this driver install is what allows windows to recognize the device in fastboot mode, same as when windows has to install drivers for each of the 4 usb connect options).
Droid RAZR Utility 1.6 is finicky and temperamental, depending what's wrong with your phone. it seems that when you're boot looped, or the phone won't boot at all, some error in communication happens between 1.6, the OS, and your phone. Use 1.4 and you should be fine. If your still having problems after this, let me know
#106 Guest_jmonroe0914_*
Posted 21 June 2012 - 11:13 AM
Is there any way to get into fastboot menu if I'm bootlooped with safestrap? I tried holding all three buttoms but it just restarts my system and continues with the bootloop
I know you said you held down all three buttons, and maybe you already tried it this way as well, but try this:
Hold down vol - and power until the phone reboots, then immediately switch to continuously holding down vol + and vol - at the same time and do not release until phone reboots.
if phone doesn't automatically reboot, while still holding down vol + and -, press the power button and immediately release.
This should automatically boot you into the option menu, which should bypass safestrap (and bootstrap for that matter)
Posted 21 June 2012 - 05:24 PM
Now that Motorola has officially announced 211 is THE ICS UPGRADE! Could you rewrite the utility to install 211?
I will be doing a clean up of 181 tomorrow and an install of the 211 leak.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Posted 23 June 2012 - 01:00 AM
Any thoughts?
#109 Guest_jmonroe0914_*
Posted 23 June 2012 - 01:03 PM
If that still doesn't work, then try using razr utility 1.7
Posted 23 June 2012 - 03:38 PM
You need the updated root for 4.0.4, that method only worked for 4.0.3. The 1.7 utility has a method for rooting 4.0.4 or do a search for razrs edge root.I just installed the Verizon ICS 4.04 6.16.211 and when I try to use option 3 for root ICS I get "error device not found". I have it in "media mode" and am using the latest driver on my PC. This worked when I rooted GBR but now I can't get it to work. Also verified that debugging is enabled.
Any thoughts?
Posted 23 June 2012 - 06:11 PM
1) HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2012-06-23 21:10:44 ERROR 404: Not Found.
cannot find archive
Thes system cannot find the file specified.
<press any key>
3)error: cannot load 'Stock181\mbmloader.bin'
4)error: cannot load 'Stock181\mbm.bin'
<press any key>
5)errors keep coming (no need to list them all at this point... i think), then reboots normally. 181 completly fails, but 744 works perfect (except ablity to take OTA)
#112 Guest_jmonroe0914_*
Posted 24 June 2012 - 11:57 AM
i'm an advanced newbie/novice and in need of assistance. this is my 3rd rooted android (dinc and dinc2). so, my razr was on 181, and rooted. flashed Eclipse ROM. changed boot logo and got boot error. battery low prevent unbricking (phone would not charge w/ house charger, car charger or usb). removed battery and charged. unbricked with moto-fastboot. now on 744 (w/ what i think is all the original bloatware). trying to get back to 181 so i can take 4.0.4 OTA. tried ota update to 748, (assuming i could take ota after ota until back to 181). ota update downloads, but 1/3 way through (assumming unpacking) progress bar, install fails and reboots normally. tried batman util to restore to 181. but getting errors. have unzipped to desktop (unzips into "RazrUtility .1" folder. tried moving all files directly to desktop. tried moving folder contents to c:\RazrUtility. but get same errors everytime. also tried reinstalling drivers, but no change in error messages.
1) HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2012-06-23 21:10:44 ERROR 404: Not Found.
cannot find archive
Thes system cannot find the file specified.
<press any key>
3)error: cannot load 'Stock181\mbmloader.bin'
4)error: cannot load 'Stock181\mbm.bin'
<press any key>
5)errors keep coming (no need to list them all at this point... i think), then reboots normally. 181 completly fails, but 744 works perfect (except ablity to take OTA)
I'm sort of confused by the last bit about what you did with the RAZR Utility.
In regards to you having issues doing an OTA, it's more than likely failing because something isn't stock... build.prop isn't matching, stock/system apps disabled or uninstalled, etc.
If you're still having issues, try this... (which will erase your phone an reload .181. Bbackup anything thats not on your external sd card that you want to keep)
Redownload Droid RAZR Utility 1.6, and extract it to your Documents folder, then run it from that folder.
Make sure your phone is in AP FastBoot mode (Power off phone, hold down Vol + and Vol - continuously, press and release the power button to boot the phone). When you're phone boots up, you should see an options screen, scroll down the list to AP Fastboot (by pressing vol -) and select it (by using vol +).
Select #1 on Razr Utility and follow the on screen prompts to the letter.
If this doesn't work or you have problems, please post again
Posted 25 June 2012 - 03:41 AM
Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:49 AM
writing 'system'...
Any suggestions?
Posted 27 June 2012 - 12:25 PM
Try a different USB cord. Sometimes, I've found that a powered hub will help (if it's separately powered). The USB cable should be plugged directly into the computer, not with a non-powered hub, and it should be the ONLY peripheral device plugged into the computer. Restart your computer. If you do all of those things, you'll probably have a fresh start and it will work correctly. Oh, and make sure the screen on your device is not locked out. The problem you're indicating, timing out on system, is in my experience a weak cable, weak USB connection, or an "unclean" mount, i.e., you have old data that hasn't been wiped and it's interfering with the install. Less likely it's a problem with the build file or bloatware, as the errors would be more specific. On the other hand, if you're getting errors like those shown in post #112 above, which indicate missing files running Utility, you are probably in the wrong path. Make sure the files are exactly as they unzipped, and that you are in that folder using terminal command cd ~/[Desktop]/[RAZRUtility1.6] - I'm using Desktop as an example - you should use whatever folder actually contains the Utility folder, and if any further child levels, you need to include those too, so that you are in the actual Utility folder, whatever you call it - by default, it should be called DroidRAZRUtility1.6.
So....if you downloaded the zip file to your Desktop, then unzipped it, you would have a folder called DroidRAZRUtility1.6 on your Desktop, and the command would be cd ~/Desktop/DroidRAZRUtility1.6 [hit return]. If you unzip the files, and then start moving files around to other folders, the .bat file will not find files that it needs, unless you have all of the exe files in your permanent PATH already, and if you're not sure what that means, then you probably don't. When it's running system, it may actually be onto the next install, and the .bat has about 20 separate file installs during that time. So that's the last thing that could cause a problem - it can take 20 minutes for the whole thing to run, and possibly you're not giving it the time it needs.
Posted 28 June 2012 - 08:03 PM
writing 'cdt.bin'... INFOPreflash validation failure
FAILED (remote: )
sending 'devtree' (512 KB)... OKAY [ 0.327s]
writing 'devtree'... INFOPreflash validation failure
FAILED (remote: )
error: cannot load 'files\logo.bin'
sending 'boot' (8192 KB)... OKAY [ 0.778s]
writing 'boot'... INFOPreflash validation failure
FAILED (remote: )
sending 'recovery' (9216 KB)... OKAY [ 1.123s]
writing 'recovery'... INFOPreflash validation failure
writing 'cdt.bin'... INFOPreflash validation failure
FAILED (remote: )
sending 'devtree' (512 KB)... OKAY [ 0.327s]
writing 'devtree'... INFOPreflash validation failure
FAILED (remote: )
error: cannot load 'files\logo.bin'
writing 'boot'... INFOPreflash validation failure
FAILED (remote: )
sending 'recovery' (9216 KB)... OKAY [ 1.123s]
writing 'recovery'... INFOPreflash validation failure
I'm thinking its gone, so i am prepared for bad news. i will prob smash the ever living $!#7 out of it....and give it back
Posted 29 June 2012 - 06:15 AM
Thanks Matt for saving the day!
Posted 29 June 2012 - 02:48 PM
Sent from my Droid Razr using Xparent Red Tapatalk 2
Posted 29 June 2012 - 02:52 PM
Sent from my DROID SPYDER using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
Posted 29 June 2012 - 02:59 PM
What ROM and version are you running now?
Sent from my DROID SPYDER using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
I'm using axiom razr complex.
Sent from my Droid Razr using Xparent Red Tapatalk 2
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