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Add Wallpapers To Stock Wallpaper Gallery

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#1 mhous33


    Droid Master

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  • 480 posts

Posted 18 April 2013 - 11:52 PM

you can add your own wallpapers to the stock wallpapers gallery easily by creating a "wallpapers" directory in /system/media/ and changing the folder's permissions to drwxr-xr-x. just look at the permissions of the other folders in that directory to see the configuration pattern.

now you just need to make a thumbnail image of your wallpaper and copy both to the /system/media/wallpapers directory you just created and change their permissions to rw-r-r.

open your wallpaper gallery and your wallpaper will show up at the end of the preview strip.

note: the wallpapers will also show up in your gallery app, but they can be deleted safely from the gallery without deleting them from the system.

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